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Before we open NiD Chat

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DiGi Valentine

DiGi Valentine

    Overlord Bunny Man

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The NiD chatroom is literaly on the verge of opening. I mean we're just a few hours away from going live with it, so i hope you're sitting tight.

I want to have everybodies attention though as there is something i would like to say before we open it up.

We had an iRC chatroom way back in the earlier days of NiGHTSintoDreams.com
It was a really fun place to hang out, a lot of cool friendships were formed in the place and it worked nicely.
There was a problem however, mainly because since the iRC was so fun to hang around in the forums themselves started to go quiet and nobody would post much.

Now, i know our forums are not usually that active anyway but i don't want this place to become a ghost town. I know there's only so many topics you can make about NiGHTS before you run out of things to say but i would still like people to keep an eye on this place and still contribute to it.
Why is this important? Well, for one thing, a forum documents opinions, ideas and feelings better than a chat program does. A forum is open for the public to see and i know that in recent years we have become closer to SEGA as a community than ever before. They can come in here and read our topics as much as they like.

- I would like the forums to continue documenting stuff so while it's cool to talk about opinions in a chatroom i would also like such opinions to be echoed here in the forums, just so it's open to the world and not so secluded. If you find news then post it here, then it can be talked about in the chatroom.

- This will be a subforum specifically for iRC related things.

- At some point we may start looking for moderating staff for the iRC but for now we'll just see who turns up and keep an eye on regulars to see who could be potentials for a Moderator role.

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