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What do you think of the comics, and do you see them as cannon?

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  • Visitor
  • PipPipPip
  • 54 posts
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Hell.
  • Interests:Memes, Christmas, SEGA, Sonic, & the Mother series. But not the first one. It sucked.

I definitely count them as cannon, since the story matches up pretty much perfectly with the game, plus we get more backstory, and in 4,5, and 6, we get to see what happens after the game. However, as much as I love the additional lore, I absolutely hate the dialogue and art style. I can hardly believe anyone over at Archie thought that giant, creepily reflective eyes, giant hands, giant feet, and tall skinny bodies was a great idea, and it's even more unbelievable that the art style stuck until up until the end of the Adventure arc in the Sonic Comics (same guys). Although it's strange that in the comics, Puffilla is Claris' voice coach, and yet, Puffy appears in Elliot's dream. Probably my favorite part was the character development of the blond guy, Elliot's basketball rival, and that whole arc which I won't spoil because it's pretty much the only good part of the story.  

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