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What kind of transformations should NiGHTS have in a possible new NiGHTS game?

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  • Interests:Memes, Christmas, SEGA, Sonic, & the Mother series. But not the first one. It sucked.

I'm definitely not saying it should happen, unless all of Sonic Team worked on it, instead of the one third of them who worked on the abysmal Journey of Dreams, but if there were ever another NiGHTS game, what kind of transformations do you think NiGHTS should have, and do you think you should be able to change them at will, like in JoD, or should they only be context sensitive, NiD style? I'd personally go for a seahorse NiGHTS for underwater segments (it would control the same as if you were flying, just a bit slower and momentum is lost a bit easier), 6 straight-back spikes out of the back of her head instead of the 2 droopy ones for on-rails, can't turn around segments, and maybe a UFO NiGHTS for some sort of crane game minigame. 



    Crazy Regular

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I feel like the personas in JoD were mostly tacked on, I lost a few times to Wizeman at first because I hadn't realized you need them to fight him, lol. Contextual shapeshifting like in NiD is fine, though if they integrated the persona gameplay a little more I'm ok with that too. In JoD the only one that really had much use was Rocket, so a selectable form that speeds NiGHTS up like that can be useful. Or maybe a magnetic type that attracts items for big links, like the Katamari-esque section in Stick Canyon.

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