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A note to any new validating members

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    Your Mum

  • Root Admin
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Just a quick heads up to say if you have been validating for a long time now and still havent been accepted (and you're not a spam bot advertising cheap meds!) then please either contact me at [email protected] or try registering again.

Since I've been offline the forums have been having a bit of a bot signup problem with over 40 bot accounts trying to validate each day. It's very hard for the staff to guess which are real and which are fake accounts. So do yourself a favour and don't register with a name like [email protected] or something. On January I'll be able to properly resume my adminly duties and get our tech admin Myst to sort out the spambot problem. So sign up with a decent name, a legit email account and contact me via email if you don't hear anything after 2-3 days.

Thanks for visiting our forums! :(

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