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Posted 14 July 2010 - 08:52 AM
Posted 14 July 2010 - 08:54 AM
Posted 14 July 2010 - 07:05 PM
Posted 15 July 2010 - 01:26 AM
He's like a sparkly purple Shadow!And Bosco NiGHTS is a Nightmaren, he is evil by nature but dissagrees with his creator Wizeman. If helping humans makes him good then He's a Hero, but at the end of the day he's still a creature of bad dreams. Which is why NiGHTS is just badass. Anti-hero for the win.
Actually, a variation on the Shadow game where you can be good (JoD-style frilly NiGHTS), neutral (NiD-style NiGHTS) or evil (Reala) could be really cool...
Posted 15 July 2010 - 03:21 AM
Posted 15 July 2010 - 07:42 AM
Posted 15 July 2010 - 01:18 PM
Well when people make NiGHTS skip through flowers like some kinda hippy preschooler it drives me up the wall, lol. He's supposed to be a monstarrrr. A scary one too since he was Wizeman's top ranking maren.
Indeed he was but he enjoys that side if like now, or fights hard to lol. ::thinks of the scene in DBZ with Daborah frolicking threw a meadow with ChiChi::
Posted 15 July 2010 - 02:18 PM
Posted 18 July 2010 - 04:54 AM
Posted 18 July 2010 - 07:37 AM
Though now we've seen what bad can come of a new NiGHTS game we know how to avoid it. And i personaly feel that if this NiGHTS port happens it could remind people why NiGHTS was so good in the first place.
I've said it countless times before but NiGHTS isn't Sonic. It takes a lot to make a good Sonic game because he's changed and changed over the years meaning there's more people to make happy and more people who will get upset. With NiGHTS, the forumla is simple, they could so easily make a sequel that would please at least 85% of the people that would play it.
Posted 18 July 2010 - 01:55 PM
While i agree with Naka's reasons for not wanting a sequel, after JoD i can also see how a good sequel could have been made too. In reality, it does not take a lot to make a good NiGHTS game's just Journey of Dreams did not do those right things very often. I think if Yuji Naka's statement needed any weight to it then JoD being an example to his reasons is a good example to use.
Though now we've seen what bad can come of a new NiGHTS game we know how to avoid it. And i personaly feel that if this NiGHTS port happens it could remind people why NiGHTS was so good in the first place.
I've said it countless times before but NiGHTS isn't Sonic. It takes a lot to make a good Sonic game because he's changed and changed over the years meaning there's more people to make happy and more people who will get upset. With NiGHTS, the forumla is simple, they could so easily make a sequel that would please at least 85% of the people that would play it.
By the time another NiGHTS game is thought about I bet TRiPPY will be asked to be all over that project so I have no worries how it will come out. Hopefully Sumo makes it or if that will even be the case in the future.
But even if not they have made note of this site countless times, Sega posts here and they are "listening" to us so how can they ignore what it takes to make a new NiGHTS game good when all they gotta do is browse this site and go to the "what would you want in a new NiGHTS game?" and start brainstorming right away.
But that would be too simple right? Its a start at least it will jumpstart there mind and create own ideas, its harmless!
Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:20 PM
Posted 18 July 2010 - 04:52 PM
I see Naka's point in not wanting to make another game (if I were him I probably wouldn't either), but there's a difference comparing making another NiGHTS to making another E.T.; one is a movie, which relies purely on story. But NiGHTS is a game, and the meat of a game is in how fun it is to play. And games can get a boost from era to era, since the hardware keeps getting more powerful. NiGHTS gameplay can now be expanded in ways that would be completely epic. It's all a matter of making those careful creative choices.
It seems like they've made a good step taking fan feedback into play with Sonic, and Colors may be correcting the mistakes of Unleashed. It would sure be nice if Sega would consider fixing what they did wrong in JoD with a third game.
Posted 18 July 2010 - 08:56 PM
Posted 18 July 2010 - 09:33 PM
Posted 18 July 2010 - 10:12 PM
Sooo The most likely port would definately be the PS2 version now. Not that thats a problem or anything but i just know it doesn't handle the same as the Saturn version. I'm impressed the Shanghai team managed to create such a good copy on such a mad timeframe with so many problems. I think because of this I'm more determined than ever to have it ported to show off their hard work to the west.
Posted 18 July 2010 - 10:14 PM
I agree, but you have to remember after the success of the first Sonic games, the company kept changing up the formula until the original gameplay was almost lost completely (Ex. Compare Sonic 3 to, say, Sonic Unleashed) I'm not saying that COULD happen to NiGHTS, but history does sometimes repeat itself. I want another NiGHTS game as much as the next Fan does, but it also comes with the risk of dulling what we already have.The stage has been set by NiD, so Sega would just have to reproduce the gameplay and add new levels, basic dreamer concpets, and focus on little things. The big stuff has been perfected.
Posted 19 July 2010 - 03:13 AM
Posted 19 July 2010 - 07:41 AM
I do think a new NiGHTS game could happen but it needs to be under the right circumstances. I remember when JoD was finally officially announced, me and TRiP put together those project folders showing SEGA what fans feel about NiGHTS. They didn't really take on board what we were telling them and look how JoD turned out. Since that project happened our presense as a community has grown to the point that now Naka himself knows where we exist on the internet. A new NiGHTS game could very well be handled differently and we could get a game we deserved.
It all depends on that port happening.
Posted 19 July 2010 - 07:50 PM
Posted 19 July 2010 - 08:27 PM
I remember when JoD was finally officially announced, me and TRiP put together those project folders showing SEGA what fans feel about NiGHTS. They didn't really take on board what we were telling them and look how JoD turned out.
I always wondered how JoD came out the way it is after all that, I forgot what I wrote though :x its almost like they went and did the opposite, or were really aiming lower than us. I try hard to love JoD but I can't and I can't force myself to. It has the same fun factor of the original NiGHTS (no props to Wii motion however) but the rest felt sloppy, they had PLENTY of time to get it right. I had alot of faith in the team since it consisted many of the same people D: they dun goofed.
Posted 19 July 2010 - 09:52 PM
They didn't, and that's the problem. JoD was rushed to the point of it being only half a game. Had Sega just let the project take a while longer, I don't think anyone woukld have minded.they had PLENTY of time to get it right.
Posted 19 July 2010 - 11:08 PM
Posted 19 July 2010 - 11:45 PM
Posted 20 July 2010 - 12:36 AM
Posted 20 July 2010 - 08:38 AM
They just want money.
All businesses want money otherwise they would be broke and not able to do anything at all. But something I've learnt from dealing with multiple businesses myself is that a company is driven by 2 forces. The creative and the suits. That image alone inspired me with the main characters in my comic. Everything creative needs something of substance if it is to be really succesful and under control. It's not a bad thing. It's the only way the world can work. It's not the money peoples job to give a damn what color Sonics eyes are because at the end of the day it's 000000.1 of a fanbase on the internet complaining and it wont stop some grandma in a shop picking up the game at christmas for a grandkid. If developers were given complete free reign to do everything they wanted and had no money people the games wouldn't sell half as much. Because yes, the general public -are- uninspiring and like to buy really easy to digest crap. Sometimes companies go out on one and try to market the weirdness fully to make a profit, but it can fall both ways.
So yeah SEGA, they want money, but it's not everyones driving force in there. There are people who want to make money and there are people who want to make games. Both are essential for SEGA's existence. Where the problem lies with SEGA is there needs to be more of a middle ground between the two camps. I think the balance is becoming better again. We can complain about the money people and be on the side of the creatives but i think its equally important to know why the suits make those certain descisions.
Posted 20 July 2010 - 11:43 PM
Just goes to show that if you want to mess with NiGHTS, you'll face the polite wrath of his fanbase XDNo, i do have some faith in SEGA. Maybe not in their higher-ups right now, but the community team pay attention as do SUMO. Hell, if SEGA would be kind enough to let SUMO make a new NiGHTS game i can almost be certain that we would have some influence on the title in some way. Especially now that TRiP actually freelance works for SUMO. That and the fact that S0L himself takes care in listening to this community since we're one of the only communities not shoving crap down his throat every five minutes.
I do think a new NiGHTS game could happen but it needs to be under the right circumstances. I remember when JoD was finally officially announced, me and TRiP put together those project folders showing SEGA what fans feel about NiGHTS. They didn't really take on board what we were telling them and look how JoD turned out. Since that project happened our presense as a community has grown to the point that now Naka himself knows where we exist on the internet. A new NiGHTS game could very well be handled differently and we could get a game we deserved.
Posted 21 July 2010 - 10:58 PM
Happy Consumers = MORE money. The demand is high and they come back for more because they LOVE it!
They invested in a lovable dream creature that is so easy to adore by old/new fans of all ages. They can turn NiGHTS into into alot of cash if they learn their mistakes from Sonic's Legacy and it could be a bomb $60 retail game and worth every penny. I'm happy JoD was not a "true" sequel because it gives them some breathing space for a new game, maybe even a true NiD sequel, let Claris and Elliot GROW UP or something.
JoD could have been worse and I'm happy it was not, a whole decade went by making it appreciable to old fans and Fresh enough for new fans.
Hes got 1 badass game that started an amazing adventure
10 years of exposure threw countless cameos and easter eggs
And a second installment that juuust took the cake
Hes hanging onto his silver line waiting to sign his next contract XD
Posted 22 July 2010 - 04:21 PM
I've heard people compare Cirque du Soleil's performances to NiGHTS, but I didn't know it actually influenced the making of the game. I really want to see that specific show, now. I only saw one Cirque du Soleil performance on DVD, and it bums me that Mystere isn't on there.
I also think SUMO should have a go at it. They listened to us well enough for the ASR campaign, and they like putting nostalgia into their products.
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