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Quotes from NiD Chat

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DiGi Valentine

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This topic is made specially for you to copy-paste anything of interest in the iRC chat to document here. It's mostly for funny stuff you want others to see who may have missed out on the jokes. Here's an example -

<Level99mobile> digi: think he's gonna dig my reala voice on lucid?
<DiGi_Valentine> He better, Levs. Or else i'll slap him.
<DiGi_Valentine> >^_^
<Dex> reala's on lucid? spoilers por moi!
<DiGi_Valentine> XD
<DiGi_Valentine> Lol, Levs telling me i got a big mouth!
<Level99mobile> hey its a small spoiler lol
<Level99mobile> not a public disclosure!
<DiGi_Valentine> XD
<Dex> lol y'know, other spoilers wouldn't go amiss *wink wink* my face is having a spasm
<DiGi_Valentine> yeh, unlike me who will accidently tell everyone we managed to get Tupac Shakur on the album ....oh shi-
<Level99mobile> ffff
<DiGi_Valentine> considering he's dead, that was a mighty tough challenge

Now you join the chat and do it! XD

DiGi Valentine

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And another one for good measure. We talked more about some of the OCR Album Projects here -

<TRAViS> when does this album drop again?
<@Level99> 2-3 years
<TRAViS> eff
<@DiGi_Valentine> ah, there ya go
<@DiGi_Valentine> lol
<@Level99> dude
<@Level99> we still gotta finish NiGHTS
<@DiGi_Valentine> Dude, i totally know
<@Level99> and then i can focus mainly on VROOM
<@DiGi_Valentine> XD
* @DiGi_Valentine coughs
<@Level99> it will be worth the wait
<Bonzi77> What?
<Bonzi77> Come on.
<Bonzi77> The game takes like
<Bonzi77> an hour at worst.
* @Level99 hands the project over to Bonzi
<Bonzi77> ^_^
<@DiGi_Valentine> XD
<@Level99> lets see how you handle it, big guy
<@DiGi_Valentine> haha
<Bonzi77> That's what she said.
<@DiGi_Valentine> OoOooO~
* @Level99 takes the project back
<@Level99> thought so
<@Level99> ANYWAY
<Bonzi77> WAIT WHAT
<@DiGi_Valentine> lol

Noctourne Wonderland

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Musashi_HUmar chucks snow at you all <3
<Sierra>: !
Noctourne ducks and throws...grass...
<Sierra>: XD
Smashy dodges snow
Smashy tosses a Val plushie back.
Musashi_HUmar dumps truckloads of snow on you all so you can't dodge
*** Smashy is now known as Lull_Maren
Noctourne hollows out an igloo, and plots revenge.
<TRAViS>: hrmmmf hrmmfffff fffffffrmmmmm
<Lull_Maren>: (Ah forget it)
*** Lull_Maren is now known as DJ
Sierra builds a igloo
TRAViS crawls to the surface
Musashi_HUmar points and laughs at you all while eating a cookie
DJ builds fortress
<TRAViS>: that's it
TRAViS runs down the street
Sierra stockpiles icicles
Musashi_HUmar goes in the house and takes a nap
<Sierra>: >:3
Bloody has Toy Story 3 macaroni. Wins everything by default.
TRAViS returns atop a bulldozer
Noctourne hides.
<TRAViS>: as the late great duke would say
<TRAViS>: Come Get Some.
Sierra summons Jack Skellington to challenge you to a dance off
*** DJ is now known as orange_CapeofDoominess
<Sierra>: doooooooooooooooooom!
<orange_CapeofDoominess>: Kyahahaha!
Noctourne sneaks up behind the dance off with a tray of muffins...SNOW muffins.
<Sierra>: !!
<Sierra>: MUFFINS
Sierra grabs three and runs
Karlik is Bloody. >>
Musashi_HUmar summons the mighty Ronnie James Dio to sing amazing songs and end it all
<Karlik>: d'aw, Gir.
<Sierra>: Danny Elfman would win >_>
<Sierra>: wait
<Sierra>: brb
<Noctourne>: k
<orange_CapeofDoominess>: Dooouuuummm.
<Karlik>: Danny Elfman always wins.
Sierra puts on her GIR hat
<Noctourne>: Danny Elfman wins for being in "Forbidden Zone"
<Musashi_HUmar>: DIO RULES
<Noctourne>: but Dio is Dio
<Sierra>: What about batman
<Noctourne>: so...I guess they'd just be trapped, like Harry and Voldemort.
<Sierra>: he has asexy singing voice
<Musashi_HUmar>: for the song Stargazer alone, he automatically wins
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol
Sierra has a massive crush on Kevin Conroy's voice now and forever. XD
<orange_CapeofDoominess>: I'mma go make some food. >.>
orange_CapeofDoominess hides cape in a cement vault.
<Noctourne>: http://www.nightsint...amp;#entry94751
<Noctourne>: I took the liberty...
<Musashi_HUmar>: haha NICE
<TRAViS>: excellent
<Sierra>: Sweet
<Sierra>: my plan is working!
<Noctourne>: The epic snow battle shall never be forgotten!
<Musashi_HUmar>: i love iRC <3
<Sierra>: you know what that means
<Noctourne>: uh-oh
<Musashi_HUmar>: im a legend for starting it all lol
<orange_CapeofDoominess>: Shouldn't we mention the organ raining in there somwhere?
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol
<Sierra>: *revenge
<TRAViS>: wow I could actually go for a snowball fight
<Sierra>: me too-oh wait
<TRAViS>: just need a slingshot
Sierra sighs.
<TRAViS>: for you know
<Sierra>: can't.
<TRAViS>: long range artillery support
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol this time, i'll be throwing snow at you all while eating a brownie <3
<Sierra>: aw man
<Sierra>: my slingshot is broke
Sierra grabs three and runs
Karlik is Bloody. >>
Musashi_HUmar summons the mighty Ronnie James Dio to sing amazing songs and end it all
<Karlik>: d'aw, Gir.
<Sierra>: Danny Elfman would win >_>
<Sierra>: wait
<Sierra>: brb
<Noctourne>: k
<orange_CapeofDoominess>: Dooouuuummm.
<Karlik>: Danny Elfman always wins.
Sierra puts on her GIR hat
<Noctourne>: Danny Elfman wins for being in "Forbidden Zone"
<Musashi_HUmar>: DIO RULES
<Noctourne>: but Dio is Dio
<Sierra>: What about batman
<Noctourne>: so...I guess they'd just be trapped, like Harry and Voldemort.
<Sierra>: he has asexy singing voice
<Musashi_HUmar>: for the song Stargazer alone, he automatically wins
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol
Sierra has a massive crush on Kevin Conroy's voice now and forever. XD
<orange_CapeofDoominess>: I'mma go make some food. >.>
orange_CapeofDoominess hides cape in a cement vault.
<Noctourne>: http://www.nightsint...amp;#entry94751
<Noctourne>: I took the liberty...
<Musashi_HUmar>: haha NICE
<TRAViS>: excellent
<Sierra>: Sweet
<Sierra>: my plan is working!
<Noctourne>: The epic snow battle shall never be forgotten!
<Musashi_HUmar>: i love iRC <3
<Sierra>: you know what that means
<Noctourne>: uh-oh
<Musashi_HUmar>: im a legend for starting it all lol
<orange_CapeofDoominess>: Shouldn't we mention the organ raining in there somwhere?
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol
<Sierra>: *revenge
<TRAViS>: wow I could actually go for a snowball fight
<Sierra>: me too-oh wait
<TRAViS>: just need a slingshot
Sierra sighs.
<TRAViS>: for you know
<Sierra>: can't.
<TRAViS>: long range artillery support
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol this time, i'll be throwing snow at you all while eating a brownie <3
<Sierra>: aw man
<Sierra>: my slingshot is broke
<Noctourne>: onoes!
Noctourne builds up snow artillery
<Sierra>: aw man, we starting again NOW? XD
<Musashi_HUmar>: we need to battle snow in Frozen Bell
<Sierra>: hellz yeah
<Sierra>: snow train raids
<Sierra>: the poor pians XD
<Musashi_HUmar>: i'll be takin' the snow train and shooting snow ball cannons at everyone
<Noctourne>: be careful not to squish sledding pians!
<TRAViS>: amazing.
<Musashi_HUmar>: if they get in the way, its their own fault
<TRAViS>: one mention of frozen bell
<TRAViS>: and I'm whistling the BGM
<Musashi_HUmar>: they know better than to play on the rail road tracks
<Sierra>: XD
<Musashi_HUmar>: XD
<TRAViS>: and with that, my project for the night is about to take flight
<Musashi_HUmar>: imma listen to the remix in a minute or two
<Noctourne>: Ever seen the wacky British PSA "The Finishing Line"? It's about little kids staging a gory sporting event on train tracks.
<Sierra>: No
<Sierra>: D:




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Not much humor, but after the chat was pretty much empty...

(7:42:33 PM) Musashi_HUmar: lol
(7:42:34 PM) WilliamsFather: 8D
(7:42:39 PM) ***WillsDad :D
(7:43:11 PM) WillsDad: well hello there, little children ;)
(7:43:20 PM) WilliamsFather: They are MY little children
(7:43:24 PM) WilliamsFather: You imposter!
(7:43:28 PM) WillsDad: i beg to differ
(7:43:35 PM) WillsDad: it is YOU who are the imposter
(7:43:48 PM) WilliamsFather: Oh ho no. I beg to differ to your indifference
(7:43:56 PM) WillsDad: i saw you change your identity, little child
(7:44:05 PM) WilliamsFather: I hate you
(7:44:09 PM) ***Musashi_HUmar hides from both will's dads
(7:44:16 PM) WillsDad: i love you too <3
(7:44:21 PM) WilliamsFather is now known as WizemantheWicked
(7:44:33 PM) ***WillsDad chases after Musashi_HUmar
(7:44:33 PM) WizemantheWicked: Now... Get out of my SIGHT!
(7:44:37 PM) ***Musashi_HUmar RUNS
(7:44:48 PM) ***WizemantheWicked protects Musashi.
(7:44:50 PM) WillsDad: well hello there, wizeman
(7:44:54 PM) WizemantheWicked: These are MY Dreamers
(7:44:57 PM) WizemantheWicked: Get your own!
(7:45:04 PM) WillsDad: wanna take a ride with m e in one of my mercedes benzes?? ive got candy! :D
(7:45:21 PM) ***WizemantheWicked summons lightning to strike WillsDad.
(7:45:22 PM) Musashi_HUmar: :o
(7:45:36 PM) WizemantheWicked: I am NOT a feeble little Visitor!
(7:45:57 PM) ***WillsDad dodges and throws a smoke bomb and vanishes and laughs
(7:46:01 PM) WillsDad left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
(7:46:01 PM) WizemantheWicked: Your weak-minded tactics are no match for MY power...
(7:46:07 PM) WizemantheWicked: ...
(7:46:09 PM) WizemantheWicked: Jerk
(7:46:12 PM) Musashi_HUmar: just wow...



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<Musashi_HUmar>: tell NiGHTS i want my tooth brush back!
<Smashy>: Drift into dream delight
<Smashy>: crud
<Musashi_HUmar>: i'll get that damn tooth brush back some day
<infractus>: buy a new one for now
<Smashy>: Right, after MAX beats Will's Dad with NiGHTS first
<MAXinsanity>: yep
<VesperWolf>: I'm not sure she remembers me...
<VesperWolf>: It's been a long time.
<Level99>: aww
<Smashy>: :[
<Level99>: that was an all too brief visit
MAXinsanity struggles to continue holding onto NiGHTS
<VesperWolf>: She drew a picture for me once before I got deployed.
<Nemoide>: anyways, I should get going myself
<VesperWolf>: Take care. : )
<Smashy>: Later Nemoide!
<Nemoide>: bye all!
<Musashi_HUmar>: bye!
<Musashi_HUmar>: its the principle of the matter, though
<Musashi_HUmar>: NiGHTS borrowed my tooth brush and i demand s/he return it
<Musashi_HUmar>: even if i can buy a new one, i want what's mine back lol
<infractus>: not always.
<MAXinsanity>: even dream beings need to keep their teeth clean
MAXinsanity throws a brick at himself.
<VesperWolf>: Does NiGHTS have teeth...?
<Musashi_HUmar>: yeah
<VesperWolf>: I kinda thought, maybe, no neck, no teeth, right? XD
<Smashy>: Have sweet dreams! Tear Wizeman's head off!
<Smashy>: / courage wolf fail
<Musashi_HUmar>: but NiGHTS should have enough money by now to buy her/his own brush
<MAXinsanity>: Fictional characters don't get paid.
<VesperWolf>: How many blue chips are in a dollar?
<Smashy>: But they only have blue chips in the Night Dimension
<Smashy>: ...Hmm...
<MAXinsanity>: It's like slavery only you can't hear their screams
MAXinsanity is being creepy.
<Musashi_HUmar>: NiGHTS was off gambling again in Delight City and lost all the toothbrush money, though
<Musashi_HUmar>: or at least thats probably what it was
<Musashi_HUmar>: that's what happened last time
<Musashi_HUmar>: seriously, NiGHTS may seem all cute and innocent
<Musashi_HUmar>: but really
<Musashi_HUmar>: s/he has quite a few vices
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol
<VesperWolf>: Well, s/he IS a nightmare.
<Musashi_HUmar>: s/he chucks away blue chips like they're nothing
<Musashi_HUmar>: like one time, i was hanging out with him/her
<Musashi_HUmar>: and we're just cruising around
<MAXinsanity>: oh well we all have our problems
<Musashi_HUmar>: and s/he just shamelessly chucked blue chips at nightopians!
<VesperWolf>: Now, that's not nice at all...
<Musashi_HUmar>: that maren has serious problems
<MAXinsanity>: Characters with flaws are more interesting than characters without them
<Musashi_HUmar>: and if i don't get my tooth brush back soon, im coming after him/her
<MAXinsanity>: I'd rather not retrieve your toothbrush for you
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol
<MAXinsanity>: I've already had my fair share of run ins with things in my dreams
<Musashi_HUmar>: well no matter what kind of run ins i have, that maren owes me a toothbrush!




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(3:11:22 PM) ***WillsDad kisses DiGi_Valentine on the cheek.
(3:11:26 PM) WillsDad: I have to go.
(3:11:27 PM) DiGi_Valentine: back
(3:11:28 PM) WillsDad: Toodles!
(3:11:30 PM) DiGi_Valentine: and just in time it seems
(3:11:32 PM) ***WillsDad gets in carjet
(3:11:33 PM) WillsDad left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014]).
(3:11:51 PM) Kisuke: lmao carjet, it doesnt even need a runway
(3:11:52 PM) DiGi_Valentine: bastard



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Talkin' 'bout a Chanukah NiGHTS level :)

17:55 viperxmns - I wish I had the tech wizard powers to program a Hannukah NiGHTS game
17:55 viperxmns - it could be awesome
17:56 bluekyuui - that would be hilarious...
17:56 viperxmns - Substitute Ideya for lighting a huge menorah
17:56 bluekyuui - and the worst part was i decorated the tree dedicated to my dead sister.. and thats the first she does is rip it all down...
17:57 bluekyuui - but mehnora ideya... O_O
17:57 viperxmns - Like, you collect a flame, and drop it off, which opens a new mare
17:57 viperxmns - Is 8 mares too many?
17:58 JaxTH -- Only in your wildest dreams.
17:58 viperxmns - It'd be an epic level
17:58 bluekyuui - kwanza NiGHTS
17:59 viperxmns - Paraloop dreidel madness
17:59 bluekyuui - yyeeeessssssss
18:00 viperxmns - I guess I could make concept arts at least
-- edited due to other topic conversation--
18:04 TRAViS - so someone bring me up to speed in the conversation haha
18:05 bluekyuui - its sunny here O_0
18:05 viperxmns - Well I was talking about how cool a Chanukah NiGHTS level could be
18:05 infractus - food > christmas > hannuka nights > weather
18:05 TRAViS - chanukah nights. hmm
18:05 infractus - fff.. chanukah. maybe i do need a spellcheck on this xchat.
18:06 viperxmns - No worries it has a bunch of spellings in English
18:06 viperxmns - Basically you'd collect flames to light a huge menorah and the level would have 8 mares
18:06 TRAViS - how about this
18:06 TRAViS - still four mares
18:07 bluekyuui - and the dradle of Dreams would decide which mare to go to
18:07 TRAViS - but each dreamer lights their side
18:07 TRAViS - and the center is a co-op boss fight
18:07 viperxmns - Dreidel deciding paths is cool, that or bonuses/star chips etc
18:07 viperxmns - So each dreamer lights half.. I like that too
18:08 bluekyuui - a blue chip would be replaced with a potato pancake or a quarter because its money and a jewish holiday
18:09 viperxmns - or chocolate gelt, and that'd be too gimmicky
18:09 TRAViS - lol
18:09 viperxmns - chips and stars can stay the same
18:10 viperxmns - maybe integrate food items in the background
18:10 bluekyuui - the boy Abraham Slobovoski and the girl Paola Ben-Jakov



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Going to finally get around to posting this here, since it's been hanging out in an untitled notepad file for most of the week:

<Bloody> I really love Mario Kart Wii though. I like how fast paced it is.
<Bloody> I think that's why I like DD, too.
<JaxTH> Wii sucked.
<JaxTH> :3
<Bloody> ...I go back to my previous statement.
<Bloody> We will never agree on a Mario game.
<JaxTH> Just like Galaxy 2 is a soulles sequel.
<Bloody> And you just misspelled awesome. :3
<JaxTH> Nah. You just misspelled horrible.

Level 99

Level 99


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<Penelopi> Ooh. No one's here...
<Penelopi> ECHO!
<Penelopi> (echo, echo, echo...)
<-- Penelopi has left #NiD
<Level99> I WAS HERE
<Level99> okay, maybe not
<Level99> great, now I'm the ONLY ONE here
<Level99> and im talking to myself
<Level99> ....
<Level99> ffffff
--> Mini-T has joined #NiD
<-- Mini-T has quit (Quit: Client Exited)
--> DiGi_Valentine has joined #NiD
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to DiGi_Valentine
--> Andersam has joined #NiD
<Andersam> : )
<-- Andersam has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Level99> argh
<Level99> i keep missing people
<DiGi_Valentine> lol, actually i'm gonna head out too so ~
<DiGi_Valentine> have fun :D
<DiGi_Valentine> later, man
<-- DiGi_Valentine has quit
<Level99> ARGH
<Level99> now i miss HIM by two minutes
<Level99> you know what? screw this.
<Level99> I'm gonna go play hungry hungry hippos
<Level99> by MYSELF



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<JaxTH>: #NiD: We talk about cougars
<Musashi_HUmar>: XD
<JaxTH>: Wait...
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol i lol'ed at that
<JaxTH>: #NiD: We talk about cougars (Not those kind)

DiGi Valentine

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For some reason, i saw this tonight and it made me lol -

<Chazzer> how are you?
<PapaPrinny> Busy.
<PapaPrinny> As always
<PapaPrinny> You?
<Chazzer> I'm okay, thanks. Bit annoyed cause I spilt my drink, but oh well. lol
<PapaPrinny> pfeh. I once had a gag reflex and spit all over my laptop
<PapaPrinny> Unplugged, took out battery, let it dry
<Chazzer> haha, lol.
* Chazzer has quit IRC (Quit: Client Exited)



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From last night:





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<Penelopi> Ooh. No one's here...
<Penelopi> ECHO!
<Penelopi> (echo, echo, echo...)
<-- Penelopi has left #NiD
<Level99> I WAS HERE
<Level99> okay, maybe not
<Level99> great, now I'm the ONLY ONE here
<Level99> and im talking to myself
<Level99> ....
<Level99> ffffff
--> Mini-T has joined #NiD
<-- Mini-T has quit (Quit: Client Exited)
--> DiGi_Valentine has joined #NiD
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to DiGi_Valentine
--> Andersam has joined #NiD
<Andersam> : )
<-- Andersam has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Level99> argh
<Level99> i keep missing people
<DiGi_Valentine> lol, actually i'm gonna head out too so ~
<DiGi_Valentine> have fun :D
<DiGi_Valentine> later, man
<-- DiGi_Valentine has quit
<Level99> ARGH
<Level99> now i miss HIM by two minutes
<Level99> you know what? screw this.
<Level99> I'm gonna go play hungry hungry hippos
<Level99> by MYSELF

XD Aw, sorry Level99, I didn't mean to leave you alone. I had to physically move to meet some friends (for lunch, I think), and there was nobody talking but me, so I went ahead and closed it.



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<infractus>: let's make the irc band
<TRAViS>: then market my robot voice as music and get money
<Musashi_HUmar>: lol
*** TRAViS is now known as Drums
<Drums>: bump tsh bump tsh bump tsh bump tsh
*** infractus is now known as bass
<bass>: juggajiggajuggajiggajugga
<Drums>: ba dum dum tssh, ba dum dum tssh
<Musashi_HUmar>: how does one change their name?
<bass>: /nick name
<Musashi_HUmar>: ah
<Drums>: use the /nick [name] command
*** Musashi_HUmar is now known as [guitar]
<[guitar]>: sweeeeet
<Drums>: haha no need for the [] marks
<Drums>: but it works
<[guitar]>: ah
<[guitar]>: yeah
<Drums>: okay I'll count us in!
<Drums>: tsh...tsh...
<[guitar]>: feed back...
<bass>: *string snap*
<Drums>: bump tsh bump tsh bump tsh bump tsh
<[guitar]>: hits a power chord
<Drums>: bada dadadadadudududududmmmm CRASH
<[guitar]>: plays up the blues scale with distortion
<Drums>: ba dum dum dum duh, badadadadadada bum bum BUMP
<[guitar]>: goes into a groove riff
<Drums>: tstststststststststshhhhh
<bass>: *plays terrible korn-style bass
<[guitar]>: does a old school shred fill
Drums flips sticks in hands
[guitar] bangs head and hits a power chord
<Drums>: aaaaaaaaaaaaand CUT!
*** Drums is now known as TRAViS
<[guitar]>: hahaha
<bass>: *dramatic finish
*** [guitar] is now known as Musashi_HUmar
*** bass is now known as infractus
<Musashi_HUmar>: haha awesomeness
<infractus>: so, when's next practice?
<TRAViS>: now we need a band name
<TRAViS>: Fract and the Boys
<infractus>: naw.. IRC - it rocks chat
<Musashi_HUmar>: hellz yeah
<Musashi_HUmar>: i like that one
<TRAViS>: that works
<TRAViS>: and what do we title our newfound bundle of audible joy
<infractus>: ^ that
<infractus>: newfound bundle of audible joy

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