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The Last Wave

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DiGi Valentine

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Ok. As of this point, what is about to happen right now will be the LAST and final stretch of the Don't Forget NiGHTS campaign. This moment is potentially crucial and i would appreciate having as much of your attention as i can for this. Forgive the length in which this post may be but try and read all of it.

This campaign has brought us acknowledgement from SEGA/SUMO in the form of NiGHTS becoming a flag-waver in All-Stars Racing. The news was fantastic and it made a lot of fans VERY happy to see this kind of response from the companies involved. However, we do have our goal to get NiGHTS playable via DLC. And this is what the last stretch is based on.

There will be one last wave of emails to show support for NiGHTS Downloadable Content HOWEVER (and it is important you read this part) we will be handling the wave of emails differently this time.

We are very appreciative of NiGHTS becoming a flag-waver and of S0L to come here and give us an exclusive. It proves we have been heard and therefore i don't want this final wave of emails to be a nuisance.
Last time we listed a number of different email addresses and i asked you all to individually email them yourselves. This can become annoying, especially to busy companies like SEGA/SUMO. Having hundreds and thousands of emails come in all over the place again will just cause irritation and that's not what we want. However, we still want to show support for DLC without offending the company so how do we conduct this last wave?
We send one single email containing ALL the emails from you, the supporters.

This is how it will work -
We will ask you to send us your emails in favour of the campaign, we will round them up into one file documenting all the support we can get for NiGHTS DLC and i will personally direct the email to SEGA myself. I will send it through a route to the company in which i believe will get forwarded to those who need to read it most.
The reason for doing this last wave via this method is as i said before, less of an annoyance yet it will still contain the same amount of numbers that SEGA might need to see in order to convince them that NiGHTS is still a worthy investment.

Why are you continuing the campaign even after NiGHTS has appeared as flag-waver? -

The flag-waver is a step in the right direction in the company listening to the outcries of the fans. However, our goal stands on having NiGHTS as a downloadable playable character. And there are reasons for this -
- 1 - DLC does cost money to make. To make NiGHTS dlc SEGA would need to consider it a worthy investment in that it would make a profit. By showing support for NiGHTS dlc it proves to SEGA that NiGHTS is a worthy investment as people would buy the dlc.
- 2 - By showing that NiGHTS is a worthy investment it'll also make it known to them that the character is still a worthy part of their catalogue, therefore these kinds of incidents happening again in the future will be less likely to occur (some people still can't believe NiGHTS is not playable).
- 3 - This will further push things like porting the NiGHTS remake to XboxLiVE/PSN in our favour (but we'll get on to that kinda campaign later after this out the way ;P)

Why are you taking our emails? Why can't we email SEGA ourselves? -
As i've previously stated, we are thankful for the flag-waver making an appearance and do not want to offend the company by sending loads of emails in their direction. It's messy and it's annoying. We don't want to disrespect them however we still want to show support, so gathering everybodies support in to one single email means we're still showing numbers but in a more tidy manner.

It's just a racing game. All this fuss over NiGHTS in a racing game? -
As i briefly mentioned before, this will stem further than ASR. For now, ASR is where it has started as NiGHTS was rudely misplaced. By showing support for NiGHTS (and further more actually buying DLC of him) we are giving SEGA an understanding of how much we support the character. This can strengthen future petitions like ..

Why make fuss over ASR? We should have just asked for NiGHTS into Dreams ported to XboxLiVE/PSN -
..like this, for example. People couldn't understand why we were not petitioning for this instead and the reason for this is because there had never been a reason to worry about NiGHTS' status until this incident happened with ASR. If we know where NiGHTS is and the company understand how we feel about the character, if sometime down the line we ask nicely for NiD to be ported then we'll most likely be heard out, rather than if we just started asking out of the blue. As i said before, this situation had me worried and so i acted to try and fix it. From this point onwards things have at least the possibility to move forward in regards to other things involving NiGHTS.

Still, it's just a racing game -
But it's a very FUN racing game and i have a feeling it will sell quite nicely. It would be a shame for NiGHTS not to be part of the selectable roster in something like this.

What if DLC is already planned, won't we just be bothering SEGA? -

On the contrary. This is another reason why i want to send everything in one email. If NiGHTS dlc is happening then we're doing nothing but further showing support for the cause and reassuring SEGA they're making the right move. If NiGHTS dlc is not currently being planned then we're giving SEGA some more numbers to check on in hopes of convincing them to make it happen.
No harm is being done with this last wave.

Why are you only campaigning for NiGHTS? What about Ristar/Vectorman/ToeJam&Earl/TheOriginalOutrunFlagman/MARIO? -

...dunno if you noticed but we're a NiGHTS community? :D
In all seriousness though, for the character that we are fans of of course we are going to campaign for that character. However, there's nothing stopping anybody else out there asking for other characters via DLC. If it's any character that members of this forum are also fans of i'd encourage them to join those campaigns too. At the end of the day i'm a fan of SEGA but this is the community and the fans i work for and i'm campaigning for that character.

NiGHTS dlc NEEDS a show of numbers for support of it. This last wave can really make all the difference. If you have emailed before we strongly encourage you to email for this last wave too.
DLC costs money, we need to show SEGA that money on NiGHTS can be well spent. This community would not survive on it's own if NiGHTS really wasn't as good a character as we know he is. The NiGHTS property just needs to be handled with a little more care, that's all ;)

SO ...how do you show support via email? Well, here's what we need you to do -

Similar form as before, copy and paste this into an email -


I am writing this message to show my support for NiGHTS in hopes that you can make him become a playable character for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing via Downloadable Content. I will support NiGHTS dlc by purchasing it should you make it.
Please let NiGHTS race in All-Stars Racing

yours sincerely
(your name)

This is the base form of the email. You can add upon this message should you wish to have more to say in your own words but this is what you need to be telling SEGA. A copy-paste is an easy option but it might be worth more should you build upon it a little. Either way is good though.

Send your email to our address here -
[email protected]

We will include your email address in the email we send to SEGA along with your message. After that we will no longer keep hold of your email address, we just want to get these number counts to SEGA so they can see the support. We will not forward your email to any other company other than SEGA themselves. It is purely for the sake of this campaign and showing support.

There is a deadline for these emails to reach us.
The deadline is the 25th February. Right in the middle between the USA release and the UK one.

In closing, i have one last thing to say in regards to this last wave. If you ever cared about NiGHTS' past and/or future, if the character has ever meant anything to you at one point in time, push aside all the things that went wrong and just notice the character for what it means and/or meant to you.

Support now to have NiGHTS get his DLC and support now to get us ready for the future.

It doesn't take 5 minutes to copy, paste and send us an email. And every single email will make a difference, believe me.

Let's try and make this happen. We are so close to reaching our goal.



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This is a fantastic idea and you've gone about it in all the right ways. I was worried myself about the mass e-mail thing happening in case it was just a bother, but this single e-mail is a great idea. Plus, I dont think anyone can say you dont have sources in the right places as well, so we can trust that this will get somewhere.

You can count on my support, and I'll try and spread the word.



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K, couldn't hurt, though we need ASR to sell well to begin with; that was the original incentive for DLC in itself. Hopefully playable NiGHTS is already on Sumo's 'checklist' of items to be developed (we know they know we want it), meaning as long as ASR does well NiGHTS will become playable, but of course drilling the point home to Sega is still a valid issue.

Ooh, what about those ASR toys? We need one of NiGHTS!




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I have shown my support for the final wave. Come on guys, only with dedication, and determination, can we make sure NiGHTS will never be forgotten.

Noctourne Wonderland

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Should I avoid using my internet name? I feel more comfortable with the alias, but I don't want Sega to think that I'm not a real person. :D



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Use whatever name you like. Just be sure to send us an email :D




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Wish I could write more at the moment, but I'm heading to my birthday dinner. :D Hello, 25! I'll spread the word around where I do. <3 Thanks for the heads up, DiG.




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Good luck DiGi and TRiPPY, just sent mine in.


Just posted about it in the SSMB's ASR topic to spread the word :D




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sorry for only copy pasting that message and using the forum name, i couldn't think of anything else to write (mainly cause i might be leaving soon) and i'm kinda shy with my real name

so once again, i'm sorry if it's not what you want




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It's exciting, both drawing to the end of this and realizing how close we really are. I know I've been inactive on the boards, but I'm trying to keep up on FB. xD; And it... Eee. I'm excited.

But we have to remember: regardless of when we send things in, how loud we are, this won't be an immediate change. They'll still need to take their time to program, model, and otherwise put together a working character for the game (unless they've already got it put together and they're just making us writhe and get louder).

Anyhow. My email's sent (with the wonderfully creative subject header it has), and here's hoping, guys. <3




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Email sent! :D

I like the idea of you guys collecting all of the emails and sending it in as one. I think it's a much better approach.

Thanks DiGi and TRiPPY for all the work you've put into this campaign! :)



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ALRIGHT! An email has been sent. I only expanded upon the "core" a bit but I feel like it would be kind of a waste to make no changes at all. YEAH!



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About the fact ASR needs to sell well.
I don't doubt for a second that this is going to sell amazingly. Superstars Tennis fell into obscurity because it's a tennis game, and that doesn't really sell particuarly well anyway.
This is a serious contender for Kart racing on the Wii. Mario Kart Wii is like one of the greatest selling games of all time. Because its Mario and it's on Wii. This is Sonic, I have no doubt people who want more of Mario Kart will jump ship and pick up a copy.
Not to mention Xbox and PS3 have no colourful kart racers out right now. Theres casual markets there too and this is a first for that genre.




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So this is the last chance of having NiGHTS available as a downloadable content. I'll be more than happy to help you guys with the campaign.




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Absolutely, I think that any effort we can string together here is a good one. :3




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Ah, this makes me proud to be a NiGHTS fan. Makes me blush and feel all tingly it does. >w<

I'll pass this on to my friends who I have proudly made into NiGHTS fans and also want him playable and some Sonic fans I'm slowly making into NiGHTS fans. I'll make sure they pass this onto other fans too. ;3

I know the perfect~ way to personalize this email. <3

Dex la Cabra

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done, and everyone else, get this done quicksmart, dont wait until the admins have to nag you for it, just do it asap :D i decree it! XD dont give the admins more stress than they need, and it's for NiGHTS for effs sake, why would you NOT do this right now XD




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Okay, I just got a ton of my friends who aren't apart of this site to email you guys the message and spread the word to other people! Thank goodness they know how much of a crazy SEGA and Sonic fan I am. ^ ^; I'm going to hop on the email bandwagon right now~




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I sent my email in~! Most of my friends have no idea who NiGHTS is but I can ask around. ^^




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Sent! As soon as I saw the email from the boards, I jumped right on here and sent it write away. PRIORITIES, PEOPLE! :D




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Just wanted to say, try to point out NiGHTS' inclusion in Sonic Riders and Sonic Riders Zero Gravity! Try to talk about him racing in a multitude of vechiles already(boards, skates, yacht, wheel, even the taxi from Crazy Taxi~!). Hope this helps! X3

Dex la Cabra

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Just wanted to say, try to point out NiGHTS' inclusion in Sonic Riders and Sonic Riders Zero Gravity! Try to talk about him racing in a multitude of vechiles already(boards, skates, yacht, wheel, even the taxi from Crazy Taxi~!). Hope this helps! X3

an excellent point people, make sure to point out that he has a great deal of vehicle experience :D




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I can't help but consider they might just think we're being a bit arsey over this, regardless I've pledged my support after recieving the email from here.

We know there's going to be DLC anyway, unless Ryo-F is just an unlock. Would not be surprised.




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an excellent point people, make sure to point out that he has a great deal of vehicle experience :D

Yes yes! Also point out that the animation and skeleton for NiGHTS racing in just about anything is already there! I'm planning on making a video later to rant on this. XD

Oh, almost forgot! He's raced in a motorcycle too! So TRiPPY's bike have a chance. XDDD



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I sent you guys my email. I added a bit more onto it to make it a little more heartfelt. I also used both my real name and my NiD.com user name in the signature area. It would be really nice to see this pull through. I think its great we finally have our foot in the door with Sega and all. I'm hoping some time soon we might start to see more NiGHTS activity from Sega. A port of the NiD remake to all the systems would be wonderful. I'd get it if it were put up on Wii Ware, that's for sure. I'm glad that after almost 3 years of having my own Saturn and copy of NiD, I'm not alone on the internet as a fan of the franchise. NiGHTS has made me really happy over the years and I'm glad to see that s/he isn't being completely ignored. Getting this DLC would be really lovely, but like I said before, I'm happy just having NiGHTS as a flag waver. Getting the DLC would be a mighty big bonus though. Let's get more NiGHTS, everyone! :D




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I've sent an email to the address that Digi Valentine requested for.



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Posted Image

Just sent you guys my email. I came this far so why stop now? Whether we succeed or fail, I was happy to be a part of it all.

Noctourne Wonderland

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I've gotten some people interested in the game; I'll ask them to join the cause. :D

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Chun-li Kittylien

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  • Interests:To also know fans of NiGHTS and of other games of SEGA!!!^^ Ah, also taste of fighting games (Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter...), anime, mangá, cartoon and comics!<br /><br />Conhecer fãs de NiGHTS e também de outros jogos da SEGA!!!^^ Ah, também gosto de fighting games (Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter...), anime, mangá, cartoon e comics!!!
I sent my e-mail!!!!!! ^^ I love this idea!!!!!! ^^




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OK, I just sent the e-mail right now. ^^ I hope SEGA will hear us...

juice hedgehog

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sure count me in, it's true i'm relieved that NiGHTS is making his appearance in the game but i'd be happier to have him playable!




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I've sent my E-mail, though I didn't really have anything to say that hasn't already been said; so I waffled a bit, because... It'd be a waste not to? D: *Beaten to death*

It is really a great idea, DiGi and TRiPPY. Much better than the independent E-mail approach, as it's been pointed out. I’ve got a good feeling about this; hopefully SEGA will tell us ‘Yes’!




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Yeah im so happy Nights is in the game as the flag holder but that doesnt feel enough to all Nights fans! ive just played as him in sega tennis and sonic riders 2 and are begging to play as him from the DLC! ill be wishing alot and really hard everytime i go to sleep! everytime!

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Alright... This is it. Email sent... and... done. Let's do this thang, people! For NiGHTS!!




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Okay, e-mail has been sent. You have my full support. Let NiGHTS be playable in ASR!!! :)




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I'm so proud of this community, after all we've been through with this campaign, it makes me so unbelievably happy to be a NiGHTS fan.

Now lets see this through to the end! =D

Edit: Also, awesome mention in Kotaku! http://kotaku.com/54...all star-racing




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Count me in~! I'll buy the game no problem! I betcha anything NiGHTS will end up being my main driver x3

*Runs off to send email* Sorry, couldn't think of anything else to add to it^^;




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sent my e-mail this morning



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Right it's saturday morning and I'm up pasting your emails across into a big file. To those of you who have already sent in an email, thank you, you're pure gold. To those of you who haven't, get a move on please. To those of you who don't intend to get off your thumbs and expect other people to voice your opinon instead, shame on you, this takes 5 seconds to do.

This is about numbers. And right now it needs a hell of a LOT more, not going to lie to you. I know it was only put up lastnight but come on, there were over 80 of you in here lastnight alone. I'm sick and tired of having to take initiative for other people and work my arse off for the sake of others if they cannot be bothered to once in a blue moon do something in return. It's not even for me, it's for NiGHTS and what his games mean to you. NiGHTS fans are infamous for voicing their opinon. Get to it. What are you waiting for?

This isn't just about NiGHTS DLC. This is about much more than that. This is about NiGHTS' strength as a franchise. This is a real shot to change something for the better.

Me and DiGi are only two people. We cannot do this alone. Please help us rally the NiGHTS fans together to email us. Don't be lazy and complain about it later. You know JoD wasn't regarded as something that would sell a lot of copies BEFORE it was released by SEGA because they cannot SEE the demand for NiGHTS. But they are wrong and I know you guys are out there even if you aren't active fans. You don't have to be. I couldn't give a damn if you visit this site or not. We all have our personal reasons for caring.

A few of you know how important NiGHTS has been to me personaly over the years and with that I'd like to remind you that despite my own personal hardships, life's ups and downs, I'm still here fighting his corner because I believe he is very important to you guys and to me. I know you lot love him to bits. So please, help us out. We're running out of time.

I want this campaign to be over as much as the next person. I know it's annoying. I'm pissed off that I'm having to do it in the first place. But because i care I do, even if it means stress and losing sleep from having to deal with a whole other bunch of stuff you guys don't get to see.

Just trust us on this ok. Email us.

PASTE INTO EMAIL AND SEND TO [email protected] :


I am writing this message to show my support for NiGHTS in hopes that you can make him become a playable character for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing via Downloadable Content. I will support NiGHTS dlc by purchasing it should you make it.
Please let NiGHTS race in All-Stars Racing

yours sincerely
(your name)


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