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Posted 14 October 2007 - 04:12 AM
Posted 14 October 2007 - 04:29 AM
I'm looking forward to hearing Reala in japanese. He'll probably sound the best that way.
Yeah me too! And ofcourse Reala will sound best in Japanese!! ^.~ I strongly prefer to play games in Japanese anyway, the voice acting is so much better and, also it aids me while I'm learning Japanese! ^_^
But I really hope Reala's voice doesn't sound to bad in english either! Because games that are english dub majority of the time seem to have bad voice acting especially when it comes to Sega! T_T
Posted 14 October 2007 - 04:36 AM
But I really hope Reala's voice doesn't sound to bad in english either! Because games that are english dub majority of the time seem to have bad voice acting especially when it comes to Sega! T_T[/quote]Very much agreed.
Posted 14 October 2007 - 05:50 AM
Posted 14 October 2007 - 01:57 PM
Dear lord, has any topic ever been as long as this? Also, DiGi activated his bunny powers. BE AFRAID........
VERY Afraid or just Afraid, you haven't made it quite that Clear XD
Indeed, this is going to be a Loooooong topic... I don't expect it'll ever stop getting Post's until After the "JoD Rush of Exitement" Is over with...
Posted 14 October 2007 - 03:09 PM
*coughrealasanazicough* *SHOT*
Posted 14 October 2007 - 08:43 PM
Posted 15 October 2007 - 01:21 AM
I had a feeling Godwin's Law was going to affect this topic.Uhh...Sorry, But i do not believe that Reala's a nazi. Last i checked, Nazi Nightmaren don't rescue dreamers.
Now, we simply wait until this topic dies off.
Posted 15 October 2007 - 12:37 PM
I though that was for arguments only?I had a feeling Godwin's Law was going to affect this topic.
Now, we simply wait until this topic dies off.
Posted 15 October 2007 - 03:25 PM
Uhh...Sorry, But i do not believe that Reala's a nazi. Last i checked, Nazi Nightmaren don't rescue dreamers.
.___. Um...WHEN has Reala EVER rescued a Dreamer? Did I miss a bonus in the original game? Or is there something about JoD I missed?
Besides, I was kidding, sheesh.
Posted 15 October 2007 - 04:19 PM
Posted 15 October 2007 - 05:21 PM
I always thougt it would be so cool for reala to be a bit pixie like and playful one minute, and dark and sinister the next. But iguess that's always been how i see jackle, too...
I could see him like that if it was, like...A "cat and mouse" kind of playful. Reala could toy with his prey before he hurts/kills 'em. XD That'd suit him well.
Posted 15 October 2007 - 05:29 PM
Oh my gosh, I can sooo see that!I could see him like that if it was, like...A "cat and mouse" kind of playful. Reala could toy with his prey before he hurts/kills 'em. XD That'd suit him well.
He could knock the victom around a bit, let the person get all annoyed and upset. Then go for the kill or whatever! OmO. Imma have nightmares now. Can't wait, so I can come crying here and explaining what ahppened XD
Posted 15 October 2007 - 11:09 PM
Oh my gosh, I can sooo see that!
He could knock the victom around a bit, let the person get all annoyed and upset. Then go for the kill or whatever! OmO. Imma have nightmares now. Can't wait, so I can come crying here and explaining what ahppened XD
O.O; Hmm..... Reala toying with his prey before the kill! Oh my.... Thats as cruel as it gets!!!.... ( Notice when referring to Reala the term 'Toying with' means 'Brutal Torture') ^_^
Posted 16 October 2007 - 12:43 AM
No, it applies to most every online disscussion, including forum threads. But I guess I was wrong about this topic dying off!I though that was for arguments only?
Posted 16 October 2007 - 11:42 AM
'somtimes it likes to play with it's food..."
predator, reala aint got nothing on you!
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