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Cameron Strother

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Got to talk with Cameron Strother recently.

Yes, the little boy from the Saturn game who sings "Dreams Dreams" grew up. He's a session musician in Japan trying to hit fame on his own terms. He comes from a musical family, which could potentially explain how he got chosen to sing the kids version of the song back in '96.

He's done stuff for other games like "LocoRoco" and "The World Ends with You", but he mostly does commercial jingles. A lot of the songs he's written (or at least what he's sent over to me) are done on acoustic guitar, and they sound great. I bet some of the fangirls on the boards would probably swoon if they heard him.

He doesn't have a website yet, but he's working on that. And he says, "hi" to everybody on the board. :D

And well, that's it. Let's hope we hear more of this amazing young man soon!



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Wow really? So that means both him and Jasmine Allen kinda focused their careers in music, in Japan after being involved with NiD. That's very interesting. More people need to see this topic. Goes to show how often I check the music section..

..come to think of it then, I wonder why he wasn't also involved with JoD?




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Very kool!

How did you get in touch with him? :lol:



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Lol facebook. Window to the world.

Seeing DiGi discuss the finer points of bedding Morrigan with Elliots songsinger makes me lawl. He's a nice guy :lol:




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Lol facebook. Window to the world.

Seeing DiGi discuss the finer points of bedding Morrigan with Elliots songsinger makes me lawl. He's a nice guy :)

Yep, the Facebook be amazing. I actually did some (amateur) audio mixing on one of his demo tracks recently. If people ask nicely, maybe I'll let you listen to it...

He and I are also working on a special project for NiGHTS fans, but it's hush hush right now. ;)

DiGi Valentine

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Lol, yeah. I asked all my facebook contacts who they prefered, Felicia or Morrigan...and seeing Cameron answer was a real eye opener, lol XD Mostly everyone picked Morrigan, meaing they're all into the kinky thing, ahah! XD ...but i digress

As for your secret project ..i *think* i know what it is but i won't say anything on the subject if it is. You mentioned something to me a long time ago so if it's that then great! I'll look forward to hearing it, regardless of what it is ;)



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I'll just say it because.. I'd pick Morrigan too. That is all.




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On a lesser note, I have to reach Jasmine Ann Allen, the original singer for Claris. I know she has a website, but it's outdated...

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I tried to add her on facebook but i get the feeling she don't go on there very much. Still pending :/




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I tried to add her on facebook but i get the feeling she don't go on there very much. Still pending :/

Same here. Maybe she had an account and forgot about it. Either way it'd be nice to add her, but at the same time I won't hold my breath.




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Project that Cam and I are working on is taking a little longer than expected, but hopefully it should be ready for the upcoming Christmas Nights season! Hope you all are looking forward to it!

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What is it with all these holiday secrets! People are gonna end up spoiled after this winter season, ain't they?!





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By this time of course, the special project Cam and I have been working on hasn't been released yet. But we *ARE* working on it, and hopefully fan interest in it is still alive here on the boards.

But trust me when I say, I think you'll all enjoy it. <_<




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For those of you still interested in stuff that Cam's done since NiD, he recently made a Myspace website showcasing some of the songs he's written. The site can be found below. Give the songs a listen and let everyone know what you think!

Cameron Strother - Demos

Also, the top-secret project he and I are working on is still in progress! I dare people to try and guess it. :D

DiGi Valentine

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Rahted! His new stuff is brilliant! What a voice! O_O

.... man, seriously, those two kids, they sure did grow those voices, didn't they!



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Damn.... I hope he gets something good soon. I'd buy his albums.




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Found another of Cam's old songs on Youtube recently and thought you all might like to give it a listen.

The Girl in the Red Shirt - Cam Strother




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Okay, been a while, sorry to bump the thread.

As you all can tell, the project still hasn't been released yet. But Cam and I have noted that this year is NiGHTS' 15th anniversary (and yes that counts Christmas NiGHTS), and we weren't about to let this pass by un-noted. So after a crazy busy year for both of us, we're finally hankering down to deliver.

Expect a special gift this holiday season! ;)




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Cam and I will be recording on Saturday, begin mixing next week! Can you guys feel the excitement in the winter air?

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And how! I can't wait!




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Gotten some scratch tracks from Cam that sound good, and we may even have a little help mixing from a guy who knows how to "Bebop" in the "Rain".

Excited yet NiGHTS fans?




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And it's up! Both Cam and I are really happy it's having such an impact on NiGHTS fans.

Perhaps there may be more music from this young man in the future? ;)

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