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Third Level Nightmaren minions

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  • Interests:deviantart, gaia, .hack, Doctor Who, MLP, Dresden Files



So I was doing some research and found this thing. http://www.nightsintodreams.com/forum/topic/4215-official-jod-3rd-level-nightmaren-names/ And it has some awesome information, which I assume is in holding for when the site gets updated. But I was wondering if art was ever done for these maren like it was done for the NiD ones of the same tier? If not I was going to offer to do some. But who would be best to contact about that? Also because if it's already done, I don't want to duplicate someone else's efforts.


Thanks much to whoever knows anything!




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Hmm, it feels like ages since I checked, but maybe in the JoD gallery? At least, I think there's something like you're looking for.

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