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Puffy and Gillwing are actually touch-dash tutorials

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  • PipPipPip
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  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Hell.
  • Interests:Memes, Christmas, SEGA, Sonic, & the Mother series. But not the first one. It sucked.

Ok, imagine this. You’re the hippest kid of 1997, and you just got a SEGA Saturn and a used copy of NiGHTS into Dreams. It’s only the disk, but who needs manuals? You eventually figure out how to play the game by fiddling around and getting numerous night overs, and make your way to the first boss. Either Puffy or Gillwing works for this example because they can both be beaten with touch-dashes. Up until this point, you’ve been beating enemies by grabbing them, and then looping around them. You have no idea what a touch dash is, but these bosses teach you, and neither is very threatening, so it works well. When you first see Puffy, all you perceive is a big, round ball. You instinctively fly toward it to paraloop it, and- what? Your magic sparkle dust runs out before you can make a full loop. You can do nothing to detach yourself, no direction gets you off. Out of desperation, you tap a face button, and POW! There she go. You repeat the process until she gets smushed by her strange interior decorating. Rip. Same with Gillwing. You see his huge, gross chin, and immediately lock on, laser guided. You’re stuck, same as with Puffy, so you tap a button, and you’ve DECAPITATED AN INNOCENT DRAGOO. JK he’s fine, but since his head grows back, he teaches as well as Puffy about touch dashes, which are required to beat the next two bosses, as well as Wizeman. 2/10 game, too much good design choices, needs more DLC.




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  • PipPipPip
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  • Interests:Sitting at the shoreline questioning my life choices.

tbh you would most likely find out about touch dashing before learning that spinning in circles kills. Touch dahes automatically occur when you touch a nightmaren in a "non-damage" spot. Nothing is ever stated unless you get a night over about paraloops.

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