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I attempted 3D 'SELPH'

Selph Self 3D 3D Model 3D Selph

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  • Visitor
  • PipPipPip
  • 63 posts
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Santiago, Chile
  • Interests:Programming, sciences and arts.

Hi, I would like to share with you a piece of fanart that I made and uploaded into my art account.
A few months ago, I attempted to recreate SELPH in 3D based upon the early obscure NiGHTS concept art pieces that surfaced online years ago, and plus, the strange small gray silhouette of a tear-shaped head that was found in the game's data.


My 3D artworks tend to be "SATURN-esque", feel free to visit my instagram account @melodic.warrior. My artistic identity is also closely inspired in NiGHTS into dreams, programming, vaporwave and retro gaming aesthetics.


You can see more SELPH poses at: https://www.instagra.../p/CCzDMIdJ0Yi/

Also, my direct IG url: https://www.instagra...elodic.warrior/





Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Selph, Self, 3D, 3D Model, 3D Selph

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