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NiGHTS composer working on Smash Bros score

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ooh how about a stage where its like in realas throneroom and your fighting and its like the interactive thing like kori said.....and when reala didnt like the battle he would.....throw popcorn at you lol but like in SSBM if you are playing 1P mode and you start to lose the audience goes "aww" and "boo" so it could be possible...




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Beautiful music mixed with a kick-arse game.
I hope NiGHTS is in it.




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me too ayame, but as long as he isnt a playable character. but if he is ill still play it.




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here's a thought. Maybe an ideya palace with NiGHTS could be one of those falling items so players could morph into NiGHTS and paraloop other players, or maybe same concept, but with NiGHTS featuring in an arena.




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Thats a good idea tango.



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Maybe it wouldn't have to be a fistfight with NiGHTS, eh? ^_~
His combo could be like-
A- Pie in the Face
A,A- Paint face Purple
A,A,A- Hit with Mallet

You know, he plays pranks on his opponents for his attacks?




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hmmm......or he could sic a rogue army of pians on his opponents XD




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I too was thinking of having perhaps NiGHTS as an item, like a pokemon....XD The idea tickles me. I mean, look at what they did w/ Nintendogs....O_O PUPPY. Perhaps he, or a Pian could toss out eggs, like the Chancey did, and they'd have items or something...:P I dunno, seems kinda weird.

I am so for having NiGHTS having random fisticuffs with people like Link and Snake. It'd be like capoera, only he'd be floating, like Mewtwo. The possibility of NiGHTS playable is quite slim, but isn't this whole fandom about dreaming the impossible?? XD I'm so lame, I'm gold lame (pronounced: "la-may").

I'm all stoked about Kazumi Tokata as composer, since I'm obessed w/ trying to find his 19 note song in every game he'd worked on (Still looking for it on Wii Sports). K.K. Song...yay.




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Capoera?! Wow, I didn't think alot of people knew about that. O_O Good idea, but like the goombas that people throw and hit there could be pians!



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NiGHTS always struck me as more of a Vale Tudo kind of fighter. :P

All joking aside though, a move list inspired by Capoeira would be an excellent fit for the character. Or better yet, for those of you familiar with One Piece, something similar to Bon Clay's Ballet Kempo.



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Ballet Kempo could fit NiGHTS... That said, I won't be able to escape the mental image of NiGHTS dressed like Bon-chan now. Thanks XD




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You mean... like this? >D

Posted Image

On Topic, I agree with the Capoeira. That fightingstyle would suit NiGHTS quite well. :3




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GOOD LORD ICACHAN DONT EVERDO THAT AGAIN.......please? That is just.....scary....<_<




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Well, on the site today, there is a new item called the Assist Trophy. It summons the character in the throphy to fight for you. So, maybe NiGHTS will make an appearence as an assist character.




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Just what I was thinking, though it's more likely that Sonic will be an assist character.



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CUTE, Ica! *lol*

Hm.. Am I the only one who sees a NiGHTS cameo as unrealistic? I mean, a lot of people hope that they're favourite characters from other games are in this new one without thinking through that there may be no reason for them to think to stick them in there. And I hope Sonic ISN'T in it. There's enough madness going on that makes me want to take a cheese grater to the Tails tattoo on my arm. XD




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Very unrealistic, yes.

Nice to speculate though.




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In the advent of the new Smash Bros Brawl site, a large list of people employed for the Smash score was publicised. The vast majority of the list consists purely of videogame composing veterans, spanning from the composer of Actraiser's soundtrack to Nintendo's musical legend, Koji Kondo.

Among the list was NiGHTS' melody man, <insert name here>. This considered it is highly possible that NiGHTS will feature in the Brawl as one of the mentioned three third party combattents. Of course it's just speculation, but with the praising comments from Shigeru Miyamoto towards NiGHTS, and the new Wii exclusive NiGHTS game, it's one worth pondering.


you've got to be kidding me!!! Now I'm DEFINITELY getting a Wii!!!




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I suppose to be realistic, as much as I would enjoy a NiGHTS stage cameo as any perfectly insane fangirl, this may not be so. I just took a listen to the Ocarina of Time medley on the Smash Bros site, and noticed that two fabulous composers worked together on it - Koji Kondo (many things Nintendo) and Michiko Naruke (Wild ARMs). Two musicians, two different companies, came together and created a beautiful piece of music.

That said, perhaps there won't be a NiGHTS themed anything. There likely won't be a Wild ARMs stage after all! But at the very least, I'm left eagerly wondering which stage music will have Nightopia's musical flavor written all over it! :(

(And let's be honest - I'm kinda hoping those assist trophies include NiGHTS too! LOL)




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Omg Ica that is cuuuute.




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NiGHTS should be a support character. And if Sonic is in it (and has his own stage), NiGHTS should cameo in it along with every other SEGA character.



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Yeah, I guess it would be pretty fun. (Not Sonic..)

And I would like to hear if they put some kind of new spin on some NiGHTS music, because of the composer. Make it even more EPIC! But can you imagine how crazy a NiGHTS level would be? Bouncing off little isles, smashing windmills. ^_^ Throw 'Pians like you throw Mr. Saturn. WA ha ha!



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I can only see him as a boss character and if Master Hand's back (which is highly likely) then I know NiGHTS wouldn't be it plus NiGHTS is a 3rd party character as well so that's another reason he wouldn't be a boss. But seeing as how NiGHTS is so fast, can loop you and slaughter you with that loop, and perform stunts that may enable you to miss a lot then NiGHTS seems like a very good boss character.

I just got off the site and the zelda song sounds AWESOME!!!! Also Pokemon Trainer seems like the punk of the game lol He's afraid to get hurt. I know the concept of Pokemon is to fight with Pokemon but seeing as how everyone else is either shooting at people with something or swinging a sword or just using their fist he seems like a wimp.



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Tomoko Sasaki also composed Ristar, which has appeared on the virtual console... she also gets special thanks in the Space Channel 5 credits and did some work on Feel the Magic... she gets around XD

Oh wow, I'm just reading this now.. I did not know that! I loved the music in Ristar too.. go figure -_- (Really, the soundtracks for both games share many characteristics.. Ristar's soundtrack could be a 16 bit NiGHTS soundtrack)

(And NiGHTS in Smash Brothers could be crazy- imagine him flitting around drilling and paralooping people)




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behold, my new avatar.

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