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community iRC thoughts for 2013

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    Your Mum

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If anyone wanst to take charge of this whole chatroom shbang and get a community room up and running again (if it's not still around?)(I'm not sure) I can make it the official one linked to the site. Obviously it'll need responsible mods and rules and stuff though due to the age of some of users using it and i want the kiddles to be safe (but at least moderately entertained!) lol


If any of you guys would be into getting this all running again let me know via this topic.



    former Secretary of Balloon Doggies

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It's still up and running on irc.esper.net.   We hardly see any traffic around, save for a handful of regulars.



    Your Mum

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i noticed i still have the chat mibbit link thing on the main menu of the site so if the room still *exists* that's a good thing! I've not ventured into iRC for ages ;__; I actually forgot how to use the damn thing....

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