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Personal Dreamscapes
Posted 11 August 2007 - 06:03 AM

Posted 25 August 2007 - 02:23 AM

Thunderous Ocean:

Enjoy! I'm quiet proud of myself. ^^
EDiT: I've no idea how to scale images. x.X'
EDiT2: Want to see the original pic? PM me~!
Posted 25 August 2007 - 07:29 AM

Posted 25 August 2007 - 11:41 PM

This place leads to a marshy place... it's like a mishmash of the place in Indiana I used to live at, and the forest that was nearby. It's like a cavern, but trees are growing. It's also like a sub-division in the real world, but also like a maze. It then leads to a much greyer, colder area. Everything is still green and it's like a mishmash of a place near-by. There is an abandoned school. Past the School, there is a long bridge, over cold water and a bus goes through it. There's an entire city about many miles down that's completely under water. You can get near it, because the bridge stops you and there's tunnels here and there. There's lots of high-tech stuff and skyscrapers, but it's either submerged, destroyed, or both. Finally there is blackness. You can walk into the blackness but you get nowhere, and there really is no one around
If one is to travel over the Ice Ocean by paper plane (yeah... Paper Plane) you can get to the edge of the place. Here, the buildings are somewhat destroyed, and there's a detective guy like Zenigata from Lupin the 3rd. There's also a museum with lush treasures.
Finally... there is a sandy place. Kind of like a kingdom, supposedly I was going to be the owner of this sandy kingdom, with supposedly many servants, all women wearing white hooded garments, at my disposal but I left it behind.
And lastly was the cathedral where my first nightmare was born. I haven't seen it since the first time, but I remember it like if it was just the other day.
All these places have cold water pools. These pools always wake me up, and I usually accidentally, and hysterically, fall into these cold pools of water and wake up.
Those are all the places I have traveled to in my dreams and they come up often, each one depending on a certain situation.
Posted 26 January 2008 - 03:10 AM

Posted 26 January 2008 - 05:51 AM

EDIT: Oh, and I usually have nightmares about getting lost and being late to class in school. It kinda sucks.
Posted 26 January 2008 - 09:36 PM

I usually dream in a weird theme park with malfunctioning rides. Im not even kidding.
EDIT: Oh, and I usually have nightmares about getting lost and being late to class in school. It kinda sucks.
kinda like the Lost Park stage in JoD
Posted 26 January 2008 - 09:45 PM

Posted 26 January 2008 - 09:51 PM

I have at least three recurring dreamscapes. One of them is an amusement park that is sort of like a cross between a beautiful garden, Calaway Park in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and Disneyland, with a few rides of my mind's invention. The rides seem to all be working, though some of them are a bit weird, and the games are easy to win though hard for me to understand when I wake up. Another is a library that is a cross between my old elementary school and my public library. It's painted in lots of bright colours. Plus, it's absolutely huge; you could probably never take all the books out. There's a few computers there where my dreams tend to take an X-rated turn ((o_o)). My last 'scape is a boarding school where my first-ever dream with NiGHTS took place. It's similar to the high school in my town, though the school is out in the middle of nowhere, though strangely it's close to a game store that looks like Wal-Mart on the outside but like Staples on the inside. The school has a wheat field-lined path to get to it, and it's flipped from being a welcoming yet very prestigous school where I had to sneak in to a school where everyone was a Wizeman-worshipping brat to an all-girls school where the headmistress was evil and my mom was going to leave me.
Thank you for the Nightmares... HAPPY NOW WIZEMAN?!?
Posted 26 January 2008 - 09:54 PM

Thank you for the Nightmares... HAPPY NOW WIZEMAN?!?
Wait, what? o_o;
Posted 26 January 2008 - 10:11 PM

Posted 26 January 2008 - 11:35 PM

Posted 26 January 2008 - 11:37 PM

My dreams often take place in a bigger version of my grandmother's house, only instead of my grandparents living there, it's me, my ex boyfriend, and two kids. I don't understand it, as I hate his guts. Hmm. Anyway, usually something supernatural happens and when I walk outside I'm someplace totally different, like the middle of a freeway in Alabama or on top of Big Ben. I even ended up inside my TV once. I don't get it. My Dreamscapes change faster than the appitite of a hungry fat man at a buffet.
Read post #49.
Posted 26 January 2008 - 11:55 PM

No, I'm serious. Only been there once, I think, if at all. I just know I've seen it before, and I know I never seen it in THIS world. XD I think it was more of a 'Flash-Dream'. It's like a screenshot of the area, and it stays in my head, but I never go in and explore. It's before/after, that, too, with this fancy, blue and purple castle that's supposed to be a Chao Garden. It looked like the inside of an oyster's shell, when you moved around. It was awesome.
The other: School. I only went to school for a couple of years, the rest I've been homeschooled, but recently my Church (Yes, my CHURCH) moved into an elementary school, so it's brought itself up into a dream. This is the second time that I remember having psychic abilities in a dream, putting scattered cards back into the proper order, among other janitorial things. XD I don't like messes that take forever to clean.
Oh, and STORES. I find myself in stores repeatedly. Funny, since the last time I went to the store 'scape, it's like I knew I was dreaming, but I didn't bother to make myself lucid.
... Until there was this scavenger hunt thing and I lost. Then I was like 'this is a dream' and I willed a winning certificate into my hand. XD I refuse to lose. XD
Going even further back, there was this huge, fancy, pure-white house. First time psychic abilities surfaced in a dream. Oddly, I think it may have been a church, because I think there was a wedding or something going on.
Let's see, further back... 'The Recycling Nightmare'. Started when I was, I don't know, five? I don't remember what it's all about, since I stopped having it, but the first night, whenever we moved into a new house, I would have this nightmare about being chased aorund the old house, somehting about recycling being yelled. *Shrugs* It didn't happen when we moved into THIS house, so that's good. The scape itself is all white, and I'm standing in the white until I get onto our old property, where it goes into the green lawn and our old house. Cue chasing. Once, I think I even had a dream about me having this nightmare, which was weird. OOB experience, eh? XD
The 'Warped Grandpa's House'. That's a weird one. XD Yes, I keep pulling new ones out of my memories. Basically, it's supposed to be a warped version of my Grandpa's house, and most of the time it's on my Grandpa's property, but sometimes it moves, like to a lakeside or something. Once I dreamed there was this weird sort of 'Alien Ant Godzilla' thing harvesting humans for experiments or something. Watched too much War of the Worlds. XD
The 'Endless Stadium' / 'The Endless Library' / 'The Endless [Insert place here]. Never got to see much of these, because most of the time they're dreams where I'm trying to find the bathroom, and something imortant is going on, but there are women in the men's bathrooms, etc, and there's somehting important going on that I don't want to miss, but I can't empty my bladder. (Thank GOD. If I do empty my bladder, I have wet my bed. XD)
Then there's this weird Laputa-like area that I only dreamed of once. Miyazaki's Castle in the Sky has infiltrated my brain. XD Weird, moving blocks. I think the Terminator was running around there, too. Which is weird, since I hadn't seen any of those movies, yet. XD
Posted 27 January 2008 - 12:10 AM

Posted 11 February 2008 - 02:30 PM

There's a hilly field that sometimes had a log cabin in it (I've never been inside, though).
There's a waterpark where the rides are made out of wood (although the part that you slide on is still that hard and white material that most slides are made of that I can't remember the name of). There's a four-foot long camo-colored army plane just hanging there by a string (for whatever reason). There's also a few other military doodads there.
There's a dark wearhouse-like place that ALWAYS has atleast one object of color.
And there's another warehouse that's better lit, but it randomly floods half the time.
A museum that has exam desks and maroon-colored leather chairs. There's an oasis outside the second-story window. (Only been there once)
A desert at night-time with a few tents. (Only been there once)
Middle school full of superheroes. (Only once, also the place of my first lucid dream)
Highschool at night. (Only once)
A randomn neighborhood at night in the winter. (Only once.)
Posted 12 February 2008 - 09:03 AM

Posted 12 February 2008 - 01:03 PM

My personal dreamscape usually consists of old houses I've lived in before, and a beach (or someplace near water). I'll occasionally find myself on the outskirts Macon, Georgia (lots of trees and red clay), or Times square in New York City. Oh, and it's always raining lightly in most of my dreams, just how I like it.
Posted 17 February 2008 - 05:38 AM

Posted 11 March 2008 - 10:40 PM

Posted 12 March 2008 - 02:02 PM

The first room I see when I enter my dreamscape is this gorgeous library -- polished wooden bookshelves filled with thousands of books... The shelves span from the ceiling to the floor and cover three of the four walls. I think the floors are black and white marble, but much of it's covered by red carpets. The room is lit by a large chandelier, and there's a wooden desk with a vase with flowers, and a laptop.
When I arrive, I'm always facing the fourth wall, which has three doors -- a large red one in the center and two, smaller wooden ones on either side of it. I've only ever been through the door on the furthest left, and it leads to a maze of rooms that I've been to in real life... I call that portion 'The Maze of Memories'.
When I'm in the dream, I get the distinct impression that behind the center door is a hallway that leads to the rest of the mansion, and behind the door on the far right are stairs that lead down to the basement. And I also 'know' that outside the mansion is an incredible view -- mountains down to the south, large trees scattered about, a forest to the north, and a lake. There are dirt paths that lead to the forest and the mountains. For some strange reason, the place is always deserted...
I've been trying to go lucid so that I can go back there and explore, but I've been having trouble...

Also, there's a place in my Dream-Memory that is a plaza with a variety of shops -- one for each of my interests, such as gaming, music, art, needlework... Sadly, this plaza only exists in the Dreamworld.
I wonder if the mansion exists somewhere.

Posted 15 April 2008 - 01:02 AM

I've named it Soul Acre, but in the terms of this conversation, it has no official "name" so to speak, Soul Acre is just my name for it.
Posted 17 April 2008 - 01:31 PM

The first dream I had regarding this scene was walking down the sidewalk from a bus stop with SiLK. We were chatting about something school-related, while all these birds were flying around over the field. We got to the front entrance of her driveway, and started walking.. then I woke up.
We were there again later on just walking by. I think it was from the opposite direction we first walked.. but for a place I've never been, it's fairly accurate to what it really looks like.. o.O
I still have plans to draw out the rest of my common dreamscapes sooner or later.. *sigh*
Posted 17 April 2008 - 08:27 PM

Posted 17 April 2008 - 10:39 PM

The most memorable being a place I call 'Red city'. Huge place it was. Just these tall red metal buildings with black windows and random red pipes and other red metal structures everywhere. I remeber these huge spinning turbine fan things scattered on the sides of buildings or on some horizontal piping. To get around there were these orange glowing paths that stayed in the air, but they were kind of...translucent I guess. Above the sky was really dark, almost pure black and no stars or anything, some buildings just went higher and higher until they faded out of view. Below was...frick I can't exactly remember because I never looked down at it. I think it was all lava though, just really far below. Like a mile or two it seemed. Wish I could visit it again, it's been awhile.
...I need to draw it sometime.
No idea wtf any of it symbolizes though ahaha.
Posted 04 July 2008 - 07:54 PM

When I'm escaping from someplace dangerous or constrictive, I usually find woods right outside. I fly over them, trying to find free open plains. This has happened since I was little.
Posted 04 July 2008 - 09:13 PM

a huge field with rainbow grass and fast moving clouds,
a grassy cliff with a short drop into a pond that has a yellow submarine sticking out (NO RELATION TO THE BEETLES I SWARE) and a wooden shack along with a forest in the back,
a hallow mountain with a single flower growing in the middle,
an open field with a long of large, flat rocks where it's always night time and the stars take ever changing shapes in the sky,
and a big, pearly white castle. *nods*
Posted 26 July 2008 - 08:26 PM

There's also an abandoned castle that I explored during two dreams, one a continuation of another. I was afraid to go too far in because, although there were lots of beautiful things inside like canopy beds, intricately-carved furniture, treasure, and all that other stuff you find in old castles, there was supposed to be a dungeon where people once were tortured and died. Since the royalty didn't like to advertise that to their guests, it was made deeper in. I didn't want to see dead bodies, so I stayed in the outer areas. I found a tree growing inside that castle. A giant, gnarled tree with dry and brown thick vines wrapping up it. It was oh...ten stories tall? I couldn't see the bottom. It was dark and foggy down there. That tree scared me, even though it looked no different from any other jungle tree (besides its size). I also found a room with a bunch of jungle/exotic animals. The monkeys tried to pull me down (I was flying) so the alligator could kill me

Posted 06 August 2008 - 07:26 AM

Posted 06 August 2008 - 03:40 PM

Posted 07 August 2008 - 02:13 PM

Posted 24 August 2008 - 06:28 PM

Posted 10 May 2009 - 10:13 AM

Posted 10 May 2009 - 01:07 PM

Posted 23 May 2009 - 02:55 AM

Posted 27 May 2009 - 10:08 PM

in other words, I dont have an expecific dreamscape, its always changes for dream to dream...
too bad, I can only remember my dreams, cuz I cant seem to become lucid *goes to a dark corner to cry*
Posted 28 May 2009 - 01:45 AM

I have had one recurring dream, and it was odd to say the least. It took place in a desert/plains area with lots of tall grasses. In a small hole-type thing was a low, domed building on which the curved walls were tan adobe and the roof was teal shingles. Inside, it was a huge round room with purple carpeting on the floor and walls, and a flat wooden ceiling painted black. The floor went in semicircular steps, like an ampitheatre, and the seats all focused on one of those dog-collar making machines. When a trackball and red and green buttons were pressed on the m achines, the walls faede away, the "camera" had a side view, and the hall was full of kids doing things like construction, baking, and pizza making. All of the kids and I kind of moved like puppets. It was quite odd.

Posted 30 May 2009 - 03:52 PM

Reminds me of a dollhouse. And of the numerous clocks that tinkerer made in the Disney cartoon Pinnocchio. Sounds like a beautiful place.Rarely do I have recurring dreams, but I've often dreamt about variations upon Disneyland.
I have had one recurring dream, and it was odd to say the least. It took place in a desert/plains area with lots of tall grasses. In a small hole-type thing was a low, domed building on which the curved walls were tan adobe and the roof was teal shingles. Inside, it was a huge round room with purple carpeting on the floor and walls, and a flat wooden ceiling painted black. The floor went in semicircular steps, like an ampitheatre, and the seats all focused on one of those dog-collar making machines. When a trackball and red and green buttons were pressed on the m achines, the walls faede away, the "camera" had a side view, and the hall was full of kids doing things like construction, baking, and pizza making. All of the kids and I kind of moved like puppets. It was quite odd.

Posted 31 May 2009 - 12:41 AM

That's interesting- it did seem kind of like a dollhouse with muppets, now that I think about it.Reminds me of a dollhouse. And of the numerous clocks that tinkerer made in the Disney cartoon Pinnocchio. Sounds like a beautiful place.
I forgot to mention that the rooms with the professions all seemed to blend into each other.
Posted 28 July 2009 - 06:12 PM

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