Hey, hi, hello everyone. Just got NiD for the Saturn (finally!), only like 10 years in the making for me. It's one sweet game, but i have 2 questions.
1. I've beaten the first 6 dreams (3 Claris/3 Elliot), but how do i advance from here? How do i get to Wizeman? I can't seem to select any more dreams.
2. Whenever i replay a dream i get a random boss, quite annoying when i try to better my score and learn the boss patterns. I googled around and someone said this could be changed in the menues. I can't seem to find this option anywhere.
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2 questions
Started by lostSUNDAY, Dec 01 2009 07:57 PM
Posted 01 December 2009 - 07:57 PM

Posted 01 December 2009 - 08:01 PM

Congrats! Welcome to the world of NiD.
1. You need C ranks or above in each stage to access the final level, Twin Seeds
2. In the options menu there should be the option for the Nightmaren, I forget if you need to complete the game first though.
1. You need C ranks or above in each stage to access the final level, Twin Seeds
2. In the options menu there should be the option for the Nightmaren, I forget if you need to complete the game first though.
Posted 01 December 2009 - 08:18 PM

C ranks eh. Got some work ahead if me it seems. =)
Thanks mate.
Thanks mate.
Posted 01 December 2009 - 08:22 PM

No prob.
Gameplay hint:
Gameplay hint:
Posted 02 December 2009 - 01:38 AM

Just got it? Awesome. Just a little tip, adding to what viperxmns said, in the Nightmaren options, you can also choose what Nightmaren you fight after each level. Again, not sure if you have to beat the whole game first, though.
Posted 02 December 2009 - 11:24 AM

And adding on to both of the above tips, if you get back inside the Ideya Palace with 19 seconds or less remaining, you'll get a massive time score.
Also, Welcome to the Wonderful World of NiGHTS!
Also, Welcome to the Wonderful World of NiGHTS!
Posted 02 December 2009 - 04:16 PM

I remember back in the day it took me ages to get all 'C' rankings

Posted 02 December 2009 - 06:00 PM

Well it took a few tries, some stages are kinda annoying. But it's all manageable.
But god dammit, the last stage, Twin Seeds or what it's called. It's like a kick in the nuts, repeatedly. I break cage after cage, but i still dont get any more time? I gotta be doing something fundamentally wrong here i think, it can't be this hard. It's like playing Donpachi and Layer Section at the same time while cooking dinner and singing the whole Abbey Road album in reverse.
More or less
But god dammit, the last stage, Twin Seeds or what it's called. It's like a kick in the nuts, repeatedly. I break cage after cage, but i still dont get any more time? I gotta be doing something fundamentally wrong here i think, it can't be this hard. It's like playing Donpachi and Layer Section at the same time while cooking dinner and singing the whole Abbey Road album in reverse.
More or less

Posted 02 December 2009 - 06:05 PM

It seems hard at first but then it gets very easy once you figure out how its all laid out. Trust me over a decade of repetitive playing you can do it in your sleep o_o
Posted 02 December 2009 - 06:45 PM

It's true. There was once a time when I had trouble passing everything and it took me a while to get an A.
The key to Twin Seeds is knowing the path so you can get everything in one go-around.
(Now if I get a "B" in even one Mare, it means something is wrong.)
The key to Twin Seeds is knowing the path so you can get everything in one go-around.
(Now if I get a "B" in even one Mare, it means something is wrong.)
Posted 02 December 2009 - 06:46 PM

Do Twin Seeds kicky fast. That stage is pure time attack. You'll get the hang of it.
Posted 02 December 2009 - 11:37 PM

I didn't know that! I love how NiGHTS has little things that one never notices, even after playing hundreds of times.Do Twin Seeds kicky fast. That stage is pure time attack. You'll get the hang of it.

Posted 04 December 2009 - 12:12 AM

Thanks alot for the tips, they helped alot. Just beat it a few minutes ago, both Calries and Elliots dreams. Here are my feelings after 4 days with the game.
Man, i've played alot of games in my days. ALOT of games, unhealthy amounts. But i've never played a game that's even remotely similar to NiGHTS, both the good and the bad points.
My thoughts so far, starting with the bad ones. First of all, the camera. I feel that it's way to zoomed in, which in turn even further forces the player to know every corner of every stage in detail to get somewhere. It's like playing Radiant Silvergun, but with ductape covering half the screen. At least from my point of view, this is where the challange comes from in NiGTHS. The inability to see what's around you. Which is a shame really, when the fundamental ideas are so damn good. One other thing that might be a drawback is that the game is so cryptic. If you get this game secondhand w/o the manual, you're screwed. Both story and gameplay wise. If you have the manual, it's easier. Still, not often you see a game devolper make decisions like this.
But on the flipside, it might work to the games advantage. Especially when looking at the story. It leaves more to the players imagination. I kinda like the fact that the game never treat the player like a kid, it's hardcore all the way thru. No hand holdin'. I guess if they layed out every little detail of the game, there wouldn't be this nice and loyal community here today. Kinda like Twin Peaks and it's cult following, there gotta be room for speculation or else there's not much to discuss. Anways.
Digging deeper into the good stuff, i must say that from a design standpoint, NiGHTS might be the best looking game ever made. Even better than Okami, but it's close. Don't want to make an official announcement on that...yet. Obviously, like all other 3D games from the fifth generation of video games it has aged terrible. Even with the nice colors it's hard not to cringe when you first start a level. But as soon as you get control of NiGHTS you don't really think about it, you're so into the game. At least i didn't find myself getting annoyed at the graphics during the actual gameplay. Overall, the whole presentation game is stunning. Kinda love the fact that there's no dialog, that's so rare in a game like this. Especially considering the amount of effort Sonic Team put into the design and lore of the game. But again, the player can interpret the game any way he/she wants this way. Which is cool.
I had so high expectaions for this game, maybe too high. There are stuff that annoy me, quite alot. But i still find myself playing the game, which is a good indicator. But it's too soon to say if this is a game that will make it to my top 10 list. I will spend more time improving my scores, since i guess that's where the actual game is. =)
Man, i've played alot of games in my days. ALOT of games, unhealthy amounts. But i've never played a game that's even remotely similar to NiGHTS, both the good and the bad points.
My thoughts so far, starting with the bad ones. First of all, the camera. I feel that it's way to zoomed in, which in turn even further forces the player to know every corner of every stage in detail to get somewhere. It's like playing Radiant Silvergun, but with ductape covering half the screen. At least from my point of view, this is where the challange comes from in NiGTHS. The inability to see what's around you. Which is a shame really, when the fundamental ideas are so damn good. One other thing that might be a drawback is that the game is so cryptic. If you get this game secondhand w/o the manual, you're screwed. Both story and gameplay wise. If you have the manual, it's easier. Still, not often you see a game devolper make decisions like this.
But on the flipside, it might work to the games advantage. Especially when looking at the story. It leaves more to the players imagination. I kinda like the fact that the game never treat the player like a kid, it's hardcore all the way thru. No hand holdin'. I guess if they layed out every little detail of the game, there wouldn't be this nice and loyal community here today. Kinda like Twin Peaks and it's cult following, there gotta be room for speculation or else there's not much to discuss. Anways.
Digging deeper into the good stuff, i must say that from a design standpoint, NiGHTS might be the best looking game ever made. Even better than Okami, but it's close. Don't want to make an official announcement on that...yet. Obviously, like all other 3D games from the fifth generation of video games it has aged terrible. Even with the nice colors it's hard not to cringe when you first start a level. But as soon as you get control of NiGHTS you don't really think about it, you're so into the game. At least i didn't find myself getting annoyed at the graphics during the actual gameplay. Overall, the whole presentation game is stunning. Kinda love the fact that there's no dialog, that's so rare in a game like this. Especially considering the amount of effort Sonic Team put into the design and lore of the game. But again, the player can interpret the game any way he/she wants this way. Which is cool.
I had so high expectaions for this game, maybe too high. There are stuff that annoy me, quite alot. But i still find myself playing the game, which is a good indicator. But it's too soon to say if this is a game that will make it to my top 10 list. I will spend more time improving my scores, since i guess that's where the actual game is. =)
Posted 04 December 2009 - 05:39 PM

Yay almot 180000p on Spring Valley, on my second try. My first A. I'm dancin'.

Posted 04 December 2009 - 11:10 PM

Glad you are enjoying NiGHTS and working on your scores! 
I love going for high scores so let me know if you ever have any questions.
Also check out scoreattack.net if you want to learn some of the strategies and tips we've been perfecting over the years.

I love going for high scores so let me know if you ever have any questions.
Also check out scoreattack.net if you want to learn some of the strategies and tips we've been perfecting over the years.
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