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hi again

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  • Visitor
  • PipPipPip
  • 81 posts
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Minneapolis MN
Um.. hi!

Most of you probably don't remember me... I didn't stick around for very long last time, I already spend a lot of time on other forums so it was hard to keep coming back here, but I want to spend more time on here, and talk with other NiGHTS / SEGA fans. I'm pretty excited for NiGHTS HD. I'm also hoping I can sorta just chill out here, i easily get myself dragged into console warz and get emotionally invested xD, hoping I can get away from that here, it's a bad habit for me that im trying to break, but it's just so hard, it's like ingrained into me. So yeah, less time on neogaf, and more time spent here would be ideal i think! :D

A little bit about myself... I like to play videogames, I build websites, the most popular website i have built is segabits.com, of course. I like to design things..i like to draw... i love animals, i like some of nature, i like to listen to music.... and other things I'm too lazy to list. One problem I have though is stopping in the middle of something, even if its something I really enjoy, i just end up stopping and can't get back into it, happens with everything i do. One example being drawing, was practicing everyday really good for like 10 days straight and noticed good improvement, but i just ended up stopping all of a sudden..

anyways, yeah! I'm bad at introductions, so that's about all i got to say.. hi again!

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