Alright, in the background of all the boss shots, there is a large, red, glowing object in the shape of Reala's hat.
Also, in the reflection of NiGHTS' eyes (I was bored) on the picture where his eyes are REALLY shiny, I think you can see Reala! I can just barely make out a face, and maybe a hat. Just postin' some stuff I noticed today.
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Hints of Reala in JOD
Started by EZEKiAL, May 11 2007 05:18 AM
Posted 11 May 2007 - 05:18 AM
Posted 11 May 2007 - 10:58 AM
Hmm....I vaguely remember noticing the shape that looks like Reala's hat.
Which one? The Nintendo Power Magazine Cover?
Also, in the reflection of NiGHTS' eyes (I was bored) on the picture where his eyes are REALLY shiny, I think you can see Reala! I can just barely make out a face, and maybe a hat. Just postin' some stuff I noticed today.
Which one? The Nintendo Power Magazine Cover?
Posted 11 May 2007 - 06:06 PM
REALLY!?!?!! where are these pix!?
Posted 11 May 2007 - 08:18 PM
Alright, in the background of all the boss shots, there is a large, red, glowing object in the shape of Reala's hat.
It could easily just be a conincidence, but yeah, I see what you mean. I also noticed that on the left side of the outline you can see in that shot, there is a bit of a red stripe you can see before the shape gets cut off. Still, it could just be a mere coincidence.
Posted 11 May 2007 - 09:04 PM
OK. This is less stuff than I have, but only as much as I could find... If that made any sense at all. XD The hat-shaped object is nothing special by itself. We know from the N-Power page that you already linked to that you have to "force [the patchwork boss] to the top of a maze" in order to defeat it. In order for that to work as a game mechanic, there would have to be a specific target. It looks hollow, like a doorway or portal, so I strongly suspect that the glowing hat-object either is itself that target, or a gateway to the target/another area of the maze. Similarly, the upper-left screenshot on this page seems to have another (partially obscured) view of the object (the shot seems to have been taken from an almost-upside-down viewpoint, so it looks sideways). There, it looks like it's either a doorway or possibly a prop object of some kind (it looks flat-shaded to me).
In address to the little red stripe on the Reala-hat-object, I personally think that it's just an artifact created by the way the flames around it were set up. Being roughly double-banana-shaped, obviously, the object tapers nearly to a point at either end. The flames in the same place get taller, rather than scaling down to match the curve -- which they also do in the middle, making it appear solid red. The end result of this scaling mess is that you get what appears to be a flaming red stripe on either side -- which doesn't directly support the Reala theory because he has three black and three red stripes on each side, not only one.
However, in the top screenshot that same N-Power page, there is a similarly-shaped object in mostly gold color on the floor. I don't know about you guys, but that just screams "More NiGHTS Button!" to me. I know it's a different shape, closer to the rest of the boss level's decor, but you have to admit they're similar.
In address to the little red stripe on the Reala-hat-object, I personally think that it's just an artifact created by the way the flames around it were set up. Being roughly double-banana-shaped, obviously, the object tapers nearly to a point at either end. The flames in the same place get taller, rather than scaling down to match the curve -- which they also do in the middle, making it appear solid red. The end result of this scaling mess is that you get what appears to be a flaming red stripe on either side -- which doesn't directly support the Reala theory because he has three black and three red stripes on each side, not only one.
However, in the top screenshot that same N-Power page, there is a similarly-shaped object in mostly gold color on the floor. I don't know about you guys, but that just screams "More NiGHTS Button!" to me. I know it's a different shape, closer to the rest of the boss level's decor, but you have to admit they're similar.
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