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I need some help! I hope you can understand the question. It's quite difficult to translate into words from thought. :P

Which is NiGHTS most recent game wearing his 'classic' design from the original NiGHTS into Dreams? (not the JoD design).


Reason being that I need the 3D model for reference when designing my own. The games I can think of are:
- Saturn version (far too outdated / simplistic).
- Journey of Dreams (Wii model is horrible!)
- PS2 remake (Possible)
-Sega Superstars (Possible)

But can anyone think of any others from a more recent game? Many in a Sonic title?

Appreciate the help! :D



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Might be "Sega Splash! Golf"- a Sega golf game from a few years ago released only in Japan which had NiGHTS as a character (the Sega characters were your caddies or something like that), and it used NiGHTS's NiD design




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Wasn't Splash Golf online only? I believe it's servers were shut down awhile ago. Before that however I believe it was the first Sonic Riders game.




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Thanks for the info guys. So far I've collected the Sonic Riders model, the JoD model. I'm attempting to extract the PS2 remake of NiGHTS as I write this B)

Shouldn't take me too long to model, texture and rig a photo-realistic version of the purple wonder.
Then providing I can find the time to learn an industry standard renderer, I can make a NiGHTS short film! :D




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Then providing I can find the time to learn an industry standard renderer, I can make a NiGHTS short film! :D

That would be amazing! :lol:

But that comment plus your avatar and username makes me have to ask...
I realize the name may be just a coincidence, but are you Eddie Lebron? The one behind that awesome Megaman Fan Film and the upcoming Sonic one?




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But that comment plus your avatar and username makes me have to ask...
I realize the name may be just a coincidence, but are you Eddie Lebron? The one behind that awesome Megaman Fan Film and the upcoming Sonic one?

It's just coincidence. I've had that question many times, especially on discontinued Sonic projects. :lol:




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Ah, okay. Had to know! :)

Well if you are ever able to make a NiGHTS short film, I look forward to seeing it!
Any thoughts on what it would be about? Would it be based on NiD and/or JoD? Or maybe a prequel to explain why NiGHTS turned against Wizeman? Something else?




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Well if you are ever able to make a NiGHTS short film, I look forward to seeing it!
Any thoughts on what it would be about? Would it be based on NiD and/or JoD? Or maybe a prequel to explain why NiGHTS turned against Wizeman? Something else?

Well me and a friend hope to create a sucessful Youtube channel in the near future. Our inspirations have been existing channels such as Freddiew and CorridorDigital. These guys taken particular elements from games and incorporate them in more realistic and blockbuster-styled scenario. So that's what I'm wanting to do with NiGHTS after our current projects. To get it realistic as possible, I'm currently learning an industry-standard 3D program.

So the narrative may be far removed from it's original. It will be focused towards mature audiences. But their will be a battle against Reala. Far more violent that the paralooping and boulder-throwing in games. FULL ON FIST FIGHT TO THE DEATH.

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