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NiGHTS' Ideya

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Maybe it's a Pian?
Whatif NiGHTS was flying reeeally fast through a dreamscape one night and colided with a Pian, which got stuck into his chest. After many NiGHTS of supersonic flight, all that wind pressure and speed hardened the pian into a shiney crystal. Sounds like the most logical explanation to me...

Actually... on that note... what would happen if someone threw a Pian at NiGHTS? Would he lay an egg like any other Nightmare that collides with one? Maybe the crystal is some sort of contraception!

Dark Magician

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The crystal thing is there because NiGHTS likes shiny, red things. :D But if one thinks about it, the crystal can't really be an Ideya. If it was, then Wizeman wouldn't have had to try and 'borrow' it from humans... he just would have had Jackle or Reala tear it off of NiGHTS' chest. But hey, like it was said, fandom-wise it can be anything.

Curiosity Inc.

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The crystal thing is there because NiGHTS likes shiny, red things. ^_^ But if one thinks about it, the crystal can't really be an Ideya. If it was, then Wizeman wouldn't have had to try and 'borrow' it from humans... he just would have had Jackle or Reala tear it off of NiGHTS' chest. But hey, like it was said, fandom-wise it can be anything.

What have I been saying for the last several posts?

One more time: Wizeman does not own any Ideya. What Wizeman does not own he cannot create. Wizeman created NiGHTS. Therefore, no part of NiGHTS can be Ideya, let alone Red Ideya. QED.

Good to hear someone else agrees with this.




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At first I just thought it was a decoration X3 and the whole NiGHTS being attracted to it seemed like an US attempt to explain when you walk up to NiGHTS with the one remaining Ideya he pulls your ass to him and forcibly merges with you LoL. But then again he does the same thing with the other ideya so *shrugs*

I still laugh at how NiGHTS grabs you XD

Claris/Elliot: hey what happens if I walk up to-
NiGHTS: GET OVER HERE!!! *forced merge XD*

Golden Charm

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I don't think it has any function...such as detection or attraction, or else it be mentioned somewhere by now, or would occur between the other colours too.

(and besides some other Sonic Team gems were decidely given this magical ability for no plausible reason....Why SToA? Why?)

Although I do believe it was part of NiGHTS' design for symbolic reasons.
The red idea was, as most know, Courage.

Perhaps this gem was shown to be same color of courage by Sonic Team, as a symbol of the courage he showed by turning against Wizeman, whether it be Ideya or not.




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:3 I think its NiGHTS heart!!~<3

Heh, he'd better hope the Heartless never invade Nightopia! XD

*has actually considered writing a short NiGHTS/KH2 world scenario for kicks >=3*



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Heh, he'd better hope the Heartless never invade Nightopia! XD

*has actually considered writing a short NiGHTS/KH2 world scenario for kicks >=3*

I would personally beat Square Enix down if they tried to convince Sega to let them put NiGHTS in it...^_^ And knowing Sonic Team, they probably would...

Curiosity Inc.

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Heh, he'd better hope the Heartless never invade Nightopia! XD

*has actually considered writing a short NiGHTS/KH2 world scenario for kicks >=3*

We already know what NiGHTS would look like as a Heartless. We call it Reala. ^_^

To get back on topic, I'd like to reassert my opinion that NiGHTS' jewel is purely for decoration. I like the idea that the red color is symbolic of courage, but this connection to Red Ideya can only be symbolic for reasons that I have stated ad nauseum on this thread.



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I think it's for decoration too. It just symbolizes that he has a connection to bravery. And heck, he'd better have a connection with it, considering he stood up to the most feared name in the Night Dimension.



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I agree with a decoration that symbolizes his connection to bravery. Symbolizes, not means he is BOUND to the red Ideya.

Golden Charm

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I think it's for decoration too. It just symbolizes that he has a connection to bravery. And heck, he'd better have a connection with it, considering he stood up to the most feared name in the Night Dimension.

NiGHTS stood up to Ricky Gervais, too?

No offense to Wizeman, but that guy is a much scarier nightmare in my opinion.

I'm not ruling out completely that it has nothing to the red Ideya, other than the symbolic nature, after all, hypothesizing is half the fun. I just think that if there was any major connection, it would gave been mentioned much before now.

Also the characteristics are too unlike that of the ideya. NiGHTS' gem shard is red through and through, from any sources I've seen and holds to a 3-D diamond shape (what weirdoes such as myself, who use chemistry to describe shapes might call square bipyramidal) whereas the ideya is spherical with a white-ish starburst like thing in the middle...the two are clearly not the same.

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