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The NiGHTS Storybook of Wonder

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As a great woman once said :


How very true. So, surely by now, most of you will have had a gander at what many would describe as the gem of NiGHTS merchandise.

The amazing watercolour styled art, the emotions and colours, the mystery of it all. Im sure many of you have spent a good few hours looking over this book, wondering what's going on and trying to dicipher it's story. Some of you might even be as damn lucky to own a copy yourselves.

Yet, I've still never seen a translation of this book. Surely, something so massive and mysterious as this book would shed valuable information on the NiGHTS world, it's story and characters. So why then, is there no transaltion ? Im clueless. So I ask yourselves for help. Anyone know anybody with good Japanese translatating skills ? :D

Here's a topic for the book of wonder. What do you think of it ? Ever came close to obtaining a copy ? Any views on the story ?
And for future discussion, how would you feel about another book being released to coincide with JoD ?




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I've seen the book scans on the main site, and I think it's wonderful! I have some experience with Japanese, but pretty much the only thing holding me back from attempting translation is the Kanji. I noticed there was no furigana (hiragana or katakana (phonetic symbols) that tell you which Kanji reading to use or how to say it), so I'm a little screwed. ^^;; I know some Kanji, but not enough to be able to read the book effectively. I need to invest in a Kanji dictionary. -_-()

Otherwise, believe me, I'd be working on it right now.

I suppose I could give it a try with what I can work with... *goes to look at the storybook scans again*




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I would kill for that book, it's so beautiful and I don't think my monitor does it justice. I'd love to just stare at it all close up without it being pixelly... I would love one being done for JoD. Unlike a lot of games I think NiGHTS lends itself so well to the storybook kind of format... seeing as it tends to be so vague but still go somewhere. And the artwork, it' so nice! I really wish more drawn artwork would be used for NiGHTS, especially traditional- I love digital but the texture of watercolours lends itself really nciely to dreams IMO.

As for translation, I would kill for one *_* I've asked my friend (she's learning Japanese at the moment) if she understands any of it but she hasn't gotten so far with anything with the symbols yet... I assume it's faaar to difficult to just look it all up word by word (man, with the grammar and stuff... plus working out where to look... and making sure you'd got it right... thaaat would take years! XD) If anyone ever does it though, I think I may scream. LOUDLY.



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I have an idea! Why don't we all save the pictures of the book, and then use paint (or whatever) to write our own stories? We could have a contest for who could come up with the best story!

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I have an idea! Why don't we all save the pictures of the book, and then use paint (or whatever) to write our own stories? We could have a contest for who could come up with the best story!

I like that idea. Anyone care to make that possible?



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I've already made my story. I'll make a topic.




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This site was the first time I ever saw the book, but I positively love the two page spread with Wizeman.




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    I have a DeviantART account under the name ChaotixJewels. It has both Sonic and NiGHTS FanArt and FanFics.
I'd love to see both orginal stories (from the contest that's going on, hey I may even enter it) and the orginal translation posted on both the Forum and the site itself. Is anyone going to post the orginal translation on the site soon? Maybe we can compare the two or just enjoy both the translation and the 'orginal stories' that the contest will have.



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Ditto to what nightdreamer said. We just need someone who 1. can read Japanese and 2. has time to translate it for us ^^;




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*raises hand* i think i can translate. ill try later tho.



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Update !
I have found someone who has been very very kind, as to attempt the translation of this book. Thrippa, from a Sonic messageboard, has agreed to help the fandom, and deserves a thousand thanks. She's already helping the Sonic commmunity immensely by translating the monthly Sonic Channel character updates, and this is something she has agreed to do when she gets the chance, so I don't want to pressure her in any way, she's agreed to and thats all I needed to hear.

Now, onto the update. She has translated.

Posted Image

Naitsu: NiGHTS ? Flying Through the Sky Without Wings ?

Obi: Quietly close your eyes, and then the story will begin. Come out to meet NiGHTS. And begin a journey to the World of Dreams. Surely you, too, will fly though the skies...

(facing title page)
When you close your eyes, you don't see the inside of your eyelids. Far more lovely things.
Perhaps you also know this? So, are you ready to travel to the country of dreams, without a passport?
Hey, the route is easy, so just close your eyes and wish.
To see a pleasant dream, go to Nightopia. Nightopia, the country of happy dreams, overflows with light.
Then, all is well with you. Or, have you had a scary dream? Things that make your closed eyes weep?
Then, you have strayed into Nightmare. The country of nightmares, Nightmare. It's another country in the World of Dreams.
Those who go to sleep will invariably become visitors to those countries over there.
So, try closing your eyes.
What do you see?

I will update this topic every time I recieve more translations. Enjoy !




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That's awesome. Sure is nice of her to do this for us.



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I haven't looked at that before, actually.. interesting..



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Sweet! Be sure to give Thrippa our thanks ;)

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Is it possible to copy these translations so they can be read on the main site? This translation deserves a more prominent place in Nightsintodreams.com.

Be sure to let your friend know that an entire fandom is in her debt.




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Kweeee~~ *________* Yes be sure to thank your friend for doing this~! <3's~ It's wonderful to finally have a translation for it.




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Thats great about the translation, look forward to that...

...but am I the only one thats not too keen on some of the art? The kids, NiGHTS/Reala's arms, the Nightopians/Marans eyes? Dont get me wrong, I like the style overall, but some of it seems, I dunno, slap dash :D



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Very cool! I put a topic in our admin section, running the idea passed TRiP and DiGi to put these translations on the webpage as they're made. Sound good ^^;




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This is sooo awesome! In fact, I was going to try and get some of my Jap buddies down at Underground-Gamer to try and translate the book.
Glad this is being done. In fact, I've added those .jpgs to a cbr when they were first released online, and every couple days, I would go through the book and take in the wonderful art. Glad I will soon be able to understand the story. :D



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Gahhhh you're both complete stars! <3
I'll get the translations up page by page as it comes. Also this deserves more attention because it's the official storyline in detail, parts of which we've never heard of before, so i'm moving this topic to the website updates section.

*hugs your face off XD *



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Jof has been eaten by tapirs.



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Jof has been eaten by tapirs.

Posted Image

D :

Havn't been active for a week or so recently, due to school trips. Spent a week at Edinburgh Uni doing SPACE CAMP. And I've been in Stratford and London since Monday. But I'm back now.

Regarding the book, still awaiting more translations, I'm sure she hasn't forgotten, it's just a side-project, but rest assured, I'll get them up asap ; )

I wonder if any new light on the storyline will be revealed. There seems to be quite a bit on the relationship between NiGHTS and Reala which should be good.

I'd love if there was another Storybook for JoD.




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XD yay tapirs.

If I'm lucky (and I pray to any and all deities listening), I'm going to get this book in a few weeks. A friend of mine, who's been absolutely goddess-like recently by helping me obtain three NiGHTS strategy guides recently (and a poster O_O SQUEE), called me up at 2 in the morning saying that the book was on sale for $50, and the buy it now was $100. Well, I'm going to be $100 in the hole but its worth it (I totally thought I was dreaming when she said it cuz I missed my first chance 5 months ago). I'm roping a friend of mine whose a Japanese major into getting some translations for me so I can one day readi it to my own chileren without having to phone her up XD. I'd really like to see all the different translation from everyone here...maybe it should be a sticky thread, I dunno.

Maybe we'll get super lucky if JoD gets popular and does indeed get a book done (hey, it was called Bedtime Story for a reason, right? ^^). Maybe the old book'll get reprinted? I mean, Hipira by Katsuhiro Otomo (the guy who did Akira) got translated (which is gorgeous, if you haven't picked it up, please do; its got vampires and cutesy legless souls....XD). Maybe we'll get lucky.... And maybe Lunis will find another word other than "maybe". LOL



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*hides from tapirs*




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I wake up to this kinda thing every day

I love you guys



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Posted Image

Things like wings are not necessary... to fly in the air

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The sound of a flute is audible. It is the sound of the transparent flute carried by NiGHTS. Already, the tiny inhabitants of dreams (Nightopians) appear and draw near to approach the sound. It is warm and light, gentle and calm. This is Nightopia, world of dreams. Everyone sees it in their dreams, the appearance of the world of dreams.

Once again, Thanks to Thrippa for the wonderfull work.



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So NiGHTS actually has a transparent flute? What a tweest!



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So much for the "invisible flute" jokes XD



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I got a couple of updates when the site went down, and I've been dieing to share them.

Posted Image

However, where there is light, it invariably produces shadows.
An ominous moon-figure glitters in this location. What uncanny creatures wriggle like worms? This world is, so to speak, the shadow of Nightopia.
Bad dreams rule this place - Nightmare. Reala is standing alone, bathed in moonlight. A voice falls from high in the sky, like a soliloquy, and begins to talk to him. No other figure is in sight.
" Nightmare, our own Utopia to love. In this beautiful darkness, no one is likely to notice. Light and such are, after all, merely deceptions.
The truth, however, lies in between... Ah, Reala...only suppose, if Nightmare was not only in the World of Dreams, but they were the same..."
"As you command."

Posted Image

Today, NiGHTS is playing with the Nightopians. The Nightopians appear to have a fondness for his flute. Playing for Koitsu and the others, not for any real reason, but just to have a good time. Suddenly, the unpleasant-looking Reala appeared out of thin air, before NiGHTS' very eyes. The astonished Nightopians fled at once.
"What happened?"
"Hey, NiGHTS, isn't it? I've never been to the world of light and flowers before. Is it fun to play with the Nightopians?"
While Reala laughs lightly and becomes merry, NiGHTS' expression grows offended and hard.
"I, sir? Who are you and where are you from? You're not familiar. Further, you saying things like that doesn't amuse anyone."
"Hey, hey ... I know! Why don't we make peace and play a game?"
"A game? With you?"
"Yes, a game to see which of us can fly higher and faster. But NiGHTS, don't get mad at the end if I win."
"There is no way someone like you could beat me!"
So, shall they do this? NiGHTS is enthusiastic. However, NiGHTS fails to notice Reala's peculiar smile. NiGHTS and Reala. Their forms are similar, but their appearances are not the same. For instance, if NiGHTS is light, Reala is shadow. One side of a card with the other. For this reason, perhaps, they repel each other so completely.
Soon, Reala raises a right hand, and drops it gently; jumping up with NiGHTS like leaping sparks, "Okay, let's start."

Posted Image

The two spring up higher, steadily higher and higher.

Posted Image

"Heheh, what's the problem?"

Reala's calm voice reaches NiGHTS' ear, full of confidence in Reala's victory.

"NiGHTS look, look below you!"


Without thinking, NiGHTS looked down. However, there was nothing under NiGHTS' feet.

Below, there existed only a deep and profound, utterly lightless darkness.

NiGHTS was not afraid of the darkness; although you might have expected that.

But this struck heavily heavily. Faced with such unyielding darkness, NiGHTS' heart and mind produced only resolute terror. Zokuri[?]. NiGHTS closes his eyes for an instant. And in a straight line, NiGHTS was pulled into the deep, deep darkness.

Reala laughs, grinning broadly.

"Although you heard that one's instructions properly, you did not expect such a sight. An amusing thing is beginning, NiGHTS. It is the last carnival of the paradise of light."

NiGHTS speaks ! And I love how he does it ! Very proper and posh : P
Also, it would appear in this tale than NiGHTS is not a Nightmaren at all, rather a resident of Nightopia. He doesn't regognize Reala at all, and vice-versa.



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Now I imagine NiGHTS speaking with a British accent, just because of that "sir". :blink:

Also, it would appear in this tale than NiGHTS is not a Nightmaren at all, rather a resident of Nightopia. He doesn't regognize Reala at all, and vice-versa.

Very interesting, it makes for a different canon from the game. I like that, though now I wonder why NiGHTS was captured.




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Oh wow. These translations are awsome. <3's~ The story so far isn't at all like i imagined it would be. I'm surprised that NiGHTS seems not to know Reala.




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It's different to the game, but on the other hand, I actually kind of like it. It really does sound like the kind of thing you might read to a little kid just before they go to bed or something, yeah?



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Posted Image

NiGHTS was confined in a tiny building. That jerk Reala, how did he imprison me in here? With a heavy heart, NiGHTS takes up the transparent flute, rasing it slowly to his mouth. The sound of the flute is sweetly beautiful at any time.

A boy appears, guided by the sound of the flute. He comes from the real world, a visitor to the World of Dreams. He has journeyed to this world seeking a beautiful dream.

"It looks a little different every time. ...What on earth?"

The boy was experienced. This paradise of dreams changed, every single night. If the sun was shining, why was the air so cold here?

There is a small building. He knows somone is inside, who seems familiar. Not only that, but the someone is shouting, facing the boy.


"Hey you, let me out of here, quickly!"

"What are you doing?"

What a stupid jerk! NiGHTS kept facing the boy and yelling in a louder and louder voice.

"Try to understand! Get me out of here!"


"Figure it out yourself!"

"Give me a hint..."

"What a coward!"

At that point, NiGHTS was thinking about the darkness. That black, black shadow was latching on to NiGHTS and spreading in his mind. Coward. That time I lost my courage, wasn't I one?

Enjoy ; )



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XD Elliot's trying to figure out what's going on and NiGHTS just shouts at him.



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XD fahaha this is great. I'll update the storybook page today :3 Sorry it took me so long, i've just been slaving over the fanart page for weeks ;)

Done and uploaded :3



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Wow.... NiGHTS true personality is really starting to revil itself. The last page really made me laugh.



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Sorry i havent mentioned it in the breaking news update yet... i literaly THREW that update up there XD;;;



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The update isn't important, the fact you've updated the pages with the translations is worth it alone =)

I'm not sure if it's just a "lost in translation" thing, but it would appear to me theres a little twist arising here. Some shadowy past for NiGHTS that hasn't been fully mentioned.

Coward. That time I lost my courage, wasn't I one?

NiGHTS was not afraid of the darkness; although you might have expected that.



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Yes! : D i noticed that too, this whole book translation is wonderful to me. I also like how elliot says the area is cold even though the place is sunny, its just like how i wrote my comic i'm working on XD faha

Perhaps in this version NiGHTS (is still a maren) but he was banished long before Reala was created as a replacement, therefore neither of them would be too familiar with eachother.

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