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SRB2 (NiGHTS style special stages)

NiGHTS Sonic Fan game SRB2

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Chao Freak 1

Chao Freak 1


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Wow, I haven't posted here in a while. This is a good excuse to.
So, the Sonic fan game, Sonic Robo Blast 2, is getting an update in 2 weeks. 
Great thing about this one, the seven special stages are NiGHTS themed. In multiple ways. 
NiGHTS mode itself is getting updated too. Controls are tighter and more NiGHTS-y. Paraloops aren't a pain anymore~ And doing laps over the idea palace is possible now. 
They released the second Special Stage as a demo. So in this video it's using the older engine. You can see why I'm excited for tighter paraloops. Haha.

Also, in case you guys didn't know, SRB2 supports custom levels, sprites and characters! So hopefully we'll be getting some cool NiGHTS mods for this game.

But yeah. Two weeks guys. 



    Crazy Regular

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Oh man! I haven't touched SRB2 in forever. I think I didn't play for long because the PC I was on could barely even run it. I'll give this a try in the near future.

Chao Freak 1

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AAAAND It's out. Torrent download only for now, but direct download's to follow soon.
And AAA THE SPECIAL STAGES ARE SO FUN! I've got more NiGHTS to play again! :DD ...kinda...

Chao Freak 1

Chao Freak 1


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AAAANND Double post, but players are already mastering Special Stage No. 7.




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Just figured I'd post here since I'm the guy who made them. :P

I hope you guys like the stages here.  If you play them, feel free to leave feedback.  I'm listening and looking for ways to make them better (Not necessarily easier, though. =P).

Dex la Cabra

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Just want to say thanks Rob, you've done some really good work here! :) I do loves me a NiGHTS cameo I do by gum!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: NiGHTS, Sonic, Fan game, SRB2

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