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Sound Ripping

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Hey guys, today I was browsing through the game's disk and decided to decompress some PRS files, and managed to rip a few sounds directly from these files.

Here's the list of what I ripped:

REALSND Contains sound data for Reala, the sounds are pretty clear and you can actually hear what Reala says.
WIZESND Contains sound data for Wizeman.
TTLSND Contains sound data for the game's title screen, there are three unused sounds.
RUBBSND Contains instrument data for Soft Museum.
CITYSND Contains instrument data for Twin Seeds, a few sounds wheren't used.
ALPSSND Contains instrument data for Spring Valley.
UNUSED Contains some weird unused songs, something that appears to be a car stopping and a guy saying "Sora" or something like that.

You can download these files in .WAV format, in every file, you'll hear lots of random sounds that corresponds to a specific part of the game.




    Crazy Regular

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Woah, some weird stuff in there, thanks for sharing :)

(now we know though that Reala officially says 'bedichnoa NiGHTS')



    Crazy Regular

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Really interesting! It's cool to clearly be able to hear what Reala and Wizeman are saying.

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