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Upcoming Event Featuring Christmas NiGHTS

Christmas NiGHTS IRL event UK London Clapham tournament

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So there's a regular gaming night called Game Changer, which takes place in this pub in Clapham called Stane St Syndicate. It's free to attend (although attendees are recommended to purchase food and drink there, seeing as the pub is as business and we are guests and all)

Aaaanyways I noticed that their upcoming event, their Christmas event, heavily emphasises Christmas NiGHTS! Here are more details of the event :



The winner of the main tournament of these events often bags a £50 bar tab (although I'll be honest and admit I haven't verified if this will be the case with this event, or if Christmas NiGHTS will be the only tournament taking place. In the instance of multiple tournaments the prize tab does tend to get divided).


So, yea. I should be popping along. Possibly see some of you there?




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Hmmm, sounds interesting. If I can, I'll go. Xmas Nights is a tradition in my house.


Will they have a Saturn up and running or the HD version, i.e. no presents :(



    Crazy Regular

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That's cool, I don't even know of any bars here that have any sorts of gaming events, let alone NiGHTS.


Though to be fair there is Barcade, where 80's arcade machines are part of the bar, but it's not quite the same thing.




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Das cool, too bad no one here in the US is willing to anything.

Dex la Cabra

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Woah that's a really good idea :0 I'd try to go myself but I have like no money just now, let us know if it's any good Helen! :)
It'd be cool to have a NiGHTS convention with this kind of stuff, something for us all to migrate to haha

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