I'm sure a lot of us would like to fantasize about what NiGHTS in Smash would be like; if he was, not only would I play as him but I'd probably do whatever it took to get my hands on his Amiibo.
I'm sure a lot of us would like to fantasize about what NiGHTS in Smash would be like; if he was, not only would I play as him but I'd probably do whatever it took to get my hands on his Amiibo.
As a competitive Smash player myself I would totally main NiGHTS if she were in! In the case of the Amiibo I would go high and low to get one as I have zero NiGHTS merchandise.
I have a few bits and pieces of NiGHTS merch, but yeah an Amiibo would be by far the most accessible piece of merch ever offered.. Funny thing is in the miniscule, infintesimal chance it would ever be conceived of happening that NiGHTS was added to Smash he'd be like, 99% likely to be in his JoD outfit. But of course I can't help but have a preference for the original designs/artwork.
We could for fun also speculate about his moveset, but I believe that's been done in one already existing thread or another..
I haven't bought a single amiibo but I swear to God that if I saw a NiGHTS amiibo I would buy at least five of them.
If there was a NiGHTS Amiibo I would totally buy it! It would be cool if they made a Reala one too. It would be fun to see what would happen when you used them in Amiibo compatible games.
If there was a NiGHTS Amiibo I would totally buy it! It would be cool if they made a Reala one too. It would be fun to see what would happen when you used them in Amiibo compatible games.
Likewise, we need a NiGHTS amiibo and a new game.
10/10, would buy even if there was no game I could use it on
I'm surprised NiGHTS didn't get a Mii costume or anything in Smash. Playable NiGHTS would be a dream come true...for a very small amount of people that happens to include me.
I guess the closest thing we are getting is a NiGHTS costume in Sonic Forces, lol
haha True
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