For the record the Wii's memory is 512MB. Even the Sonic CD re-release was 300 something MB on Xbox and PS3.Honestly, being able to play it period is more important to me than being able to play it in HD. Direct port of the PS2 version? I'll take it.
EDIT: Alex- I see. I pretty much have no conception of how much memory a given thing takes, (nor do I know how much is on my Wii) so this never would have occurred to me. But I went with it because it was part of the campaign.
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Campaign SUCCESS
Posted 09 July 2012 - 11:10 AM
Posted 09 July 2012 - 03:00 PM
Posted 09 July 2012 - 03:23 PM
Watch how quickly the link is lost - this looks like a port of the ps2 version, which had many, albeit small, differences.
Posted 09 July 2012 - 04:48 PM
What would be better to get, a ps3 or an xbox 360? I really want this game!
Get a gaming PC!
If you don't have the cash for one though, I say PS3, it's superior in most every way to the Xbox.
23 seconds in
Watch how quickly the link is lost - this looks like a port of the ps2 version, which had many, albeit small, differences.
Haha, that's a good one.
Seriously, you're the only one complaining. It looks exactly the same to me, and I have hundreds of hours logged in NiD. Not to mention, if you don't like it, there's going to be a playable Saturn version.
Posted 09 July 2012 - 06:33 PM
Posted 10 July 2012 - 01:42 AM
23 seconds in
Watch how quickly the link is lost - this looks like a port of the ps2 version, which had many, albeit small, differences.
Haha, that's a good one.
Seriously, you're the only one complaining. It looks exactly the same to me, and I have hundreds of hours logged in NiD. Not to mention, if you don't like it, there's going to be a playable Saturn version.
CROSSiNG, I have to completely agree with gsk. The game appears to be a port of the PS2 version, which was a good attempt at recreating the original game, but it has a lot of control issues. After playing it a few times I got so frustrated with the controls and lack of polish that I stopped playing it and went back to the Sega Saturn.
If SEGA takes the PS2 version and brings it to the PS3/360/PC it will allow more players to get involved and experience NiGHTS, but not in a scoreattack sense. The core game of NiGHTS is an arcade game and if they ruin the controls by slowing down NiGHTS and making certain links impossible it will not be as fun or lasting as the original. The Sega Saturn game was truly amazing in the sense that they put so much thought and care into every single link, so much so that only a handful of people truly recognize and appreciate it.
By the way, the Sega Saturn version on the PS2 is just the PS2 version with Saturn graphics, so the controls are identical to the PS2 version. It does not mean that it plays like the Saturn so I have to assume they are doing the exact same on the PS3/360/PC. Just because it's a Saturn version does not mean it is a port of the original.
I hope SEGA calls this a remake instead of a port because a port would mean taking the original code, and they are clearly rewriting it or borrowing from the PS2 version.
Posted 10 July 2012 - 02:34 AM
Posted 10 July 2012 - 02:55 AM
Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:50 PM
Posted 10 July 2012 - 11:20 PM
Otherwise I never got around to modding my PS2 to play the import, hopefully this port is fixing any issues the PS2 version had.. we need online NiGHTS vs. Reala tournament
Posted 12 July 2012 - 12:31 PM
Get a gaming PC!
If you don't have the cash for one though, I say PS3, it's superior in most every way to the Xbox.
Superior in every way? I think not. As someone who owns both I still find few advantages to the PS3, the biggest one being the games that I can buy on Vita and get the PS3 version for free.
For starters, an Xbox 360 is cheaper and IMO has a much better controller. The analog sticks are just too loose and too low down on the PS3 controller. This is particularly detrimental to NiGHTS and made the PS2 version feel even worse than its control scheme changes alone did.
OS functionality is vastly superior on Xbox 360 too. With cross gaming chat, custom soundtracks for ALL games, free trials of ALL XBLA games (which can usually be unlocked without quitting your game progress, so you do not have to redo the part of the game you just did if you suddenly decide to buy the game), not having to install games before you can play them, quick small game patches not huge ones that take half an hour to download, faster downloads period.
The ONLY things the PS3 has to its advantage in my opinion are the free online gaming, better Netflix app (also sucks the Xbox one needs a Gold account to work), and the fact it plays Blurays. That said, stand alone Bluray players today have much better picture quality than the PS3, load faster, are quieter and use a LOT less electricity.
So especially if you are buying a console JUST for this game, Xbox should be the cheapest option. The only catch is if it has online gameplay, which I very much doubt. Online leaderboards are still free to use on Xbox with a free Xbox Live Silver account.
Posted 29 July 2012 - 05:10 AM
Even if this is a port of the PS2 version, I'm sure someone can make a simple little PC hack to change the speed and link time. I'm no hacker, but it SEEMS easy, looking at all these hacks of SADX and Sonic Generations.
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