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Stunted Growth

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Afro Thunder

Afro Thunder


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Not sure how many of you guys do fanfiction on here, but I find it helpful to hone my skills for my own original works. Anyways, here's a NiGHTS story I started that I hope ya'll will enjoy called Stunted Growth (AO3 Mirror).


Basically it's about a child star growing up and becoming unwilling to let go of the childhood he never had, and thus is unable to possess two important Ideya: Growth and Courage. Along the way, NiGHTS and the NiD/JoD protagonists try to help him find himself and move past his childhood obsession. It's gonna be my first time exploring angst and using dreams as a way to cling on to a past you never truly had.


Any constructive criticism would be much welcomed. :)




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  • Interests:Memes, Christmas, SEGA, Sonic, & the Mother series. But not the first one. It sucked.

Pretty much everything is phenomenal. It's a bit monotonous at points though, maybe too much telling and not enough showing? I dunno, I'm not really a writer.

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