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3000 Milestone reached
Posted 24 September 2010 - 01:13 PM
We need to keep this campaign moving!
Great work so far though guys I'm unashamedly proud of what we've achieved so far.
Posted 24 September 2010 - 09:31 PM
Someone needs to invade webcomics or something... >_>
Posted 25 September 2010 - 12:04 AM
Posted 25 September 2010 - 11:34 AM
If SEGA would just outright ask their fans themselves they'd see a bigger and more official response. Like this, it's just me on twitter every day going around pimping the site out. Lol, it's getting a bit tiring to be honest but the only way we'll be finding new votes of support is if we go looking for them ourselves.
Some fans of NiD don't even know this community exists, lol. I'm telling you, there are people out there who had played the original game and became a fan of it yet obviously have chosen to not look for a fanbase online. As such, only lord knows how many potential votes are still sitting out there.
Still 3000 is nice, but nowhere near enough what i think we might need. So for those votes it's either we go hunting for them or SEGA finally up and ask who wants a port. Which is more likely?
Posted 25 September 2010 - 08:19 PM
Then that's 1,000 votes per month, eh? Not bad But yeah, DiGi, you're right, big companies usually look for numbers in the 100,000s or millions. It's frustrating: stuff spreads over the internet really fast when you don't want it to, and when you do want it, it won't flow. Hm, I'll try Facebook.Sometimes when I think about the numbers I think, "Well this is kind of moving slow" but then I remember that the campaign started in June and there's already over 2,000 votes. It's only been what, three months?
Posted 25 September 2010 - 09:25 PM
Posted 25 September 2010 - 10:41 PM
But they're probably looking for 100,000s of millions? Ouch, i oughta start linking! Also, if we keep at this rate, it'll take 7 months to reach 10,000. Seven months from now... that's April.
Posted 27 September 2010 - 08:15 AM
Well, I said 100,000s or millions, but yeah, 100,000s of millions wouldn't hurt, either. That'd be like, Mario and Pokemon level, right? XD3,000... thats an awful lot of people.
But they're probably looking for 100,000s of millions? Ouch, i oughta start linking! Also, if we keep at this rate, it'll take 7 months to reach 10,000. Seven months from now... that's April.
Posted 27 September 2010 - 09:00 AM
With a NiGHTS port, we're talking about an entire game. It will cost SEGA considerably more to port that than make a dlc add on for an existing game. So, 3000 votes right now is nice but we definitely need more if stand a good chance at this.
I reckon if we can double this number, make it 6000, then we will probably be looking at our best chance for a port. Again, this is just my estimate, i could be totally wrong on this part.
Just keep getting the word out, do whatever you can to spread the link.
If we keep steady votes coming in like we are then we can reach a 6000 vote count no problem.
Furthermore, and i will state this again, i recognize that perhaps even if SEGA do say yes they won't make it in time for NiGHTS' 15th. Right now, that's no longer a problem if they make it for the 15th anniversary or not. What matters is getting the port at all. So even if the 15th anniversary comes and goes next year and there's still no sign for a port, those votes need to keep coming in.
I know the site is being checked. Which is why i'm still going to keep pushing this until we get an answer from SEGA themselves.
Posted 29 September 2010 - 02:34 AM
Seriously though, we need some bigger numbers... I'll keep linking to everywhere and anywhere I can.
Posted 01 October 2010 - 01:51 AM
If i were SEGA, i'd port the game soon as this broke the thousand mark. SEGA is pretty picky by the looks of it, but then again, numbers are a lot bigger to a thirteen-year-old kid than a crazy big Japanese software (make a console darnit!) company, huh.
Maybe a better alternative would be a well thought out collective email like the one for the NiGHTS racer DLC! If that doesn't piss them off to high heavens, we'll be sure to get a port! Alas, it would piss them off to high heavens.
Posted 21 December 2010 - 01:01 AM
Well, i can't honestly rememeber where i heard this but you all remember that DLC they did for AllStars racing? I think i read somewhere that the DLC sold to roughly 3000 people and that wasn't a good enough number for SEGA so that's why no more DLC was made for the game. I'm not sure how legit that statement is though but it is highly possibly true from what i was able to make of the whole thing.
Yeah but seriously, you can't compare lame DLC to a full game (though no doubt the crazy people at SEGA will do).
How can they possibly rationalise 320 MS points to buy Ryo in a Forklift Truck vs 400 points for a whole game? It doesn't make or break the game and even worse, I thought this was already unlockable in the game itself as it was featured in the trailers.
Now if they had DLC that turned it into Sonic R where you actually raced the characters rather than in silly vehicles, and/or added NiGHTS or perhaps a NiGHTS minigame, and of course additional courses to race on - THAT is what DLC is for. But the only DLC that added anything to the game is Metal Sonic with Death Egg Zone, which I bought, but that was a tad expensive at 560 MS points so unless you are a HUGE Sonic fan, its going to be a big putoff.
Posted 21 December 2010 - 12:25 PM
It's down to numbers, that's what i'm getting at.Yeah but seriously, you can't compare lame DLC to a full game (though no doubt the crazy people at SEGA will do).
DLC for AllStars Racing didn't sell. DLC costs a lot of money to make and SEGA don't always see it as a decent investment. When Metal Sonic sold around 3000 downloads that's ok but the sum is not meeting the amount of money they must have spent on it.
Now we look at our campaign to port NiGHTS into dreams. Porting an entire game will cost considerably more than a DLC pack for an already existing game.
I'm taking in to consideration that SEGA need to see numbers that they can punch in to their little blue calculators and figure out if they're going to see a profit from what they do otherwise they seriously will not do it. Currently, our campaign has taken us beyond 3700.
That's good, it's a nice number. But the problem here is if only 3000 or so people bought DLC for ASR then how on earth are 3700 people who have shown interest in a NiGHTS port going to give SEGA their profit when porting a game costs more to make than DLC?
Again, it's all about the numbers with SEGA. That's why i've started this campaign and that's why i'm trying to push it as far as i can because we need those numbers, and months after starting i'm still finding people who didn't know this campaign was here (it's kinda why i keep requesting other people spread the word, ya know?). That's what SEGA are looking at, not about how we 'love their game, we're such loyal fans' and bla bla bla. For the guys in suits who make the final choices on what gets made and what doesn't, they don't care how long you've been a fan, they want to see a solid number on a profit. I'm trying to give them that.
Posted 07 February 2011 - 02:39 PM
Posted 02 March 2011 - 07:44 PM
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