I love nights game, but I can only play it on my laptop with saturn emulator. Will it be ever possiple to play this great game on the pspslim?
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Started by WARRIOR123, Jan 25 2009 02:23 AM
Posted 25 January 2009 - 02:23 AM

Posted 25 January 2009 - 02:54 AM

Possible? Certainly. Likely? Nah. It has been re-released with enhanced graphics on the PS2, in case you haven't heard, but only in Japan, so you'd have to import it from a place like Play Asia and then use one of a few methods to mod your PS2 to play it.
[In regard to Mitsuu's post below] - woah, that's news to me. Well there you go, lol.
[In regard to Mitsuu's post below] - woah, that's news to me. Well there you go, lol.
Posted 25 January 2009 - 02:56 AM

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