I got mine today, YES! XD Had to search through eight different stores to find it, but oh well. * squees over NiGHTS cover image*
From what I've read about the game, I like the sound of it. The graphics look a bit.....odd, in my opinion..........but maybe that's just me. ' Splash Garden' or whatever the heck it may be looks BEAUTIFUL.
There's only one thing that bugs me. Reading about the new 'Maren boss, I'm pretty sure that Puffy and Jackle are history. I noticed several things I didn't before:
#1: Obviously, like Puffy, this thing is shaped like a big round beach ball. But I didn't notice till now what was wrapped around it. A cloak. A hideously colored cloak, but a cloak nonetheless.
#2: Another thing I noticed that no one seems to have mentioned is this things arms......they seem to be invisible. Its hands just float there, and its gloves are like colored in the same way as Jackles, just green with yellow tips instead of yellow with red. ( or whatever the heck Archie colored them as)
It also confirmed that the Maren bounces, and that you have to navigate through a labyrinth in able to beat it. I'm sorry....but I hate Puffy. And I love Jackle. I'm not too happy about that mix.
But other than that, looks great. ^^ I annoyed everyone in my house today by running around, shoving the magazine into their faces and saying " LOOKIT!" ^^''
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Started by TRiPPY, May 01 2007 07:42 PM
Posted 10 May 2007 - 12:49 AM
Posted 10 May 2007 - 11:44 PM
I bought the issue last week. Its actually sitting right here by the computer and Im squeeing at the cover.
Ive been optimistic about the game from the start though. The way Iizuka describes it and tlaks passionately about getting it right Ive been nothing but confident about all aspects of it except the overall graphical quality. but thats just a nitpick and Ill accept the game no matter how it looks at this point.
Ive been optimistic about the game from the start though. The way Iizuka describes it and tlaks passionately about getting it right Ive been nothing but confident about all aspects of it except the overall graphical quality. but thats just a nitpick and Ill accept the game no matter how it looks at this point.
Posted 22 May 2007 - 11:03 PM
Wow I'm really late to post in this but there's one thing that confuses me. Granted I couldn't go looking for every bit of NiGHTS trivia back when the game came out, but one thing I gathered was that Wizeman was not only trying to take over the dream world, as described in this article, but he was trying to merge reality with Nightopia and rule them both. Thus the tweaked-out Twin Seeds as the last level. But maybe I was wrong?
Posted 24 May 2007 - 05:59 PM
Ha, my bf and I scoured San Jose for that mag. It makes me squeal with fangurly happiness. I'm so happy that its this pretty, that I think my firstborn child will be hard pressed to be more impressive. XD J/K
Posted 30 May 2007 - 01:58 AM
That tower in the picture looks just like the reflection in NiGHTS' eye from the cover. I wonder if this means that NiGHTS enters the waking world.
Posted 07 June 2007 - 02:43 PM
Dunno why I took so long to look at this thread.. love the preview
Hey, Wizeman is confirmed back! And people in the chit chat are questioning this..
Hey, Wizeman is confirmed back! And people in the chit chat are questioning this..
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