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Summer of Sonic 2009

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    Your Mum

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bed bed bed.

See you lot tommorow.




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Well it was a great day. It was nice meeting you all.




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Had a good time yesterday. Highlights for me was playing Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, the handling on the cars was a bit loose but the Sumo guys told me that it will be tightened up in the final version but so far I was pretty impressed it was good fun to play. Also got to play the new Mario & Sonic game and again from what I played was pretty good fun. That and Bentley Jones performance was fantastic.

I also saw TRiPPY and DiGi but I did not get a chance to say hello but I really liked TRiPPY’s red hair and that suit DiGi was wearing which made him look like a smooth pimp. :)

DiGi Valentine

DiGi Valentine

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Lol, we were actually wondering if anybody that came over to our table might have been you. We met so many people from yesterday, Graham from SegaNerds also introduced himself to us. Lovely chap!

We had a lot of people come to our table so we were wondering if any of them might have been you, 7Force. What were you wearing? ...though if you say a 'Sonic shirt' that might prove difficult to narrow down, lol!

Anyways, easily the best convention i've been to. I felt so connected to this one. Seeing people from Sonic the Comic and speaking to them, it was an honour to be sat on the same table row as them. Those guys inspired part of my childhood and me and TRiP were, sitting in a line with them, talking about comics and stuff. So surreal yet so amazing.

Summer of Sonic 2010, can't wait.




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Lol, we were actually wondering if anybody that came over to our table might have been you. We met so many people from yesterday, Graham from SegaNerds also introduced himself to us. Lovely chap!

We had a lot of people come to our table so we were wondering if any of them might have been you, 7Force. What were you wearing? ...though if you say a 'Sonic shirt' that might prove difficult to narrow down, lol!

Anyways, easily the best convention i've been to. I felt so connected to this one. Seeing people from Sonic the Comic and speaking to them, it was an honour to be sat on the same table row as them. Those guys inspired part of my childhood and me and TRiP were, sitting in a line with them, talking about comics and stuff. So surreal yet so amazing.

Summer of Sonic 2010, can't wait.

I was wearing a blue RadioSEGA T-shirt but then there was 3 of us wearing the same shirt, site advertising you see ;). I was the really tall guy with the glasses.



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... i think i might have a photo of you on my facebook...

I should really post all our photos here!

Heeey Kentilan did you get any photos of the website pages wall? I seem to remember either you or Jof taking photos of it. Also! I seen a photo of you trading rings with Wentos XD heehehe what did he give you? I'm curious as to what was in the suitcase.




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Heeey Kentilan did you get any photos of the website pages wall? I seem to remember either you or Jof taking photos of it.

No, sorry, I didn't take any photo of the website pages.

Also! I seen a photo of you trading rings with Wentos XD heehehe what did he give you? I'm curious as to what was in the suitcase.

Really? I wanna see it! ;)
He gave me a small plastic Sonic toy. Coming with a display case cube. At first he gave me a copy of Sonic Mega Collection + but I already have Sonic Mega Collection so he kindly exchanged it.

KUROi the dreamer

KUROi the dreamer


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WELCOME BACK!! *Hugs everyone that went* :) :lol: :lol: So then, did you guys get any pictures? (I'm really happy & annoying right now, sorry)



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Today I'll shrink all the photos down and add them to this thread :)

KUROi the dreamer

KUROi the dreamer


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YAY!!! :) :P :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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