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You know you've played too much NiGHTS when....
Posted 22 March 2009 - 01:44 PM
-You type out all the lyrics of "Dreams Dreams" on your calculator with the alpha key in math class b/c you're bored. (guilty)
-You visit London, point to Big Ben, and say "Look! It's Bellbridge Tower!" & get a lot of stares
-You bother the jester-hat-making costume company until they produce two-tailed purple jester hats.
Posted 22 March 2009 - 02:44 PM
Posted 22 March 2009 - 07:52 PM
-You visit London, point to Big Ben, and say "Look! It's Bellbridge Tower!" & get a lot of stares
To expand on this one...
You assume the reason they are staring at you is because they already know it's Bellbridge Tower and that it doesn't need to be pointed out.
Posted 22 March 2009 - 10:08 PM
Hey, I was gonna cosplay as the plumber in blue overalls who likes to stomp on stuffs...or perhaps the red and black flying mime.
Even that litterally, Reala still sounds awsome!
- You see the NiGHTS font everywhere (It IS everywhere!)
- You spend days attempting to burn the soundtracks of both gfames, and sob when your first attempt doesn't work (guilty...Three hours for a few songs and nothing plays it.)
- You realize how everything has "DiGi" or "Trippy" in some capacity (guilty- invades the world!)
- When your friend gives you a choice of colours for anything, you pick purple (guilty)
Posted 23 March 2009 - 12:37 PM
YUS! Check it out:You make avis on gaia that look like characters from NiGHTS.
Tis my avi. XD
Posted 23 March 2009 - 11:19 PM
- You've memorized how to play Dreams Dreams on at least 1 instrument, not including the kazoo. (guilty)
- Pinball machines make you think of Donbalon.
- Shrieking cats and tilted table games mean Bomamba's nearby.
- You name your pet fish Gulpo. (EDIT: Just noticed, someone already came up with this one. XD)
- You've adopted purple as your new favorite color (NiGHTS certainly made me like the color purple more)
- You think silver glitter is a sparkle dust trail, and that if you move it in a circle fast enough it creates a paraloop!
-Your capitalization for a lot of things is seriously messed up, because everything in NiGHTS is capitalized except for the I.
I love those Bellbridge ones. XD Sounds like something I'd totally do.
Posted 24 March 2009 - 01:24 AM
-You argue with your friend over whether Kirby is a boy or girl(he says Nintendo said Kirby was female) and somehow bring NiGHTS up to subject.
-You play the NeverLand stage in Kingdom Hearts and play Twin Seeds/BellBridge music in the background for a NiGHTS-ish feel.
Posted 24 March 2009 - 07:14 PM
Posted 24 March 2009 - 07:19 PM
You replace all the music on your boyfriend's iTunes with music from the NiGHTS games without him knowing at 3 AM, then crawl back out his window and go to bed, and listen for the inevitable infuriated shriek of "CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" (or whatever your name happens to be) from next door and the inevitable STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP CRASH sound of him stomping up your front stairs, into your front door, and into your bedroom to then stand there awkwardly as he debates with himself whether to 1) throttle you or 2) listen to his conscience and remember that throttling girls is wrong. Upon which you will laugh at him and play Dreams Dreams very loudly.
Since I'm demented, I totally want to do that now...Reala Day prank? Now to track down someone to do that to! Hopefully the victim doesn't call me Candice. That would be odd.
Posted 24 March 2009 - 07:24 PM
Well, that happens to be my name, and as you can probably tell, I am guilty. It took that poor man 3 days to restore all his music, but it was WORTH it.Since I'm demented, I totally want to do that now...Reala Day prank? Now to track down someone to do that to! Hopefully the victim doesn't call me Candice. That would be odd.
Posted 25 March 2009 - 12:20 AM
Well, that happens to be my name, and as you can probably tell, I am guilty. It took that poor man 3 days to restore all his music, but it was WORTH it.
I gathered. That does *not* happen to be my name, so being called that would be odd. You'd think he would like NiGHTS music!
Posted 25 March 2009 - 12:31 AM
Posted 25 March 2009 - 12:37 AM
- you have a sudden inclination to learn how to fly a stunt plane
- every car you own somehow ends up painted purple
- your 3D pad has a layer of your skin encrusting the pad and buttons
- [NiGHTS cosplay]
- whenever someone has an "idea" you wait for them to present a basketball-sized globe
- you foreshadow/cognitive dream up a new NiGHTS release the night before it's announced*
- jester hats suddenly become fashionable
- you can't tell whether you're playing or dreaming
*actually happened to me: I dreamed of a PS2 NiGHTS becoming available the night before it was announced o_o
Posted 25 March 2009 - 12:55 AM
-You eat silver glitter in an attempt to fart Twinkle Dust.
- It actually works, making your parents wonder how they managed to produce a child that defies all laws of physics.... and pants.
Posted 26 March 2009 - 12:26 AM
Posted 26 March 2009 - 02:54 PM
- You and your BFF RP NiGHTS and Reala through text messages.
- You've spent about $90 on purple eye shadow.
(Guilty of all of the above.)
Posted 26 March 2009 - 08:19 PM
Posted 28 March 2009 - 03:37 AM
Posted 01 April 2009 - 02:51 PM
- You realise how often the i is not capitalised.
I wonder why it's so common?
Posted 01 April 2009 - 08:45 PM
I wonder why it's so common?
NiGHTS flies into people's dreams and tell them how to capitalise.
- You dress up for Reala Day! (Oh so very guilty!)
Posted 02 April 2009 - 04:51 PM
Posted 02 April 2009 - 08:36 PM
Anyway, you know you've played too much NiGHTS when you imagine odd crossovers.
Wizeman: NiGHTS, I am your father!
NiGHTS: No! That's not true! That's impossible!
Posted 04 April 2009 - 05:23 PM
- You've doodled NiGHTS references onto your wall/jewelry box (Guilty - plan on painting them, too)
- You've managed to make a friend make a completely accidental NiGHTS reference without ever playing the actual game... and they actually know what the reference is. (Guilty - a friend of mine was trying to describe a roundabout yesterday and wound up calling it a paraloop.)
Star Wars and NiGHTS? ...Not going there, so not going there with that one...
Posted 05 April 2009 - 01:58 PM
Posted 05 April 2009 - 09:07 PM
You also know you've played too much NiGHTS when said church band actually accepts the bribe, making the poor pastor stare as Dreams Dreams plays loudly in front of 1000 people.
Posted 05 April 2009 - 10:42 PM
Me: Oh, you bought paraloop- I mean Photoshop?
Posted 07 May 2009 - 06:19 PM
-Any time you see the color purple and a jester on TV at the same time, you instantly think it's a NiGHTS homage -guilty-
Speaking of which, That 70's Show (which I have deemed no longer watchable...ugh) totally has a NiGHTS reference. Somebody's talking about wierd dreams and one of the others, making fun of them, says "Oooh, I had a dream I was purple and I could fly!"
-You spend hours writing backstory for a fan character...or...
-You spend hours writing backstory for Jackle. -giggle-
-If you see someone that looks like you, you run up to them and yell "THERE IS NO NIGHTS!" and attack them.
-You attempt to dualize with children...and get arrested for it.
-You typed your name in as NiGHTS on Twilight Princess and set the horse's name as Reala...-cough-
Posted 10 May 2009 - 07:35 PM
The First thing you think of when you hear Pinball is the NiGHTS pinball from Sonic games. *GUiLTY*
You have a friend who has only played NiGHTS once but they still love it. *GUiLTY*
You have Some sort of Flute (in my case an Ocarina) And you can play NiGHTS songs. *GUiLTY*
You Bought Sega Super Star tennis just so you could play as NiGHTS and Reala.
You Play Sonic Riders Just so you can Play as NiGHTS *Sorta GUiLTY*
When ever your lying down in Pitch black you pretend to fly like NiGHTS. *GUiLTY*
Just to name a few.
Posted 11 May 2009 - 01:21 AM
Posted 11 May 2009 - 11:55 PM
You Bought Sega Super Star tennis just so you could play as NiGHTS and Reala.
you know you've played too much NiGHTS when you start to replace the word "idea" for "Ideya" *sorta guilty*
HEY I HAVE A IDEYA! *slapped*
Posted 12 May 2009 - 05:44 PM
you know you've played too much NiGHTS when you start to replace the word "idea" for "Ideya" *sorta guilty*
HEY I HAVE A IDEYA! *slapped*
I used to do that until Sonic Team decided that it should be pronounced id-ee-uh. -pleh-
Posted 12 May 2009 - 09:00 PM
Ah, but it was always supposed to be pronounced like that you know...I used to do that until Sonic Team decided that it should be pronounced id-ee-uh. -pleh-
Posted 12 May 2009 - 09:24 PM
You must admit that it gets great reactions. I was playing JoD on Christmas and someone was yelling "IT'S THE IDEYA! 8D!" So naturally mum walks in at that very moment and wonders why I'm playing a game where people look for idiots.I used to do that until Sonic Team decided that it should be pronounced id-ee-uh. -pleh-
- You know you've played too much NiGHTS when you accidentally call people NiD/JoD characters. You know you're really crazy when Jackie becomes Jackle. *GUiLTY*
- You read this topic and wonder "Huh? There's such thing as too much NiGHTS?!"
- You make NiGHTS parodies of songs. For example:
"You can't stand under the Queen Bella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh" (To the tune of Rihanna's "Umbrella")
Posted 15 May 2009 - 12:50 PM
DAiLiGHT: I love you for doing that at your church. XD SO MUCH.
Razer: I'm GUiLTY of the Sonic Riders bit. XD And the flute part too. I even played Dreams Dreams for a school concert prelude because NiGHTS is that EPIC.
~ No matter what game you play, you always use NiGHTS CAPiTALiZATiON for your character's names. (GUiLTY. Just did it this morning with the used copy of FFX I bought).
~ You wake up, and the first thing you see is some sort of NiGHTS paraphenalia. (My NiGHTS hat and a paper red ideya jewel. GUiLTY.)
~ You've gotten up at insane times of the night JUST to play NiGHTS against people from other countries. (GUiLTY. MASSiVELY.)
Posted 15 May 2009 - 11:07 PM
No one is ever on wifi when I am. Except for some Russian person who was really, really good, and a Japanese person who was even better. I have got to put my friend code on here...Massive ROFL-ing here because of that ideya incident. ^^
DAiLiGHT: I love you for doing that at your church. XD SO MUCH.
Razer: I'm GUiLTY of the Sonic Riders bit. XD And the flute part too. I even played Dreams Dreams for a school concert prelude because NiGHTS is that EPIC.
~ No matter what game you play, you always use NiGHTS CAPiTALiZATiON for your character's names. (GUiLTY. Just did it this morning with the used copy of FFX I bought).
~ You wake up, and the first thing you see is some sort of NiGHTS paraphenalia. (My NiGHTS hat and a paper red ideya jewel. GUiLTY.)
~ You've gotten up at insane times of the night JUST to play NiGHTS against people from other countries. (GUiLTY. MASSiVELY.)
Posted 16 May 2009 - 03:11 AM
I don't want them to see My Dream anyway. XD
Posted 16 May 2009 - 05:49 AM
You know you've you pla yed too much NiGHTS when...
You Buy a comic just for a NiGHTS ad. GUiLTY
You convince your Basketball coach to make the uniform a Blue shirt with Green pants.
When Wizeman Comes in your dream and then you start flying for some reason.
When you see an octopus you chase after it hoping it will leave some Rings or chips behind.
You actually Imported the PS2 NiGHTS. GUiLTY in a way.
Posted 16 May 2009 - 07:54 AM
Totallt guilty there. I was looking through an Archie comic at Safeway, and there was a JoD ad, and I'm all, "OMGSLKDJBFSJDK*spazz*" so I bought it even though I'm iffy about Archie.You know you've you played too much NiGHTS when...
You Buy a comic just for a NiGHTS ad. GUiLTY
Posted 16 May 2009 - 10:34 PM
Posted 26 July 2009 - 04:42 AM
- you write NiGHTS fanfiction on a whim after walking around as (insert character) for a while. (guilty)
- you put yourself in Jackle's shoes and cackle...a lot.
- you sing "Dreams Dreams" backwards...and/or in other languages.
- you write even more fanfiction, this time actually making the Nightopias as accurate as can be according to the Visitors' personalities. (soon to be guilty)
- you dream of Owl speaking to you and he won't shut up. ><
- you dream you are Jackle getting revenge for not being in JoD.
- you make lyrics for your own songs based on the games.
- you go to conventions and glomp people in NiD or JoD costumes.
- you have dreams of pushing aside Claris/Elliot/Will/Helen and proceed to dualize with NiGHTS, Reala, or Jackle.
- you buy as many card decks as possible and toss the cards at strangers, cackling "Give it up, NiGHTS" (or whatever the people's names are).
- you want to go to a rave with Reala. ._.
- you go to a rave dressed as Reala. ._.
All I got for now.
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