So, this year I am doing NaNoWriMo as usual, and I decided to write NiGHTs fanfiction.
I am posting what I write on my homepage, to let people know and so people can comment on it if they have any good ideas. Bear in mind this is NaNo work in progress, it might not even be in the right order yet, I am probably going to edit it in December, then probably put it on AO3 or
The Clockwork Wars
It is based on an idea I had that has already inspired a short fanfic. The basic premise is that the Alarm Clock Eggs are very, very dangerous. They aren't native to the dreamlands, they do irreversable damage to the fabric of dreams when they prematurely wake up the dreamers and they are also intelligent, organised and deliberately breaking things. They also aren't waking things up to the waking world, which the main character, an OC dreamer called Cass, finds out later on when they attack the waking world as well. The attacks are becoming more frequent and the latest one has wiped out an entire Mare. It starts when Reala is investigating the destroyed Mare.
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a NiGHTs NaNo
Started by The Exile, Nov 05 2012 02:34 AM
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