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NiGHTS' Ideya
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:05 AM
Just throwin' some ideas around.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:16 AM
I never really got around to writing it though.. kinda become busy with my studies and stuff.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:18 AM
A red popsicle that tasted so good that he decided to save it for later?
I think you might be on to something there. it could be his link to the children, or his way to the 'real' world.
I think flying just comes naturally to him, though.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:24 AM
I'm guessing it's just a projection, because if he could go to the Waking, would Wizeman just have used him to get to it instead of trying to take over Nightopia first?
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:35 AM
I simply think that NiGHTS' crystal is for show. It's a decoration, that's it.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:36 AM
I had always assumed that Ideya was pure energy. If this is true, then the crystal in question can't possibly be Ideya because energy has no tangible form. Furthermore, the crystal can't be the power behind any of NiGHTS' abilities, because those abilities are shared by Reala, who has no such crystal.
I simply think that NiGHTS' crystal is for show. It's a decoration, that's it.
So like...a popsicle?
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:37 AM
Right. A giant, perfectly diamond-shaped popsicle without a stick.So like...a popsicle?
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:40 AM
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:44 AM
Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:45 AM
NiGHTS: *slap* NO!
Anyway, Curiosity has a point. Energy has no solid form. But then again, I always pictured the Ideyas as crystals (they do look a bit crystal-ish), and plus, it's a dream. Physics have no say in the matter.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 07:32 AM
It's just for show though I think... Maybe the fact he has it *is* related to the red ideya, but just for decoration.
It's pretty though XD
Oh, and also- with the energy has no form thing- it is a dream... maybe that doesn't apply there? (And I think you can turn energy into like... something solid... but I don't tend to pay attention in physics so. I dunno. o_o )
Posted 05 May 2007 - 10:05 AM
Posted 05 May 2007 - 11:07 AM
Also, like PRiNCE said, if it's broken, he could die D:!
Posted 05 May 2007 - 11:45 AM
Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:50 PM
I always thought it was a shard of a red ideya. It links him to the red ideya and those who have it. But! Without it, he would die. (I'm writing a fanfiction about it.)
I always thought along those lines as well. I think the shard may be from an ideya or something, but hey. :| Whatever.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 02:03 PM
I can actually see that coming in the NiGHTS game.
Reala is sort of advertised as a final boss, but then after you beat him, Wizeman comes and smashes NiGHTS self destruct button. Like, a security feature, so if he's out of control, he can still kill NiGHTS.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 09:52 PM
Three words: Self, Destruct, Button.
My gosh, I had a mental image of someone pressing that and NiGHTS just exploding in a giant fireball. :|
Posted 05 May 2007 - 10:55 PM
My gosh, I had a mental image of someone pressing that and NiGHTS just exploding in a giant fireball. :|
Why do I have the premonition I'll be dreaming that later on? X3;;
Maybe the gem isn't an ideya shard per se, but I would agree with many of you that it links him to bravery. I had heard somewhere that Wizey-poo fitted NiGHTS with it to hunt red ideya down - can't remember where though. I really stink at citing sources, don't I? LOL
Whatever the reason, even if the designers just wanted a visual link between NiGHTS and the dreamers, it's still very very pretty!
Posted 05 May 2007 - 10:58 PM
Posted 05 May 2007 - 11:16 PM
Posted 05 May 2007 - 11:30 PM
Anyway; my thoughts are pretty much the same as those who've said it's just for decoration, and maybe a visible sign of courage. Really though, I've always just seen it has a NiGHTS thing, just like the other Nightmaren have their own thing. Jackal with his mantle, Reala with... himself, and so on so. No need for a deep meaning or anything.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 11:31 PM
Posted 06 May 2007 - 12:22 AM
The left horn represents NiGHTS' left side, and the right horn
L O L. Does his right leg have cheese dip? :3
Posted 06 May 2007 - 12:44 AM
L O L. Does his right leg have cheese dip? :3
Plenty of it.
Posted 06 May 2007 - 02:41 AM
Posted 06 May 2007 - 02:47 AM
Or maybe, its a generic Red Ideya shard of his own design that he made to generate energy similar to that of a real Red Ideya shard. And he put it into NiGHTS so that way the energy it gave off would draw real Red Ideya to him and he'd take them and bring them back.
OR (XD) the Red Ideya in his chest IS infact a Red Ideya because Wizeman sacrificed the ability to touch Red Ideya to someone who could move faster and with the Ideya in his chest, could draw more to him and gather them alot faster than he could.
Posted 06 May 2007 - 03:03 AM
The game, of course, offers no hint whatsoever, so like much of anything NiGHTS-related, it's up to the fans to come up with explanations, serious or silly.
The "red ideya shard" is a popular explanation, but since I can't think of something different (serious or silly), I'll go for the "just decoration" line until something else comes to mind. ^^
Posted 06 May 2007 - 03:33 AM
These are all horrible ideas for one simple purpose: NONE OF THE NIGHTMARENS, INCLUDING WIZEMAN, CAN TOUCH RED IDEYA.I think Wizemen somehow implanted the very first ever Red Ideya into NiGHTS' chest when he created him so that way he could find more. I mean, what's better than having a Red Ideya moving from place to place to draw other Red Ideya to it?
Or maybe, its a generic Red Ideya shard of his own design that he made to generate energy similar to that of a real Red Ideya shard. And he put it into NiGHTS so that way the energy it gave off would draw real Red Ideya to him and he'd take them and bring them back.
OR (XD) the Red Ideya in his chest IS infact a Red Ideya because Wizeman sacrificed the ability to touch Red Ideya to someone who could move faster and with the Ideya in his chest, could draw more to him and gather them alot faster than he could.
I find it extremely implausible to think that Wizeman could or would give up the ability to touch Red Ideya. Remember, he's a power-mad dictator, and those types don't give away any power for any reason.
Furthermore, if Wizeman could work with and touch Red Ideya, why was he the only one? Why is it that none of the other Nightmarens could touch Red Ideya? To say that he took away all of their Ideya-touching abilities and poured them into one Nightmaren is to say that Wizeman threw away hundreds of Red Ideya collectors and traded them for just one. That's absurd. I don't care how good that one is, it's just terrible strategy.
I should also add that Wizeman has no Ideya. How can he create Ideya if he has none of his own? Furthermore, as a power-mad dictator, why would he create Ideya for others before creating some for himself?
Finally, if Wizeman gave NiGHTS such power, why didn't he take it away when he imprisoned NiGHTS? If he put all his eggs into that one basket as you seem to suggest, then why didn't Wizeman take them back?
Folks, Wizeman has no Ideya of his own. He is therefore incapable of creating Ideya. Wizeman created NiGHTS. Therefore, no part of NiGHTS can be Ideya, let alone Red Ideya. QED.
Posted 06 May 2007 - 03:54 AM
Although I concur, Sage, avoiding the gutter = VERY YES. XD
Posted 06 May 2007 - 04:02 AM
It's not physics, it's logic. What Wizeman cannot own, he cannot create. He does not own Ideya and he created NiGHTS, so no part of NiGHTS can be Ideya. I don't care what kind of dreamland logic you're using, that much has to be true.Still, be it true to the game's physics or not, it's fun to speculate!
Personally, I think that the Red Ideya connection was one of many game manual blunders made by the USA localization team. In the game, you need an Ideya orb to enter the shrine and set NiGHTS free. Elliott and Claris are the lucky few who possess Ideya orbs that cannot be taken away. Because they possessed Red Ideya, they could enter the shrine and set NiGHTS free. Thus, NiGHTS became associated with Red Ideya.
Or maybe the Red Ideya connection comes from the fact that Red Ideya represents courage. Because NiGHTS had the courage to stand up to Wizeman, he has a connection with Red Ideya. Seems less likely to me, though.
Posted 06 May 2007 - 04:14 AM
Tis true that I read and kind of enjoyed the first three comics, even though they have little-to-no bearing on the game whatsoever. I guess basic color association between the ideya and NiGHTS' gem only fueled that?
Posted 06 May 2007 - 04:23 AM
So maybe it's not that they CAN'T, but they don't want to?
Posted 06 May 2007 - 08:12 PM
That's some big imagination, ma' friend. I like that. :3 It would be like some NiGHTS mini-comic I found once in the internet (I'll show you people if you want to). 2 words : Firework. Oh wait, that's just one. Pity. But imagine shiny stuff exploding in the sky... *imagines exploding NiGHTS*Three words: Self, Destruct, Button.
I thought of that before, too. But if what the Archie comics say is true, then he had no Red Ideya before and he was alive (of course -.-). That means that it would be possible for him to live without it. But I always thought that he wouldn't "self destruct" like AirMax said, but just get drastically weaker. Not that much better, actually.I always thought it was a shard of a red ideya. It links him to the red ideya and those who have it. But! Without it, he would die. (I'm writing a fanfiction about it.)
But in my opinion, I always saw it as Ideya, not decoration. Well, I did for some time, but few.
Posted 06 May 2007 - 09:43 PM
But to avert the wait, the crystal could be representative of NiGHTS' interest in Red Ideya.
Well, let me explain it this way: Any Maren (like NiGHTS for example) could choose to have a crystal of sorts to represent their interest in a certain Ideya. Then we'd figure out what kind of Ideya that Maren is interested in.
However, Reala doesn't have a crystal, so he could be neutral in the whole 'Ideya interest' thing.
Posted 07 May 2007 - 02:25 AM
But to avert the wait, the crystal could be representative of NiGHTS' interest in Red Ideya.
Well, the English game manual claims that NiGHTS is attracted to red ideya, so the symbolism you're suggesting is appropriate at least.
Does the Japanese manual say the same thing? I've heard that there are many glaring differences, so could someone clarify this point for me?
Posted 07 May 2007 - 02:25 AM
Honestly, I don't want an explanation for the damned thing. When people try to explain every little bitty thing, it sucks the fun out of it, usually because the "explanation" they come up with is far less thrilling than anything you may have imagined and/or not satisfying to the people who didn't care anyway. Its just more senseless filler and rambling to add to a storyline. it can stay just decor, in my opinion. I hope they leave it be. it would be SOOO cheesy if they felt they had to make some stupid story about it.Well, hopefully Sega will come up with an explaination for the crystal when JoD comes out. All companies tend to make expainations for stuff.
"OMG Without it, NiGHTS would get CANCER!! :O"
Posted 07 May 2007 - 02:35 AM
I couldn't have said it better myself.Honestly, I don't want an explanation for the damned thing. When people try to explain every little bitty thing, it sucks the fun out of it, usually because the "explanation" they come up with is far less thrilling than anything you may have imagined and/or not satisfying to the people who didn't care anyway. Its just more senseless filler and rambling to add to a storyline. it can stay just decor, in my opinion. I hope they leave it be. it would be SOOO cheesy if they felt they had to make some stupid story about it.
"OMG Without it, NiGHTS would get CANCER!! "
I have no doubt that if the red crystal were lost in the transition to JoD, we'd still look at those eyes and those horns and think "Hey, it's NiGHTS!" There would be some scuffling among the fan base, but (s)he would still fly and still be a prankster and still unquestionably be NiGHTS.
I've said it two or three times already, but I must say it again: WHY CAN'T THE CRYSTAL JUST BE FOR DECORATION?!
Archie screwed up a lot of things in their comic series. This is one of those screw-ups. Period. End of story.
Posted 07 May 2007 - 02:39 AM
Posted 07 May 2007 - 02:42 AM
Ew.:3 I think its NiGHTS heart!!~<3
Posted 07 May 2007 - 10:48 AM
Fanon-wise? Heck, if the writer/artist can pull it off/explain it well (i.e. not Archie) I don't see any problem with thinking it's a bit of Ideya, a detector for bravery, the cure of cancer... alright, maybe not that last one.
...that would make an idea of mine very, very creepy.:3 I think its NiGHTS heart!!~<3
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