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Elliot is in Journey of Dreams as more than just a skin swap

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  • Interests:Memes, Christmas, SEGA, Sonic, & the Mother series. But not the first one. It sucked.

I noticed this a while back, but I didn't have a forum account. In Will's intro, after the camera pans down to the football field in the beginning, it cuts to a shot of some kids kicking around a ball in the foreground (right at 0:17), with a familiar character to the right of the frame, closest to the camera.

Yo, that's straight up Mr. Edwards. Looks like he mastered basketball and has moved on to another sport. It's a cool easter egg, but it definitely doesn't match up with the timeline, as there are only perfect dreamers every 100 years, and since it's likely that Journey happens before into Dreams, there's no possible way that could be Elliot himself. Maybe his grandfather?

(Credit to DerfsonicGaming for uploading the intro)



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If I remember I think one of Helen's friends happens to look like Claris too, I think it's just a couple easter eggs they threw in there, almost like they were getting their jollies out rendering the original characters using new graphics. Personally I don't take it to heart as a 'canon' sort of thing or whatnot.




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  • Interests:Memes, Christmas, SEGA, Sonic, & the Mother series. But not the first one. It sucked.

Yeah, it does make sense, as the openings take place in a dream

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