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19 years and still finding out new things...

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While trying to beat that 1 million score for Spring Valley on the xbox leaderboard I realised stunts can help you collect spaced out items. Roulette (right+L/R), where Nights faces you and spreads out his arms and legs - Mare 4, after the gust of wind takes you up, it helps me collect all 6 blue chips just before the capture.





    Crazy Regular

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So the stunts really are helpful. I'll give it a try sometime.

Dex la Cabra

Dex la Cabra


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I've always wondered what the point in the stunts was, I was always adamant that it couldn't only be for the trick loops XD Speaking of 19 years, we're not far off it being 20! :o The years, they do flow by :')




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Using R while not moving the control stick in the link ball section of the 3D bit of Soft Museum to collect all 5 chips 100% of the time




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Now I want to dig out my Saturn and try these out! I love that we're all still finding so many different tips to help each other after all this time! :)

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