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Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

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That Ristar concept is awesome! I just hope we get all the DLC we want.

Chao Freak 1

Chao Freak 1


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Duuude~ Amazing Ristar concept~

So re wa~ My brother just bot a 360 and that gave me the chance to buy the game. IT'S AMAZING~ Besides how beautiful the levels were, and how it handles better than other racing games I've played (Actually it plays almost exactly like Crash Team Racing), the character profiles I checked made me happy~ I'm WAY surprised they put that Tails likes Mint Candy. I thought that was lost since Sonic Jam. Also Knux liking fruit and Sonic, of course, liking Chilidogs. I didn't check many other profiles, but I mean seriously. They're great at that. Also referencing Sonic Says.... I'm sure that's what they were trying to do. SUMO is amazing~

So then... What if it was Lumina replacing NiGHTS when NiGHTS races rather than Reala?




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So re wa~ My brother just bot a 360 and that gave me the chance to buy the game. IT'S AMAZING~ Besides how beautiful the levels were, and how it handles better than other racing games I've played (Actually it plays almost exactly like Crash Team Racing), the character profiles I checked made me happy~ I'm WAY surprised they put that Tails likes Mint Candy. I thought that was lost since Sonic Jam. Also Knux liking fruit and Sonic, of course, liking Chilidogs. I didn't check many other profiles, but I mean seriously. They're great at that. Also referencing Sonic Says.... I'm sure that's what they were trying to do. SUMO is amazing~

So then... What if it was Lumina replacing NiGHTS when NiGHTS races rather than Reala?

I really liked the "Sonic Says" too!

But replacing NiGHTS could work, but I don't think they should use Lumina. She was only in one spin-off game, so she's not too popular, and I think a lot of people wouldn't like it.



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Okay, is this true, and will NiGHTS be playable this time http://kotaku.com/58...dium=socialflow

And if new toys are confirming this, please let there be a NiGHTS toy.. please please.. didn't even know there was a toy show this weekend

edit- hrm.. http://forums.sega.c...all-At-Toy-Fair!



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Oh man, I'm excited. I can't imagine NiGHTS not being playable. I think they learned their lesson last time. :P



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Let the speculations begin.. NiGHTS and Reala playable, Twin Seeds as a track..

*fantasies* Thing is if this was true I wonder if TRiPPY would be privy to any info at some point. Although she'd be sworn to silence it wouldn't be anything new to drop a wee little teaser here and there.. letting us know to get excited..




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Watch, we'll end up getting characters like Octopaw or Owl. : P

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