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I'm not dead- honest

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    Your Mum

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Just thought I'd make a topic to explain my absence from the site the past month and a half. Not intentional I assure you but my life got crazy busy. DiGi has been off work sick for nearly 2 months now and has been in and out of hospital, but -thankfully- is okay now. So since money has been short I've been taking commissions to help pay. 50 in one month *lol*

Also the main reason I've been gone has something to do with a top secret project I've been involved with XD... but I'm not allowed to say anything until it's officialy announced. It's not NiGHTS related sadly (ONE DAY ONE DAY DAMMIT) nor is it SEGA related. Vaguely. But it's involved Japan and me working my proverbial arse off. When the news goes up you'll all go 'ahhhhh ok so that's where she's been!' lol. I wouldn't near abandon you guys without good reason XD;;; Sorry!

I finished my work today so it's back to regular updates and all that. We've got something headed your way soon that may be of interest to you. So stay tuned.



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Good to know DiGi's well and it sounds like you're stepping your game up which is all good.




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LOL TRiPPY, That's so typical of you, always working hard.
It'd better be good after sitting through 5 DA journals obsessing about it (I kid, I kid!)
Give my regards to DiGi!

Oh, Hey! Just a side note, I'm gonna see if I can get to thouse Helen Cosplay photos soon. We have a town bandshell!~



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Is very intrigued by this "project". Very intigued indeed.



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An iMAGNi anime?!? :P I'm excited for this SEKRET PROJEKT.

I'm also glad to hear that DiGi is healthful once again!



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I am indeed interested to hear what exactly this is. You have my attention... :rolleyes:




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Well, you caught my interest. Sorry to hear about your hard times, but glad that all is well now! Can't wait to hear what this is all about!

And yes, one day, dammit. One day.

Even if I have to do it myself.




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Yes! Great to know DiGi's okay. :rolleyes: I've seen what you've been doing at dA. The rate you got those commissions out was impressive. ^^ Loved 'em...but I couldn't afford any sadly. :/

Secret project eh? Well, isn't that interesting? Might have to keep a better eye on the forums now.



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I'm working with Bentley Jones :3 You may know him from such gems as Dreams of an Absolution and So much more than This (ASR).

Chao Freak 1

Chao Freak 1


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...That's absolutely amazingciting! I really want to see the full thing whatever it is~ Seeing your art in a BJ something is just delightful~

私はANIMATEDです... あなたはANIMATEDです... 私たちはANIMATEDです...
...That line seemed so... I dunno. Cool I guess~ The only thing that bugged me is that "ikimasu" would've worked better than "ikemasu" 'cuz ikemasu is more "I can go~" and ikimasu is more "I will go" BUT I'M JUST BEING PICKY WITH LANGUAGES!
I'm so looking forward to seeing the full thing~
wktk~ wktk~



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I am confused. I've never heard of this MCM thing before but that's probably because I'm in the U.S.




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  • Interests:Games in general. I am a gamer<br />Cosplay - maybe you don't like but I LOVE<br />Sing - I am a good singer, so I like to sing. A LOT (and game music is my love)<br />And everthing that you would like to chat. I am not a quiet person xDDD
Dear, I really understand you!
I have been absent for a long time ( I think it has benn 2 months) because I am totally busy! My college is demanding A LOT of my time and I am doing that huge cosplay project for World Cosplay Summit this year, so every free time that I have, it is being used for this project. I am really into this competition every year (remember when I went there with a NiGHTS performance?) and this year, me and my partner, we are doing something huge, bigger than the other years! So...busy busy busy busy like hell xD
Welcome back for you and me!
And good luck on your secret project =D

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