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Jackle's Theme

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sounds plausible.




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I thought it sounded like the AppleTalk voices! Good job figuring that one out, Q-Lok! ^_^

Thanks! Yeah, I'm just used to hearing them, I guess. Besides, it seems like the Japanese have some kind of AppleTalk obsession -- I hear it in all kinds of odd places. For example, the episode title cards in Serial Experiments Lain are read by that same Whisper voice. Also, I've heard a couple of songs where all of the lyrics are just read by Whisper or Fred. It's actually really funny, because they all use Japanese-Romanji phonetics to do English text-to-speech. So you get these bizarre ones where it pronounces "Gimme some high energy" as "Gib me so eyen arvee." It's really amusing to listen to -- it's the song "Gimme Some High Energy," by a group whose name I am unfortunately unable to remember. XP



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I've got it! The second part says
"The Maren of Showtime"
XD It actually sounds like that.

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