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.com experiencing downtime

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    Your Mum

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Hi folks,

Just a heads up to say that wordpress has corrupted and the site will require restoring. I'm not sure at this point how much of anything has been lost but the site may be down for some time. I'll try to rebuild it again if it's doable. In the mean time, the forums are still here :)

Imagni.com is my main focus right now so site work may be very slow, but I'll try to see what can be done in terms of saving nidcom if i have the motivation.


EDIT: Apparently it was corrupted by a hack. My admin is working to have as much restored as possible. Monday mondays~



    Your Mum

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Super Admin Myst has been working Hardc0re to have everything rebuilt in just a few hours. It could have been so much worse @_@; Phew. Sites may have some little broken bits here and there but that can be fixed now i can actually log into my damn account! >.< gyah. Today has been poo.

Dark Magician

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Hi folks,

Just a heads up to say that wordpress has corrupted and the site will require restoring. I'm not sure at this point how much of anything has been lost but the site may be down for some time. I'll try to rebuild it again if it's doable. In the mean time, the forums are still here :)

Imagni.com is my main focus right now so site work may be very slow, but I'll try to see what can be done in terms of saving nidcom if i have the motivation.


EDIT: Apparently it was corrupted by a hack. My admin is working to have as much restored as possible. Monday mondays~

It sounds like it was a real headache. Thanks for your work getting it back up, TRiPPy! XD

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