Ok, so there was a time in my life when I was super into creepypasta, now I look back on that time and resent myself. However, I did find one single NiGHTS creepypasta once, and I'm sure a few of you know what I'm talking about, the one describing the cliche of getting a weird prototype build on EBay and it supposedly having the scrapped SELPH fight from NiGHTS into Dreams, and I noticed how similar it was to a particular cutscene in NiGHTS Journey of Dreams (JoD spoilers BTW). The scene I'm talking about of course is the scene before Helen's Bell Bridge stage when you have at least C ranks in all missions. Read the creepypasta, (it should be easy to find, it's the only NiGHTS one I've ever seen) and then watch that scene. The interesting thing is, I can't find any info on when the pasta was originally posted, so for all I know, some edgy nerd out there could have closely predicted the setup to the ending of JoD.
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JoD's third act is very similar to the NiD Creepypasta
Started by supersonic25730, Apr 14 2016 01:13 AM
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