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Retry: Nights into Dreams Edition?

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Trailer Video


Possibly the best freemium game I've played in ages (android and apple). The control system is the high point (one touch, but that moves the plane forward and up, allowing 'paraloops').


Wishful thinking, but I would love to see a Nights version of it.



    Crazy Regular

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Haven't played it, but the trailer makes it seem like simply controlling the plane is a primary challenge of the game. NiGHTS shouldn't be a challenge to control, unless he's in plane mode or something, IMO. Otherwise the closest thing might be Kentilan's old 2D NiGHTS minigame.



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Yeah, I agree that NiGHTS shouldn't be difficult to control. However, I still think a NiGHTS phone app could work if executed properly. It probably wouldn't be more than a level or two, though depending on how big the app would be.

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