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E3 2010 Discussion Thread
Posted 24 May 2010 - 02:07 AM
I hope Capcom reveal a new Resident Evil title~ And Konami, please make sure Silent Hill 6 is NOT the end of the series! T__T
Oh, and yes plz 3DS. Nomnomnom.
Posted 24 May 2010 - 07:18 AM
As for E3 though, i'm expecting Square Enix to pull something out of their ass. I don't think it will be FF7 though i certainly would like it.
Capcom will probably show off MvC3 so i'm looking forward to that.
Erm. Fallout: New Vegas will probably make an appearance.
Other than that, i can't think of anything else.
Posted 24 May 2010 - 08:12 AM
-Anything regarding MvC3
-The possible US release date of Hokuto Musou
My expectations are non-existent. I plan to skip press conferences this year (especially Nintendo's) and hope to be surprised.
Posted 24 May 2010 - 08:59 AM
Posted 25 May 2010 - 12:00 AM
Agreed. It seemed like moments ago project Natal was announced and the internet wet itself with joy.Well since the last years of E3 were a bit sucky, I don't have that much expectations. Just show me a few screens of Zelda Wii and I'll be happy.^^ Oh and maybe Kirby Wii? Pretty please Q___q That would totally make my day.<3
Posted 04 June 2010 - 10:41 PM
This teaser still sends a chill up my spine.
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown trailer
Posted 10 June 2010 - 06:35 PM
I know what you mean. I'm excited but I really don't know why. It feels like everything's been talked about already. I bet there's gonna be way too much emphasis on motion controls.E3 just doesn't elicit the same kind of excitement it used to anymore, for me anyway. There are only two things I'm paying attention to really this year.
-Anything regarding MvC3
-The possible US release date of Hokuto Musou
My expectations are non-existent. I plan to skip press conferences this year (especially Nintendo's) and hope to be surprised.
Posted 10 June 2010 - 08:29 PM
How much do you guys think Nintendo's Hardcore gamers outreach is just going to be the new metroid game and nothing else?
Posted 10 June 2010 - 09:45 PM
Now there's a new MK game coming
Looks like they're trying to do like what Capcom did with SFIV.. (well they'd certainly hope they accomplish this)
More news.. Dreamcast games are coming to XBLA and PSN.. Crazy Taxi and Sonic Adventure kick it off
Posted 10 June 2010 - 11:28 PM
There is the new Zelda game!All I'm looking forward to the announcement of Professor Layton 3 stateside.
How much do you guys think Nintendo's Hardcore gamers outreach is just going to be the new metroid game and nothing else?
Maybe E3 seems so much less exciting because of the internet. We used to have E3 and magazines to tell about games, but now gossip sites leak information daily.
Posted 11 June 2010 - 12:08 PM
Posted 12 June 2010 - 06:10 PM
Posted 14 June 2010 - 02:51 AM
I remembered a few little things I want to keep an eye on this year, like Dead Space 2, but I just can't for the life of me shake this incredible feeling of "meh" about E3. I don't want to feel "meh" though, I want to be excited.
One thing I'm having real trouble deciding on is if I should watch the press conferences. I was planning not to but it hard to commit to. On one hand I'd like to see any big announcements, and by big I mean completely unexpected game reveals or something. On the other hand I don't want to sit through 60+ minutes of corporate dudes droning on about their quarterly profits and market penetration and sh!t when I've got better things to do on my day off.
It's quite the conundrum.
Posted 14 June 2010 - 07:40 AM
Guess E3 has technically started early if stuff is already beginning to come out. If you all find anything of interest be sure to post it here. Have a fun week (kinda wish i was at home watching it all live but OH WELL).
Posted 14 June 2010 - 08:33 PM
Sonic Free Riders.
Posted 15 June 2010 - 08:15 AM
-Assassin's Creed Brotherhood has me curious. I love the series so I'll give it a shot. Co-op assassinations is a very promising notion in a stealth game. If it's anything like the multiplayer in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theorey, I'll be ecstatic.
-I'm surprised by how much I'm looking forward to Dead Space 2. The first didn't exactly blow me away, but it's grown on me and the sequel seems to be upping the spectacle and playing to the strengths of the first. I'm rather excited.
-I still don't give a flying f*** about Kinect/Natal.
-The new 360 is neat. Certainly a good option for people who don't already have one. Personally, I don't have much reason to pick one up. My current 120G Harddrive isn't even halfway full, I've had a WiFi adaptor for over a year now and, as already stated, I don't care about Kinect. Still, definitely a good bundle.
-Supposedly, Capcom has some huge reveal in store. Finally, something to get my blood boiling over.
Posted 15 June 2010 - 10:00 AM
Furthermore, i'm still waiting for a game on Kinect that's to my tastesHOLY sh!t!!! THAT BREAK DANCING GAME LOOKS AWESOME!!! ok, now i've found a game i like! ^___^
Every other Kinect game looks a bit bleh. The kart games 'medicore', the animal game is cute because i've never owned a pet before so that might bring some novelty to a person like me, but it wouldn't be anything i'd fangasm over.
Everything EA showed me bored the hell from out of me. Boring war games, i'm fed up with war games, it's dissrespectful too if you ask me but whatever. So no, war games are boring. Sport games do nothing for me, and i don't care too much for American Football so the hype over that Madden game was lost on me.
I really wanted to be excited for the new Need for Speed game, i'm somewhat of a loose racing game fan, i prefer street racing to circuit based racing and i really wanted to like what i was seeing but i just couldn't get in to it.
A Michael Jackson game was also announced so that has taken my interest.
erm ...the Forza Kinect game might appeal to me for a few minutes. Might feel like i actually own a kick ass car, lol.
The new Xbox looks nice. I want one. Just not right now. I hope i can transfer game data over, i'd hate to have to play all these bloody games again, lol XD;;
And now that i've started wearing purple and green clothing it's funny to see Microsoft use the same colour combination with their Kinect boxes. Pretty!
Oh, yeah. Fable 3 is coming along as expected so no doubt i'll be picking that up.
Metal Gear Rising, i'm hoping, turns out well.
All in all, it wasn't bad. I did kinda enjoy watching it yesterday, i must admit. Even if nothing groundbreaking happened.
Posted 15 June 2010 - 10:31 AM
Posted 15 June 2010 - 07:58 PM
C'mon, Team Ico collection..
Posted 15 June 2010 - 08:12 PM
Just, WOW.
Just got back from watching my DVR recording of nintendo's conference. And I must say it was better then last years by at least Half a mile. I was shocked to see how the new zelda's coloring style is cell shading ALA Wind waker. Poor guys with there technological difficulties. Besides the look at Epic Mickey, not that much interested me.
That is until the 3DS. I'm still A little skeptical, but Hey, If it means a new Layton and a Kid Icurus, I might just consider it.
I don't really care about Kinect. Sony, I'm sorry, but your newfangled "move" controller reminds me too much of the Weatherball we used to have around here to really focus on how "OMGLOLBBQ!!11!!" awesome it may or may not be.
Posted 15 June 2010 - 10:01 PM
Sony's conference went from meh to great to "OH MY GOD KEVIN BUTLER!" to "OMG LITTLEBIGPLANET 2 GAMEPLAY!" to "hmm that's interesting" to "Ya know, I've never been that into the Twisted Metal series but I could probably get into this."
Posted 15 June 2010 - 10:38 PM
They have been getting a lot of complaints about selling out to the casual market over the last few years, even i feel they did. So many fans were asking for old IP's to be revisited and what with WiiResort, WiiFit and WiiMusic coming out it just seemed like Nintendo were not listening to their fans, instead going where the money went.
But they really flipped that around this year.
I'm not a Nintendo fan. I like them, i think their IP's are indeed nice and i can appreciate when fans are answered. GoldenEye, Donkey Kong Country, Star Fox, Kid Icarus, Kirby ...all of these were being asked for by the fans. And today Nindento delivered it to them. And you could genuinely hear it in the crowd, they ate that up. They loved seeing it.
Kid Icarus' comeback was well done, Pit even saying to the fans watching the trailer - "sorry to keep you waiting" ..... How i would have loved it if SEGA had treated NiGHTS in the same way, treated NiGHTS as an important IP that people had cherished and wished to revisit after a long hiatus.
So, for Nintendo i throw an encore because when they bring something back to the fans they really bring it back. I wish SEGA would listen to their fans in the same light as this.
Part of me really wants to now ask Miyamoto if there's any way he could do a NiGHTS game afterall. If just for the reason that NiGHTS deserves to be treated better.
Posted 16 June 2010 - 12:26 AM
Kirby looks extremely AWWW and inventive. Probably takes after LittleBigPlanet visual design-wise, but I don't care. LBP isn't that fun anyway. Great to see Donkey Kong County return, and Epic Mickey looks interesting. Not sure how I feel about it at the moment. I think I've over hyped myself with it since its announcement. All of the Gamespot editors seem impressed, so I'm hopeful.
Posted 16 June 2010 - 01:11 AM
YESYESYESYES NEW PAPER MARIO! Also the screens for Resident Evil: Revelations are so confusing...Why is there two Chris's? AND WHY IS JILL POINTING HER GUNS AT THEM?!?!?
Posted 16 June 2010 - 02:50 AM
Posted 16 June 2010 - 04:40 AM
Oh yes, I just went there. Can't a man dream?
Posted 16 June 2010 - 05:55 AM
Posted 16 June 2010 - 06:52 AM
-Marvel vs. Capcom 3 gave me special feelings. It's still practically a year away but this rough build looks superb. I saw gameplay from both MvC2 and TvC and it looks very cool. What really impressed me was the presentational style with it's obvious comic book influences. I really liked the bright colors, the bubbly format of the combo letters and those totally retro yellow flashes when attacks hit. This is shaping up to be great.
-Nintendo's press conference was solid and you want to know why? Because of all sequels and familiar franchises Nintendo is known and loved for. The same franchises that have been neglected pretty much since DS picked up steam and the Wii launched. To me the conference kinda felt like Nintendo crawling of their knees to apologize to their core fanbase they've alienated all these years. The resurrection of Kid Icarus, a game that hasn't had a sequel in over 20 years despite fan demand indicates as much to me. And maybe it's because I'm a spiteful bastard at times but the Zelda demo's "technical problems" kind of felt like karma in action. With that said I'll go onto games.
-The new Zelda doesn't really excite me. For me Zelda has bee in a rut since Wind Waker and this new one doesn't appear to do anything innovative to excite me. I also sincerely hope that somehow there is an option for a traditional control scheme because the I still don't believe the Wiimote is a very precise or effective means of control, especially in games heavy with action. As for the art direction, it looks solid. I tend to prefer a certain degree of grit in Zelda art direction. Wind Wakers cel shading was good but I hated its art direction. Conversely I though Twilight Princess was too gritty and not colorful enough. I like how this new Zelda is trying to strike a happy medium. Time will tell though.
-Metroid Other M looks stellar. Team Ninja is a very capable group of developers and as long as Itagaki isn't part of them anymore, I look forward to anything they put out. This game looks very exciting and appears to hearken back a bit to the style of older Metroids. I can't wait.
-Kid Icarus looks like a blast. I may have hated the original but this looks flat out cool. It appears to be some kind of hybrid of an action game and a rail shooter, a genre I adore. It almost seems to have some Star Fox-esque qualities at times. A lot can go wrong with these hybrid style games but it looks promising for now.
-Kirby: Epic Yarn has an impressive art style/gameplay function going for it. I'm not much for Kirby but this can wind up being pretty cool.
-A new, proper Donkey Kong being made is good news. Knowing it's being developed by Retro is even better. If anyone can do it, they can. Retro are geniuses as far as I'm concerned.
-3DS sounds like another gimmick but I'll pick it up just because I haven't upgraded my 1st generation DS yet. At the end of the day I think it really just a DS with more bells and whistles though I think it's a bit of a kick to the nuts that Nintendo had to put out the DSi, and even worse, the DSi XL before this. Couldn't they have just waited a year? Damn.
-Metal Gear Rising looks cool. Not a stealth game, but I'm fine with that. Kojima hasn't done straight action since Z.O.E The 2nd Runner. More action is good.
Posted 16 June 2010 - 12:17 PM
did you see the gameplay videos? Oh god total love.
Posted 16 June 2010 - 02:36 PM
-3DS sounds like another gimmick but I'll pick it up just because I haven't upgraded my 1st generation DS yet. At the end of the day I think it really just a DS with more bells and whistles though I think it's a bit of a kick to the nuts that Nintendo had to put out the DSi, and even worse, the DSi XL before this. Couldn't they have just waited a year? Damn.
I haven't upgraded my 1st generation DS either. But I'm thinking of getting the DSi XL anyway, once the price drops, because it's screen is so much larger.
The 3DS doesn't particularly light my fire - the graphics are good but I'm unsure how 3D will effect gameplay, or if third party developers will support it. While this is a much better than the Virtual Boy, I can't help but be reminded of Nintendo's last effort to create a 3D portable console...
Posted 16 June 2010 - 03:46 PM
Posted 16 June 2010 - 07:07 PM
Ahahah real portable that was.
My friend David got one off eBay some time ago. Had a shot of it for about 2minutes and I started crying. Who the hell let that through H&S?
Posted 17 June 2010 - 07:41 AM
-New Silent Hill revealed. This is a good and bad thing for me. On one hand I love Silent Hill. On the other, recent installments haven't been especially impressive. I long for the old days of intelligent stories and slowly built atmosphere. I hope this delivers, but I won't hold my breath.
-Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 looks just as mind-blowing as I'd hoped. Good god I can't wait.
-Sonic Colors looks like Sonic Unleashed without the werehog which is a very good thing. Still, this is Sonic so I'm sure some kind of damnable gimmick will rear its ugly head.
-Vanquished holds a lot of promise. While it maybe another 3rd person shooter it appears to be trying something different by upping the general pace considerably among other things. With a brilliant man like Shinji Mikami heading a talented group like Platinum I'd be surprised if the results are anything less than good. This is the man behind Resident Evil 4 after all.
-Many, many expected sequels that we already knew about don't exactly make this the most stimulating E3. Seeing stuff 'm looking forward to is fine, but it doesn't really get my blood boiling like an exciting new original title. I really wish we were seeing more new IPs.
Posted 17 June 2010 - 06:36 PM
Kirby's new game is freakin adorable, and I'm even more psyched for Sonic Colors after seeing gameplay.
Indeed, seeing how Nintendo is treating the new Kid Icarus game makes me wish Sega did the same for NiGHTS.
Posted 18 June 2010 - 12:42 AM
Posted 18 June 2010 - 01:39 AM
But there were a few things that got me excited. Child of Eden looks awesome. I'm still not sold on the Kinect, but it looks so Rez-like that I imagine the experience can actually be designed to work well. At least it would if I had a bigger TV...
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair - I'm not yet sold on 3D Castlevania games, and I've never played a Hideo Kojima game, so Lords of Shadow doesn't get me super-excited. But a 2D multiplayer one? Awesome. I all of the post-Symphony of the Night 2D Castlevania games have been rock solid.
Otomedius Excellent - A hardcore 2D shooter with cute anime girls? This is my kind of game. All the way.
Other than that... not too much that makes me seriously excited that I didn't already know about. (Of course I will be getting Dead Rising 2; I didn't need to find out that the DLC prequel is serious in order for me to reach this decision!)
I would have liked to see something about Beyond Good & Evil 2, but I feel like that's a game that will take patience more than anything else...
Posted 18 June 2010 - 11:53 AM
Posted 18 June 2010 - 01:01 PM
Posted 18 June 2010 - 05:24 PM
Posted 18 June 2010 - 09:42 PM
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