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Saturn NiGHTS on android
Posted 24 March 2012 - 05:45 AM
Anyway it needs a lot of work still but Paul updates his port of mupen64plus regularly so hopefully the same holds true with project.
The touchscreen set up seems like it will work well, but it hard to tell this slow. I have an xperia so hopefully it soon supports that as well like his mupen.
Posted 24 March 2012 - 07:57 AM
Is anyone porting Yabause or other Saturn emulator to iOS?
Posted 25 March 2012 - 03:52 AM
Posted 25 March 2012 - 07:01 AM
To get this playable he still needs to port the renderer to GLES and get the dynarec engaged which is giving ossues, and sound of coarse.
As for the controls Paul n64 emulator lets you switch dpad and analog so that should be easy for him to throw in.
Also I should note that the background being black glitch only happens with Claire.
Posted 28 March 2012 - 12:40 PM
Thanks for this info, I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for it.
Posted 16 April 2012 - 04:18 PM
Can anyone help?
Posted 18 April 2012 - 02:11 AM
Then you need the get the bios off Google. Get the all regions its like the first result off looking "sega Saturn bios"
Then get nights into dreams copy. It might come in several formats
Bin/cue= your good
Iso=your good
Mkv/anything else= rename to bigger file to .iso and try
I noticed that most of the Europe nights copy are bin/cue while the usa are mkv
Then put game/bios on your phone somehow and where you can remember( I made a folder called Saturn) but putting it in downloads folder is easy too
Open yabause on your phone and go to select bios, find the files you moved earlier and pick the Usa or Europe bios
Then select game, and pick the game cue/iso
With nights you have to press start repeatedly to will the intro it wont play.
Also he hasn't worked on it in a while...some jackass filed a false dmca agianst his main project mupen64, so that slowed things up I think...
Edit: updated the link
Posted 18 April 2012 - 02:24 PM
The first time I played XMas NiGHTS after being a kid was using SSF. I got it to run quite smoothly, with a few hiccups here and there, but it was definitely playable. Nothing like buying it last year and actually playing with the 3D controller I bought then as well, though...
Posted 01 May 2012 - 05:25 PM
Paul is now working on the audio!
Posted 02 May 2012 - 04:19 PM
Well for anyone interested there's good news. Someone on the yabause forums built Paul emulator with dynamic recompiler and it massivly improved thee framerate with Nights. It now loold to be pretty playable 30-40 up from what I was doing at 1-2. Take a look!
Paul is now working on the audio!
NiGHTS working on an iPad? XO
Posted 03 May 2012 - 12:20 AM
Nah thats a asus transformer tablet it runs android.NiGHTS working on an iPad? XO
Posted 08 May 2012 - 03:04 AM
Posted 23 August 2012 - 05:21 AM
Paul has been MIA for a while now, he is getting out of the airforce and finding a steady job. Also Yabause is not his main project, he also now has a commercial app and he has stated himself that he may not be able to contribute Much in the way of emu speed without help from the yabause team.
Luckily someone else has taken interest and released his version of Yabause for Android/IOS/weeks
Its Robert broglia and you cant ask for a much better dev for emulation on portable devices.
He has 8 other emus, one of them being the only emulator for mobiles that supports Sega CD games(MD.Emu) and SNES9x ex which I found plays way better then SNESoid
Tonite he released Saturn.Emu, Its got his great gui that he uses in his others including graphics filters so you can do scanline,CRT, etc
To keep a retro look. This also adds save states.
Only bad news is it about the same speed as of right now but he specializes in emulators and hopefully gets thing going. He has noted before the dynarec seems wonky.
I think the fact he got this running on iOS without help from the yabause team speaks for his skills as well, even though im not sure if it has a dynarec yet which would make it slower then android.
His website
Edit: Going into settings>video>frameskip set it from auto to 0 and its noticeably faster then Pauls id even say 2x as fast,even with sound enabled for NiGHTS
Posted 26 August 2012 - 07:45 AM
Anyway, considering I'm getting an android MP3 player shortly, this should be an awesome stress test.
Posted 26 August 2012 - 08:18 PM
The only requirement I believe that would hinder old devices from at least running this is that Saturn.Emu needs an Arm7 Chipset, im not sure when phones moved on from Arm6 but I think 2010 at the latest. It also need Android 2.3(Gingerbread) or above.
One thing I noticed about Saturn.Emu is that a much faster phone only increases performance very little(the emulator coding holding it back, not hardware)
Like I noticed my friend has a New Galaxy S3(Quad Core) and Saturn.Emu runs like 3fps faster, while when I try Nulldce(Dreamcast) it way faster then my old xperia.
Anyway my contract is up in January and im hoping some nice phones with Arm's upcoming a15 Processor are out. There benchmarks say its about 40% faster then the a9 quadcores in the Galaxy S3, and close to that of an acceptable laptop performance. I hope both Saturn.Emu and Nulldce have some significant updates by then.
And stress testing a mp3 player with a saturn emulator sounds like the future to me.
Posted 21 January 2013 - 02:31 AM
Some promising news Paul has passed the project onto zack or "infusedreams" who worked on a snes and n64 emulators for PSP. It is actually on the Play Store as well in a free and donate version. This is great because the the dev.working on Saturn.emu is not updating his and it seem unsupported atm.
If your a bit more technically inclined you can go here and get the latest build that the play Store may not have yet.
Heres some more info
Its already faster for me with NiGHTS but still not playable id say 10-15fps on a old phone, you can definatly beat a mare or two if you want to just see it working.(like me)
Heres hoping he keeps his word of "updating regularly"
Posted 03 April 2015 - 08:41 AM
You must use that build not the play store one yabause support is new
Go to manage cores and over to the right to downloable cores, yabause is at the bottom
Hope everybody luck in the future
Posted 14 July 2015 - 11:49 PM
It is now full speed and completely playable in your pocket at any time! 60fps and getting smoother. Totally playable on my Galaxy S5
Some notes on working it
-Use iso or bin/cue version try to acquire the European pal version that's what I use works now problem
-Place it in /yabause/games
-If still doesnt work grab the bios(google saturn Bios) and extract them to /yabause/bios and select European or whichever
I also highly recommend Radiant Silver gun,sillouette mirage, bomberman saturn, policenauts puzzle fighter, fighters megamix, vampire saviour, astal, princess crown,die hard arcade,virtua fighter kids, pocket fighters,game tengoku game paradise shumup also many many others imports
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