idea here is that Will -- one of the new characters in the sequel -- has lost contact with his father, which has led to him having nightmares. So for this level, or "Nightopia" as the game calls it, players will come across objects that tie-in with his past. An amusement park is there to reflect the happy times of his childhood (and his current sadness as the sand all around covers it up). A beanstalk rising out of the ground "serves as a subconscious symbol of Will's inner desire to grow up and escape the desolation he feels," according to an official Sega description.
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The Dream Of Desert
Posted 18 August 2007 - 01:45 AM
Posted 18 August 2007 - 03:00 AM
Posted 18 August 2007 - 03:07 AM
Wonder if the rollercoaster will be accessible by the kid? That would be nifty.
Posted 18 August 2007 - 04:25 AM
Awesome. So, drill dasing causes gold sparkles. I do believe that's a step above the line trailing NiGHTS in the first game. Again, the stage seems to be less crowded. I wonder why there's still less items.
I thought that gold stuff to be after that speed thing.
The less crowed thing has to be because its unfinished or something. (Unfinished at the time the picture was made.)
Posted 18 August 2007 - 07:22 AM
Posted 18 August 2007 - 09:27 AM
The preview they're with s important. I like the idea of changing the levels look to help in reflect childhood happiness.
Posted 18 August 2007 - 10:28 AM
Yeah, this level is probably the arabian/sand level we had heard about. In terms of graphics, i think they've polished it up a bit. The level itself doesn't look so jaggy around the edges now. I'm glad NiGHTS' SpongeBob eyelashes have actually been removed, too. This new level doesn't look too bad, either. Reminds me a bit of Pumpkin Hill from Sonic Adventure 2 but, meh, this is Sonic team. Also reminds me of Stick Canyon a bit, from the original NiGHTS.
Actually....Lynne just pointed out something rather interesting. Stick Canyon in the original NiGHTS into Dreams represented Elliots growth and how he wanted to grow up. Isn't this level representing the same thing for Will? It mentions the Beanstalk representing Wills growing up. The tower that is being built in Elliots Stick Canyon also represents the same thing. o_o Again. Remake? Sequel? Who the hell knows anymore.
Posted 18 August 2007 - 10:31 AM
Anyway, all this is gettin me EXCITED 8D! ! I'm looking forward to seein more 8D!
Posted 18 August 2007 - 10:33 AM
Posted 18 August 2007 - 11:08 AM
Also, I love the golden sparkles. Mmm, sparkles...
Posted 18 August 2007 - 11:17 AM
*cries at the air blimps*
Posted 18 August 2007 - 11:59 AM
Posted 18 August 2007 - 01:13 PM
Posted 18 August 2007 - 05:37 PM
*cries at the air blimps*
That made me LOL. XD
I would bet that they would add at least one more of your fears. >
Anyways his unnatural blue eyes seem to remind me of Sonic waaaaaaaaay too much.
I kinda wish they would darken it.
Posted 18 August 2007 - 06:12 PM
Besıdes the tower, dıdnt stıck canyon have somethıng of a rollercoaster too ?
Posted 18 August 2007 - 06:46 PM
Posted 18 August 2007 - 08:22 PM
Hi I'm a grammar nazi. DiGi, it's Sega is, not Sega are. Sega is just a single team.
eh? I can't even find that mistake...
And doesn't Sega have like a Sega American team and a Sega Japanese team?
I'm confused...
(Says the girl that never passed her English class.)
Posted 18 August 2007 - 08:40 PM
Im in love
Posted 18 August 2007 - 11:07 PM
Posted 19 August 2007 - 12:37 AM
Those yellow streaks coming from NiGHTS' boots... Rocket NiGHTS?
I'm guessing thats the new version of that thing that happens when you do that thing that gave you that yellow streaky thing behind you but it only occurred for a limited amount of time. Someone can probably say it better I'm sure.
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS!!!! I couldn't wait any longer for new info.
Posted 19 August 2007 - 01:01 AM
Deleted your post because it was off topic. If you would like to make a complaint about my grammer (not that i care too much) then you can do that in private and not on the forums. Thank you.Hi I'm a grammar nazi. DiGi, it's Sega is, not Sega are. Sega is just a single team.
Hey DiGi, it's funny you said the level reminded you of Pumpkin Hill. I thought the exact same thing when I saw it . Still, the level does look nice. The roller coaster might add some nice gameplay features.
Yeah, if you get to use the actual roller coaster that would be interesting. Stick Canyon had that weird roller coaster that you get to use but would often cause you to run out of time on the last lap. Let's hope this 'Dream of Desert' doesn't cause the same thing as Stick Canyon. That last lap always killed me. XD
I'm also wondering if you'll be able to break through that layer of cloud at any point in the level. It seems the beanstalk rises up above it so i wonder if you'll be able to venture to that area.
Posted 19 August 2007 - 01:03 AM
Also does anyone notice the stage has no upside-down ground blocking the sky? Does this mean NiGHTS can fly however high he wants?
Posted 19 August 2007 - 01:43 AM
I think the whole "it looks kind of empty" thing is perhaps something of an illusion on these screenshots. Unlike the NiGHTS levels we're familiar with, this one actually appears to have a sky, instead of more land and features blocking you from soaring up high( as mentioned in the post above ), and I think that's probably contributing to its spacious feel. Which is likely done on purpose going by the background story on the level as well as the character it's attributed to. Empty, spacious = lonely, right?
Though, regardless of that. I still think it needs more hoops and things. At the moment it doesn't look like there much to really do in the level. Past fly around and sight-see, anyway.
Posted 19 August 2007 - 03:34 AM
Actually, I think this is something that Jackle or Puffy would be the boss of.....well....maybe not Jackle....Clawz probably??? But they should add Reala in the later lavels or something....Also, do you think they trashed the whole "Great Mother" deal??? We haven't heard AT ALL about her yet....
Oh, and NiGHTS's eyes are WAAAAAAY too glowy...and not like the soft glow....but too linear.....
Posted 19 August 2007 - 06:28 AM
Posted 19 August 2007 - 05:25 PM
Ellıots fırst stage - Splash Garden
Wılls fırst stage - Splash garden lıke level
Ellıot fırst boss - Puffy
Wılls ?fırst? boss - Puffy lıke boss
Ellıots last stage - Stıck Canyon
Wılls ?last? stage - Stıck canyone lıke level
Also, the one screen of helen ın game showed the skylıne of a dıfferent level too, brıght and cheerfull lıke sprıng valley.
EDIT : Shıt. Upon further ınspectıon, splash garden ıs Helens level. That screws everythınng up a bıt.
Posted 19 August 2007 - 08:16 PM
The level itself doesn't look so jaggy around the edges now.
The pictures are "bullshots" though. If you don't know what that is, it's a commonly used marketing tactic by game companies for last gen games to make them look better in stills on modern computers. They basically take the game and up the resolution(which is the case here) and add 16X AA(which is also the case here) in stills. The game itself will still look "jaggy" when you play it because the Wii can't output 16X AA or display anything above 720X480 by design.
Posted 19 August 2007 - 10:48 PM
In response to Jof's 'remake debate', what if it isn't? Peep this idea for a second. The Puffy boss represented Elliots mum. In this game it could represent Helens mum, instead. Not in the sense that it's over writting everything before but more along the lines of certain aspects in dreams meaning the same thing for different dreamers. I'm probably not making any sense so the best example i can give is this - Two different people dream similar things that have similar meanings yet the visuals of what they're dreaming about alter slightly. So, in a sense 'Phuckle' could technically be Puffy only its Helens interpretation of her.
Posted 19 August 2007 - 11:03 PM
Posted 20 August 2007 - 12:57 AM
Posted 20 August 2007 - 02:13 AM
Posted 20 August 2007 - 04:26 AM
Posted 20 August 2007 - 04:58 AM
Guest_Vampire Killer_*
Posted 20 August 2007 - 05:12 AM
Posted 20 August 2007 - 01:18 PM
>_< I'm wondering how we're supposed to play the game when all these pictures show NiGHTS from the FRONT!!! Then again, I guess hind-vision is 20/20...
is a very good question.
Posted 20 August 2007 - 04:27 PM
When I first saw the screen shots, I thought this level, like what DiGi Valentine says, quite does remind me of Stick Canyon.
They're promotional pictures taken for gaming sites and magazines. They don't need to demonstrate game-play in stills so the shots are coming at all angles to highlight different aspects of the level that they want you to see. It's done all the time.
Hell, you can do it yourself to a lesser degree in the original game. Just watch the post-dream replay of the mare. You get all kinds of crazy angles.
Posted 20 August 2007 - 04:47 PM
They're promotional pictures taken for gaming sites and magazines. They don't need to demonstrate game-play in stills so the shots are coming at all angles to highlight different aspects of the level that they want you to see. It's done all the time.
Hell, you can do it yourself to a lesser degree in the original game. Just watch the post-dream replay of the mare. You get all kinds of crazy angles.
makes sense. I forgot about replays. Silly silly me will I ever learn
Posted 20 August 2007 - 10:34 PM
Im in love
My feelings exactly! Finally, some new info! Stupid tight lipped Sega.. *mumble grumble*
I didn't notice it before, but you guys are right: NiGHTS eyes are waaaaaaaaaaaay too bright. They're kinda creepy..But oh well. I'll still play the game anyway.
Posted 20 August 2007 - 11:07 PM
In the second pic, take a good look at the rocks. One of 'em definitely looks like a toucan. There's also one in the bottom left corner that could be a seagull. Then there's the bra. The giant malformed bra...
You know, i said the exact same thing to TRiPPY about that rock formation looking like a bra, too. XD I'm glad i'm not the only one to think that, either. Otherwise i would most probably be labeled as a pervert or something >_>
Posted 21 August 2007 - 12:13 AM
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