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NiGHTS looks eerily similar to Dr. Eggman

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So check this out.


Here's og noots http://www.nightsint...o/nights(2).jpg

And here's Adventure/Adventure 2 era Robotneggman http://vignette3.wik...&path-prefix=en


Now the first thing that likely sticks out are the two white buttons near the... pelvic... region. You may think the similarities end here, but you'd be wrong. Check out the shape of Eggy's feet. Weird, huh? Not to mention how similar they are to Naitsu's feets. This may be kind of stretching it, but look at the pose. These both came from around the same span of 5 years, and are official artwork. Next, cuffs. No one wears cuffs, only fat old people and dream... things, which is why the cuffs around the wrist stand out. This is really baffling, it makes no sense why this was done, unless it was hinting at Sonic and his millions of friends as the bad guys.




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are you just really bored



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I think it'd be the other way around. That Eggman redesign came a few years after NiGHTS hit the scene. I do see where you're going with this but personally, if you want to talk about similarities between the two characters, I'd say that the classic Robotnik design fits this argument better.




are you just really bored

Haha! It's nice to see new activity here but I too have that question sitting in my mind.




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I think it'd be the other way around. That Eggman redesign came a few years after NiGHTS hit the scene. I do see where you're going with this but personally, if you want to talk about similarities between the two characters, I'd say that the classic Robotnik design fits this argument better.




Haha! It's nice to see new activity here but I too have that question sitting in my mind.

It's funny because I know this guy. Chill dude.


I honestly view it as more a coincidence than anything.




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All these images lead me to imagine robotnik making a robot NiGHTS. For robots to dream. THATS FREAKING CRAZY!

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