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How have I put up with the HD port for literal years?!

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  • Interests:Memes, Christmas, SEGA, Sonic, & the Mother series. But not the first one. It sucked.

So, I just played the PS3 port of NiD for the first time in a while, and I have to say... this is inexcusable. The finicky, laggy controls make the game nearly impossible to play, let alone get great scores on. I'm honestly shocked that SEGA's CEO actually looked at this, and said, 

It's like it was an early build that just got polished up. Then again, Silent Hill Collection exists...



    Crazy Regular

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When the port first came out it was sluggish, but they did tighten it up in an update, now only the top-down sections are slower than they should be for whatever reason.

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