So hi there, people. I just recently was doing a lot of thinking, mostly about the maren I was lucky enough to have made for free for me so very long ago and have soo sadly lost over the years(and it has been YEARS). It's not true to me any more I suppose, but I'd like to more or less reintroduce myself under my numerous names.
I'm Travis, with Traivs as the usual deviation of my name. I have quite a few other names I go by, depending on what type of character I'm portraying.
I play under the name Selph pretty often when I play WoW, I use Zenith as a 'badass' type name. I use TMUnreal as an internet handle(as in my Facebook page), and Shinji Sakuraba as a J-handle. The flip side of Zenith is Zen, and I feel more and more like my Nightmaren would be a dual maren Zenith/Zen based on his affiliation/mood. However for some strange reason I feel like Zen's dreamer is female. I really have no idea why. My Ideya is the yellow Ideya of hope, and I seem to exemplify it pretty well to people who get to know me. I'm very kind and considerate and helpful and always hopeful for the future and the possibilities of the present. I'm really a dreamer, and not necessarily in the NiGHTS sense. I have big dreams and I paint them beautifully with my words.
Things I enjoy: Rock/punk music, action/adventure movies, RPG/action/adventure videogames. I love PSO more than anything ever,
If anyone wants to get to know me, you can easily email me, friend me on, and that even has a good cell number for me if you're my friend. I don't mind texts and such either, though don't expect me to answer any time from 1p-8p Central Time from Sunday-Thursday. If you want to friend me on WoW, use my email and that'll be fine. BTW so waiting on the English release of PSO2.
At any rate, if anyone wants to get to know me, etc., please don't be shy. I really am a great dude.
Travis M.
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Started by I_Am, Oct 24 2012 05:38 PM
Posted 24 October 2012 - 05:38 PM
Posted 25 October 2012 - 03:02 PM
I'm very new to the board but thought I'd say hello anyway. Having just got back from Vegas, and being impressed with how friendly all the Americans we met there were, it made me feel sad to see your message just hanging. People left my intro hanging for a few days too - what's wrong with this board? Lighten up people!
Welcome back anyways, although it seems pretty quiet here recently - I guess that despite the recent re-release of Nights we're a pretty niche fanbase.
Have a good'n.
I'm very new to the board but thought I'd say hello anyway. Having just got back from Vegas, and being impressed with how friendly all the Americans we met there were, it made me feel sad to see your message just hanging. People left my intro hanging for a few days too - what's wrong with this board? Lighten up people!
Welcome back anyways, although it seems pretty quiet here recently - I guess that despite the recent re-release of Nights we're a pretty niche fanbase.
Have a good'n.
Posted 26 October 2012 - 03:06 AM
There just aren't very many people on. If you look, very few of these forums seem to have any up to date topics. I 've been looking around but there's not really anything active.
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