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Gonzo draws NiGHTS stuff sometimes

NiGHTS Sonic artwork

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  • Interests:Megaman, Sonic, NiGHTS, filling up pages with felt pen doodles and writing next to the doodles that can only be read with an electron microscope

The following isn't all of it, but it's currently what I'm most proud of (even the embarrassing old art). Includes some WtaHM stuff.



Really old 2005/6 stuff


http://fav.me/d3dtp6e Old-school Spectramis, or what I could discern of her design. Apparently I'm one of the few people who ever drew fanart of her, and even then I cheated and swapped out Gold and Silver for that green half-spear thing.


http://fav.me/d3dto5v Something I drew in '07, I think? Wish I could remember the story behind this.




http://fav.me/d27v6m0 Day and Night, aka Claris and Elliot.


http://fav.me/d32yrq9 NiGHTS and Megaman, the latter wearing a very colourful outfit.


http://fav.me/d3cl82d The final version of my hatless NiGHTS (for the longest time, I just borrowed TRiPPY's).


http://fav.me/d4yjhrf NiGHTS, Selph, and Reala. (Funtastic fact: my version of Selph used to be a NiGHTS retool...)


Recent stuff


http://fav.me/d6j8f2c Puffy and Zazz (Sonic Lost World). Be warned that it's a bit rude.


http://fav.me/d6jmw2m Sonic isn't enjoying the flight NiGHTS is trying to take him on...


http://fav.me/d6jmwzz Miniature art dump, mostly of NiGHTS annoying Sonic. 



(Also, I've got a question. I have this rough sketch of Engelbaum!Astrima and Orange Love as Zeti [the Lost World baddies], but I'm not sure what parts of them should be what colour. Obviously their bodies would be red and orange respectively, but I'm not sure about eyes, nails or horns. Any suggestions?)



    Crazy Regular

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Great work :)



    Crazy Regular

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They're all good creations but for some reason I have this crazy attraction to the NiGHTS and Mega Man pic. I think it's the old school vibe it gives off. I saved that one to my hard drive with the quickness! Good work, Gonzo. Keep doin what you do.




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  • Interests:Megaman, Sonic, NiGHTS, filling up pages with felt pen doodles and writing next to the doodles that can only be read with an electron microscope

Thanks. ^^



http://fav.me/d6k39tf A page of felt pen doodles I submitted recently that has some NiGHTS stuff on it (towards the bottom). As you can tell, it's been a very long while since I drew Reala, let alone with her hat on.


http://fav.me/d6ksw7l Astrima and Orange Love as Zeti (I figured out which colours to use and where). I hope it's okay to post this here as it's more Engelbaum/WtaHM than NiGHTS...


As stated in the artist's comments there, I may end up drawing more Gens as Zeti, though so far the only groups I can remember being in WtaHM are Indigo/Yell0w/Jade and Gold/Silver. Maybe Blue/Pink, but IIRC that was really only one pic.




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Hey! I recognize those doodles. You're the person who drew my hatless NiGHTS that one time! Hi!


You're doodles are really cute, by the way. I hope to see more of them.




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  • Gender:Female
  • Interests:Megaman, Sonic, NiGHTS, filling up pages with felt pen doodles and writing next to the doodles that can only be read with an electron microscope

Hi! :) And thanks. ^^



EDIT: http://fav.me/d6lamef More Gen-to-Zeti conversions with Jade, Yellow, and Indigo. (Warning: Indigo's flipping the double bird)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: NiGHTS, Sonic, artwork

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