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Anyone know where the score is in the Hex?

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  • Visitor
  • PipPip
  • 30 posts
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Northern california
  • Interests:Snowboarding, Mountain biking, Android, Surfing, Retro Games, TV, Hiking, Fishing, Movies
I had this idea to modify NiGHTS Saturn Iso into a multiplayer netlinked game on retroarch. I want to

1) Pull the current score data from memory
2) Feed that data to Retroarch Netlink feature
3) Display the score live on the networked opponent screen with your score nearby (Add another score to display with the data)

Seems not too bad. The biggest problem I think will be displaying another score on screen with a modified Iso. But before I go comparing save states to find the score data anyone know off hand? My Googling is failing me.

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